@dan Thank you for the link. I actually did go through the API documentation. But I couldn't find API call for the following highlighted queries:
a Retrieving List of all users for a specific tenant
b Retrieving List of all users within a specific application for a particular tenant
- Retrieving List of all users for a specific tenant

In here, "Retrieve a user" only retrieves a single user.
"Search for Users", it also only retrieves the users whose Ids are provided in the query.
its the same for following, I can't find any API calls in API documentation of Users, Registration, Login or Tenants/Application.
- Retrieving List of all users within a specific application for a particular tenant
I have created a generic group as well, and then try to add users into that. When I retrieve the group i don't get any information regarding they are part of which groups. So It can not be used as well.
Q1 - Is it not possible retrieve these datas?
Q2 - Do we have to separately keep a database to maintain the list our self to retrieve these data on go.
(This data is required by us to create a management portal for both super admin who manages all the tenants/applications related information and for individual tenant admins who manages their own users and their related information. )
Thank you