If our connection to sendgrid is off while we had emails sent for email verification. Is there a way we can resend those emails for newly registered users?
If our connection to sendgrid is off while we had emails sent for email verification. Is there a way we can resend those emails for newly registered users?
@dan if you see above our freemarker is also similarly done. we've assigned the url for the link to dashboardurl for simplicity.
<h1>Verify your email</h1>
<p>Use this temporary code to verify your email:</p>
[#if verificationOneTimeCode??]
<p class="code">${verificationOneTimeCode}</p>
@dan it looks like our staging instance is already licensed.
the server is in Development mode
@dan yes, we have this on our production environment. are you saying we need a license for our staging environment as well?
I've selected enter a short code to verify an email address but the email sent is the clickable link.
the copy in the email also is for the short code.
[#if verificationOneTimeCode??]
<p class="code">${verificationOneTimeCode}</p>
anything we're mis-configuring?
We're currently using Fusion Auth 1.36.8. and when we update a user's group and subsequently submit a user update complete event. we should see a webhook triggered with their latest group. What we're sometimes seeing in the webhook response is the old group the user is in before adding them to the new group or the user in the 2 groups they're in before we remove them from the first group. Is there caching going on that we can override to guarantee the latest group changes a user is in?
Is there a way we can store profile data properties as strings vs. the arrays it's creating?
here is an example of what we're seeing.
"default_password_nag" : [ "" ],
"description" : [ "" ],
"dismissed_wp_pointers" : [ "vc_pointers_backend_editor" ],
"facebook" : [ "" ],
For testing purposes I want to re-create an account on my local instance of FusionAuth to match what's up in our staging enviornment. Is there a way to update the FA ID for a user? I'm trying to test a scenario with an integration that's passing back a userid from an integration
Is there an api I can call that removes a user from all groups? I can see one that explicitly removes them from a particular group, but I'd like to remove them from all groups.
Is it possible to add users to a default group when registering with a new account?