Ill give some more info on how we want to do it soon. as in a user story. whatever we come up with i woudl also like to incorporate in the blogpost / repos that we will share with @naughtly-keller.
Long story short would be.
How we solved users:
Create user request ====> graphql ===> azure function ( created user in FA, returns info, uses uuid and email to create user in our hasura DB users table. From the moment of creation of a user in DB, if in our DB something gets changed ( EG name usermane email etc, this request triggers a function to update and sync that change with Fusionauth.
For auth we include and X-hasura-user and role in the JWT. inside of hasura we pull this from the auth header and then a user is allowed to modify things in its own row and read information that goes with the role.
what we want with organizations:
This is fashion has a studio application much like Youtube studio to manage uploads to our platform. on this platform we want organizations to be able to manage their own content ( think brands, and their catwalks, films, shortfilms ) which then will be available for users on our platform to consume.
The prettiest solution would be if we can add an x-hasura-org with an organization UUID to the token. and include the role the user has in the organization as well. We would like handle organization details synchronization in the same way as we do with users at the moment. This way we could let a user switch organizations by changing their token. reason for this is we are planning on using microservices, and this way we can just pass the needed info in headers to those services.
within hasura there would be an organizations table very much like we have our users table now.
@naughtly-keller you can shoot me an email to setup a call and demo if you want sander@thisisfashion.tv