@kvi68507 Thanks for the reply, and Happy New Year, I'm back from vacation and looking at this again.
There is no mention in those debug logs of anything being stored, nor specifically of a token being processed, though the values are logged-out. Below is one such log entry, with sensitive information changed/obfuscated.
OpenID Connect IdP Response Debug Log for [AAD [Customer]] [8a3c7f38-472e-4123-9535-1ce307e62892]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Call the configured Token endpoint [https://login.microsoftonline.com/289b660e-0782-4c53-9c0b-842e7a78127b/oauth2/v2.0/token]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Endpoint returned status code [200]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Access Token Response:
"token_type" : "Bearer",
"scope" : "email openid profile GroupMember.Read.All User.Read",
"expires_in" : 4370,
"ext_expires_in" : 4370,
"access_token" : "XYZ",
"id_token" : "ABC"
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Call the configured Userinfo endpoint [https://graph.microsoft.com/oidc/userinfo]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Endpoint returned status code [200]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Build a new user object from the returned Userinfo response:
"sub" : "nUg...vTE",
"name" : "John, Smith
"family_name" : "Smith",
"given_name" : "John",
"picture" : "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/photo/$value",
"email" : "john.smith@example.com"
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Linking strategy [LinkByEmailForExistingUser]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Resolved email to [john.smith@example.com]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Resolved username to [null]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Resolved unique Id to [nUg...vTE]
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Identity provider returned a unique Id [nUg...vTE].
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z User with Id [ef92b199-78eb-4e1b-a11c-961479ac189f] is linked to this external user.
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Updating user:
"active" : true,
"connectorId" : "8f95b8fa-dbad-4abd-a181-c1588aa789c6",
"data" : {},
"email" : "john.smith@example.com",
"firstName" : "John",
"fullName" : "John Smith",
"id" : "ef92b199-78eb-4e1b-a11c-961479ac189f",
"insertInstant" : 1680595126370,
"lastLoginInstant" : 1734609341287,
"lastName" : "Smith",
"lastUpdateInstant" : 1734609015397,
"memberships" : [ ],
"passwordChangeRequired" : false,
"passwordLastUpdateInstant" : 1680595126653,
"preferredLanguages" : [ ],
"registrations" : [ ],
"tenantId" : "48a37aac-f779-4fce-82a1-f26f6406fc43",
"twoFactor" : {
"methods" : [ ],
"recoveryCodes" : [ ]
"uniqueUsername" : "john.smith@example.com",
"username" : "john.smith@example.com",
"usernameStatus" : "ACTIVE",
"verified" : true
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z User is already registered for application with Id [ff737d7b-7d9a-479a-b09b-139ad8b8b813].
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z User has successfully been reconciled and logged into FusionAuth.
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Authentication type: OPENID_CONNECT
1/6/2025 12:33:47 PM Z Authentication state: Authenticated
As you can see, the token and user info endpoints at Microsoft are called, but there's no specific mention of anything being stored, just the user record being updated. Are you familiar with these logs and have seen output that does mention storage activities?