@dan said in Authentication for a cgi-bin:
I"m not quite sure what you're trying to do.
maybe I don't know either.
without going into too much detail, the aim is to allow authenticated users to browse the Internet: the server where FusionAuth is installed will act as a firewall / gateway. Basically when a user is authenticated the executed script will create the appropriate rules via iptables.
so every time a user authenticates, something happens.
this something must know from which IP the request is made.
to answer your question: yes, I want to have an action (structured, complex) be fired off whenever someone logs in.
I repeat, maybe I'm wrong approach since I don't know the product, but I thought the best thing was to run a script after authentication. however I have to check that the call to the script is valid (authenticated user). If I authenticate via browser and then try to run the curl command (to simulate what the script would do) I get the error "The request is missing a required parameter: grant_type".
In the meantime, I'd like to understand what I'm wrong, that is why this error comes out: personal curiosity.
If there are simpler solutions to do what I need (events and webhooks) all the better.
After your suggestion I studied some webhooks (which I didn't know).
I created one, linked to the user.login.success event. If I didn't get it wrong, when this event goes off, it will visit a URL protected via basic auth, in this way I should be okay. I don't care about passing data, I just run the script. If I do it with the button (Webhooks-> Test-> Send events) everything works, if instead I perform the authentication nothing happens. there is no json handling in the script: I just run it, but it doesn't run.
I think I need to response with a status code of 200.
I don't know ... something is missing. maybe something big.