So would I be right in thinking, currently FusionAuth can't stop someone with an authenticated account using a application, but this is coming?

So basically is up to the application itself to check if they're authorised to use the app?

A better way to think about this is to separate authentication and authorization. FusionAuth will always authenticate the user because a user exists in the tenant, so if the user presents a valid username and password they will be authenticated.

FusionAuth then hands you back information about the user so you can authorize them based upon the authority the user has been assigned to the application - specified by the request parameter applicationId (or client_id in OAuth land)

So basically is up to the application itself to check if they're authorised to use the app?

This is correct.

However, even if FusionAuth were to reject the login request because the user was not registered to the application, it would be a mistake for you not to still perform an authorization check on the user.

The user may have an admin role, or a user role - so there will always be a need for you to verify the integrity of the JWT FusionAuth returns to you. These checks include verifying the signature to ensure FusionAuth signed it, not expired, the JWT is intended for your application (generally done by checking the aud claim), and then that the the JWT contains claims that indicate the user can perform the requested action. This can be done by checking the applicationId and roles claims.

There is an open issue to configure the Login API and related OAuth grants to optionally reject the request if the user is not registered to the application. Even with this feature, you'll still always need to be performing additional authorization checks to ensure the response is valid and the user has the necessary permissions.


Hope that helps!