@kash Thank you kash for your reply once more. I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for.
But would be happy to provide whatever details you need.
Just to reiterate. I have initially completed a project that uses Google and other 3rd party authenticators directly. And it works perfectly. However, now my company wants to use FusionAuth. So I have to start from the beginning. Yay me!
The previous process as I mentioned called Google 3 times. First call was to get the code. Google called the "callback" servlet with the code which I used to obtain the Authorization Token. I then proceeded to call Google for the 3rd time with the Authorization Token to get the user info. This all works.
I thought that FusionAuth would perform all 3 steps for me. Meaning I would call it once and it would return to me the User Info. However, when I call FusionAuth, I see that my callback is called after step 1, which is where Google returns the code. And I have to call Google myself for calls 2 and 3. Which is very challenging since the callback (i.e. redirect_uri parameter must be identical between calls 1 and 2).
At the moment, my callback servlet simply calls Google to obtain the Authentication Token based on the code that was returned. Initially, I had code in my callback servlet to parse the User response that I was hoping to get back from FusionAuth. Alas, that code had to be commented out.
As I'm still not sure how to call FusionAuth to get it to perform all 3 steps for me.
Meaning what URL should I be using to get FusionAuth to perform all 3 steps for me?
In my previous reply I posted the image of the URL I'm using now.