Pending Link strategy does not complete
I'm currently trying to implement linkings between Identity Providers and FusionAuth accounts.
This works pretty good and the whole connect/authorization workflow runs flawlesly. Though, when using the Pending Link strategy, the user does not get linked at the end (although he is logged in, etc.). However, if I use the Link-on-email strategy for example, the user gets linked without a problem.I got no logs and no errors, apart from this message from the Debug Event Log of the Identity Provider (Discord):
3/1/2022 04:11:04 PM GMT The link must now be completed using the Link API.
Furthermore, the workflow redirects to the same page where it started, but it has additional parameter:?code=XXX&locale=en&state=XXX&userState=Authenticated
.Apart from that, I really have no clues about this problem. I know my information is rather meagre, so if you have any additional questions, just ask.
Best regards
- 22 days later
You will want to review our linking strategies. When this occurs, oftentimes, this is due to custom mapping needed (you can see this in our discord doc).
The event log is another great place to look to see how your user is or is not being linked/created.
You can also look at our doc for discord as an IDP
Hope this helps!