I'm so glad you solved it!
@sswami said in After Chrome 80+ Cookie Set SameSite=None requires 'Secure' in Android WebView doesn't seem to complete Authorize:
I don't know, if what I am doing is best practice or was there something else I should have done, at least this is working for me as now.
In the blog post I mention, the app uses the react-native-app-auth library, that may be worth investigating as it provides the hooks into the native browser.
This may be worth investigating so you don't have to support your own solution, though of course I'm glad you have it working.
There is another issue, calling /api/logout?global=true&refreshToken={refresh_token} only signs out of the app, but doesn't signout from the FusionAuth completely, making it redirecting back to the App instead of the Login Screen?
You should remove your access tokens in your client when the logout button is pressed. The FusionAuth logout API only removes cookies. This post may be helpful: https://fusionauth.io/community/forum/topic/270/logout-questions