Please be mindful of our posting guidelines, as I do believe this question would be better suited for a computer science special interest forum - there is much variability to consider when making career choices. This conversation is a worthy conversation to have, but may not be related to FusionAuth directly.
Communicating with strangers on the Internet can be awkward. It's hard to convey or read tone, and sarcasm is frequently misunderstood. Try to use clear language, and think about how it will be received by the other person.
This applies to sharing links, as well. Any links shared in the Community Forum should be shared with the intent of providing relevant and appropriate information. Links should not be posted to simply drive traffic or attention to a site. Links should always be accompanied by a full explanation of the content and purpose of the link. Posting links, especially unsolicited ones, without relevant and valuable context can come across as advertising or serving even more malicious purposes.
Additionally, the FusionAuth Community Forum is for collaboration, sharing ideas, and helping each other get stuff done. Off-topic comments are a distraction (sometimes welcome, but usually not) from getting work done and being productive. Staying on topic helps produce positive and productive discussions.
When asking others to give you feedback or collaborate on a project, only share valuable and relevant resources to provide context. Don't post links that don't add value to the Topic, and don't post unsolicited links to your own projects or sites on other user's threads.
Additionally, don't share sensitive information. This includes your own email address. We don't allow the sharing of such information in this Community Forum, as it can create security and privacy risks for the poster, as well as other users. If you'd like to invite other Forum members to collaborate on a project or work with you, share a link to the repository in which the project you are working on exists. By sharing the link to your project repo - with some information on what your project is and what kind of help or feedback you're looking for - you can invite others to collaborate with you via issues or pull requests without having to share your private information. You can also add others as outside collaborators on your project repo to give them special permissions to help you develop your project.