Audit Logs


This page contains the APIs that are used to manage the Audit Log. Here are the APIs:

Add an Entry to the Audit Log

This API allows you to insert an Audit Log. Generally, Audit Logs are created automatically whenever an admin does something from the FusionAuth UI. However, you can use this API to insert Audit Logs directly if you need.


API Key Authentication
Create an Audit Log
POST /api/system/audit-log

Request Body


An object that can hold additional details of an audit log.


Intended to be utilized during a change to record the new value.


Intended to be utilized during a change to record the old value prior to the change.


Intended to be utilized during a change to indicate the reason for the modification.


The user that took the action that is being written to the Audit Logs. We suggest you use email addresses for this field.


The message of the Audit Log.

Example Request JSON

  "auditLog": {
    "data": {
      "externalId": "_applicationA"
    "newValue:": "{\"name\": \"bar\"}",
    "oldValue": "{\"name\": \"foo\"}",
    "reason": "Because I like to change things.",
    "insertUser": "",
    "message": "Example audit log"


The response for this API does not contain a body. It only contains a status code.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Retrieve an Audit Log


API Key Authentication
Retrieve an Audit Log by Id
GET /api/system/audit-log/{logId}

Request Parameters


The unique Id of the Audit Log to retrieve.


Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Response Body


Additional details of an audit log.


The new value of a changed object.


The previous value of a changed object.


The reason why the audit log was created.


The Audit Log unique Id.


The instant when the Audit Log was created.


The user that created the Audit Log.


The message of the Audit Log.

Example JSON Response

  "auditLog": {
    "data": {
      "externalId": "_applicationA"
    "newValue:": "{\"name\": \"bar\"}",
    "oldValue": "{\"name\": \"foo\"}",
    "reason": "Because I like to change things.",
    "id": 3,
    "insertInstant": 1471796483322,
    "insertUser": "",
    "message": "Changed Application"

Search the Audit Log

This API allows you to search and paginate through the Audit Logs.


API Key Authentication
Searches the Audit Logs using the given search criteria
GET /api/system/audit-log/search?message={message}&start={start}&end={end}&user={user}

When calling the API using a GET request you will send the search criteria on the URL using request parameters. In order to simplify the example URL above, not every possible parameter is shown, however using the provided pattern you may add any of the documented request parameters to the URL.

Request Parameters


The end instant of the date/time range to search within.


The string to search in the Audit Log message for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.

newValueStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The string to search for in the Audit Log field for newValue . Note, that not all audit log entries will contain this field, it is primarily used for Audit Logs for updates to existing objects.

numberOfResultsIntegerDefaults to 25

The number of results to return from the search.

oldValueStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The string to search for in the Audit Log field for oldValue . Note, that not all audit log entries will contain this field, it is primarily used for Audit Logs for updates to existing objects.

orderByStringDefaults to insertInstant DESC

The database column to order the search results on plus the order direction.

The possible values are:

  • insertInstant - the instant when the Audit Log was created
  • insertUser - the user that create the Audit Log
  • message - the message of the Audit Log

For example, to order the results by the insert instant in a descending order, the value would be provided as insertInstant DESC. The final string is optional can be set to ASC or DESC.

reasonStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The string to search for in the Audit Log field for reason . Note, that not all audit log entries will contain this field.


The start instant of the date/time range to search within.

startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The offset row to return results from. If the search has 200 records in it and this is 50, it starts with row 50.


The string to search in the Audit Log user for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.

API Key Authentication
Searches the Audit Logs using the given search criteria
POST /api/system/audit-log/search

When calling the API using a POST request you will send the search criteria in a JSON request body.

Request Body


The end instant of the date/time range to search within.


The string to search in the Audit Log message for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.

search.newValueStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The string to search for in the Audit Log field for newValue . Note, that not all audit log entries will contain this field, it is primarily used for Audit Logs for updates to existing objects.

In versions >= 1.49.0 sensitive values may be masked.

search.numberOfResultsIntegerDefaults to 25

The number of results to return from the search.

search.oldValueStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The string to search for in the Audit Log field for oldValue . Note, that not all audit log entries will contain this field, it is primarily used for Audit Logs for updates to existing objects.

In versions >= 1.49.0 sensitive values may be masked.

search.orderByStringDefaults to insertInstant DESC

The database column to order the search results on plus the order direction.

The possible values are:

  • insertInstant - the instant when the Audit Log was created
  • insertUser - the user that create the Audit Log
  • message - the message of the Audit Log

For example, to order the results by the insert instant in a descending order, the value would be provided as insertInstant DESC. The final string is optional can be set to ASC or DESC.

search.reasonStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The string to search for in the Audit Log field for reason . Note, that not all audit log entries will contain this field.


The start instant of the date/time range to search within.

search.startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The offset row to return results from. If the search has 200 records in it and this is 50, it starts with row 50.


The string to search in the Audit Log user for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.


The response for this API contains the Audit Logs matching the search criteria in paginated format.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Response Body


The list of Audit Logs returned by the search.


Additional details of an audit log.


The new value of a changed object.

In versions >= 1.49.0 sensitive values may be masked.


The previous value of a changed object.

In versions >= 1.49.0 sensitive values may be masked.


The reason why the audit log was created.


The Audit Log unique Id.


The instant when the Audit Log was created.


The user that created the Audit Log.


The message of the Audit Log.


The total number of Audit Logs matching the search criteria. Use this value along with the numberOfResults and startRow in the Search request to perform pagination.

Example JSON Response

  "auditLogs": [
      "id": 1,
      "insertInstant": 1471786483322,
      "insertUser": "",
      "message": "Audit Log 1"
      "id": 2,
      "insertInstant": 1471786489322,
      "insertUser": "",
      "message": "Audit Log 2"
      "data": {
        "externalId": "_applicationA"
      "newValue:": "{\"name\": \"bar\"}",
      "oldValue": "{\"name\": \"foo\"}",
      "reason": "Because I like to change things.",
      "id": 3,
      "insertInstant": 1471796483322,
      "insertUser": "",
      "message": "Changed Application"
  "total": 100

Export Audit Logs

Available Since Version 1.7.0

This API is used to export the Audit Logs, the response will be a compressed zip archive.


API Key Authentication
Export the Audit Logs matching the criteria
GET /api/system/audit-log/export?message={message}&start={start}&end={end}&user={user}

When calling the API using a GET request you will send the export criteria on the URL using request parameters. In order to simplify the example URL above, not every possible parameter is shown, however using the provided pattern you may add any of the documented request parameters to the URL.

Request Parameters


The format string used to format the date and time columns in the export result.

When this parameter is omitted a default format of M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss a z will be used. See the DateTimeFormatter patterns for additional examples.


The end instant of the date/time range to search within.


The string to search in the Audit Log message for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.


The start instant of the date/time range to search within.


The string to search in the Audit Log user for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.


The time zone used to adjust the stored UTC time in the export result.

For example:

America/Denver or US/Mountain

When this parameter is omitted the configured default report time zone will be used. See reportTimezone in the System Configuration API.

API Key Authentication
Export the Audit Logs matching the criteria
POST /api/system/audit-log/export

When calling the API using a POST request you will send the export criteria in a JSON request body.

Request Body


The end instant of the date/time range to include in the export.


The string to search in the Audit Log message for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.


The start instant of the date/time range to include in the export.


The string to search in the Audit Log user for. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.


The format string used to format the date and time columns in the export result.

When this parameter is omitted a default format of M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss a z will be used. See the DateTimeFormatter patterns for additional examples.


The time zone used to adjust the stored UTC time in the export result.

For example:

America/Denver or US/Mountain

When this parameter is omitted the configured default report time zone will be used. See reportTimezone in the System Configuration API.


The response for this API will contain a compressed zip of the audit logs.

Response Codes
Code Description

The request was successful. The response will be a compressed archive byte stream with a Content-Type of application/zip.

400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.