

A FusionAuth Tenant is a named object that represents a discrete namespace for Users, Applications and Groups. A user is unique by email address or username within a tenant.

Tenants may be useful to support a multi-tenant application where you wish to use a single instance of FusionAuth but require the ability to have duplicate users across the tenants in your own application. In this scenario a user may exist multiple times with the same email address and different passwords across tenants.

Tenants may also be useful in a test or staging environment to allow multiple users to call APIs and create and modify users without possibility of collision.

The following APIs are provided to manage Tenants.

The following APIs provide a subset of the Tenant configuration without an API Key.

Create a Tenant

This API is used to create a new Tenant.


API Key Authentication
Create a Tenant with a randomly generated Id
POST /api/tenant
API Key Authentication
Create a Tenant with the provided unique Id
POST /api/tenant/{tenantId}

Request Parameters

tenantIdUUIDDefaults to secure random UUID

The Id to use for the new Tenant. If not specified a secure random UUID will be generated.

Request Body

tenant.accessControlConfiguration.uiIPAccessControlListIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the IP Access Control List limiting access to all applications in this tenant.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize IP ACLs.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.captchaMethodStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The type of CAPTCHA method to use. This field is required when tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabled is set to true. The possible values are:

  • GoogleRecaptchaV2 - use Google reCAPTCHA v2
  • GoogleRecaptchaV3 - use Google reCAPTCHA v3
  • HCaptcha - use HCaptcha
  • HCaptchaEnterprise - use HCaptcha Enterprise - v25

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether CAPTCHA configuration is enabled.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.secretKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The secret key for this CAPTCHA method. This field is required when tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.siteKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The site key for this CAPTCHA method. This field is required when tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.thresholdFloatAvailable since 1.30.0

The numeric threshold which separates a passing score from a failing one. This value only applies if using either the Google v3 or HCaptcha Enterprise method, otherwise this value is ignored.

The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Values outside of that range will result in an error.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.connectorPoliciesArrayAvailable since 1.18.0

A list of Connector policies. Users will be authenticated against Connectors in order. Each Connector can be included in this list at most once and must exist.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].connectorIdUUIDAvailable since 1.18.0

The identifier of the Connector to which this policy refers.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].domainsArray<String>Available since 1.18.0

An list of email domains to which this connector should apply.

A value of ["*"] indicates this connector applies to all users.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].migrateBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.18.0

If true, the user’s data will be migrated to FusionAuth at first successful authentication; subsequent authentications will occur against the FusionAuth datastore. If false, the Connector’s source will be treated as authoritative.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.


An object that can hold any information about the Tenant that should be persisted.

tenant.emailConfiguration.additionalHeadersArray<Object>Available since 1.32.0

The additional SMTP headers to be added to each outgoing email. Each SMTP header consists of a name and a value.

tenant.emailConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.37.0

Determines if debug should be enabled to create an event log to assist in debugging SMTP errors.

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromEmailStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default email address that emails will be sent from when a from address is not provided on an individual email template. This is the address part email address (i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromNameStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default From Name used in sending emails when a from name is not provided on an individual email template. This is the display name part of the email address ( i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their email address is updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailVerifiedEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template used to notify a user that their email address has been verified.

tenant.emailConfiguration.forgotPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user is sent a forgot password email.

tenant.emailConfiguration.hostStringDefaults to localhostAvailable since 1.8.0

The host name of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.implicitEmailVerificationAllowedDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.32.0

When set to true, this allows email to be verified as a result of completing a similar email based workflow such as change password. When set to false, the user must explicitly complete the email verification workflow even if the user has already completed a similar email workflow such as change password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to create an account with their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to update an existing account to use their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they log in on a new device.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a suspicious login occurs.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional password FusionAuth will use to authenticate with the SMTP server.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordlessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Passwordless Email Template, sent to users when they start a passwordless login.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they have completed a ‘forgot password’ workflow and their password has been reset.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their password has been updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.portIntegerDefaults to 25Available since 1.8.0

The port of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.propertiesStringAvailable since 1.8.0

Custom SMTP configuration properties that may be necessary in some cases. This can contain any Java mail property. It will override anything FusionAuth sets by default.

The following property has a default value:

  • mail.smtp.ssl.protocols has a default value of TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.

Since version 1.44.0, the following two properties have default values:

  • mail.smtp.timeout has a default value of 2000.
  • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout has a default value of 2000.

Here’s an example value which overrides these properties; in this case setting both timeout defaults to 5 seconds.

tenant.emailConfiguration.securityStringDefaults to NONEAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of security protocol FusionAuth will use when connecting to the SMTP server. The possible values are:

  • NONE - no security will be used. All communications will be sent plaintext.
  • SSL - SSL will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This protocol is not recommended unless it is the only one your SMTP server supports.
  • TLS - TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This is the preferred protocol for all SMTP servers.
tenant.emailConfiguration.setPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user had their account created for them and they must set their password manually and they are sent an email to set their password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been added to their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been removed from their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.allowEmailChangeWhenGatedBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When this value is set to true, the user is allowed to change their email address when they are gated because they haven’t verified their email address.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behaviorStringDefaults to AllowAvailable since 1.27.0

The desired behavior during login for a user that does not have a verified email. The possible values are:

  • Allow - the user will be allowed to complete login.
  • Gated - verification is required before a user can complete login. The use of this value will require a paid plan.
tenant.emailConfiguration.usernameStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional username FusionAuth will to authenticate with the SMTP server.


The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users to verify that their email address is valid. If either the verifyEmail or verifyEmailWhenChanged fields are true, this field is required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verificationStrategyStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The process by which the user will verify their email address. The possible values are:

  • ClickableLink - send the user a code with a clickable link.
  • FormField - send the user a short code intended to be manually entered into a form field. This is only available when tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behavior has the Gated value.
tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the registers with your application.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailWhenChangedBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the user changes them.

tenant.eventConfiguration.eventsObjectAvailable since 1.8.0

A mapping of the configuration for each event type that FusionAuth sends. The event types that are the keys into this Object are:

  • audit-log.create - When an audit log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • event-log.create - When an event log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • jwt.public-key.update - When a JWT RSA Public / Private keypair may have been changed
  • jwt.refresh - When an access token is refreshed using a refresh token Available since 1.16.0
  • jwt.refresh-token.revoke - When a JWT Refresh Token is revoked
  • kickstart.success - When kickstart has successfully completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.action - When a user action is triggered
  • user.bulk.create - When multiple users are created in bulk (i.e. during an import)
  • user.create - When a user is created
  • user.create.complete - When a user create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.deactivate - When a user is deactivated
  • user.delete - When a user is deleted
  • user.delete.complete - When a user delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.update - When a user updates their email address Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.verified - When a user verifies their email address Available since 1.8.0
  • user.identity-provider.link - When a link is created from a user to an Identity Provider Available since 1.36.0
  • user.identity-provider.unlink - When an existing Identity Provider link is removed from a User Available since 1.36.0
  • user.loginId.duplicate.create - When a request to create a user with a login Id (email or username) which is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.create event .

  • user.loginId.duplicate.update - When a request to update a user and change their login Id (email or username) to one that is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.update event .

  • user.login.failed - When a user fails a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.new-device - When a user begins a login request with a new device Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.new-device event .

  • user.login.success - When a user completes a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.suspicious - When a user logs in and is considered to be a potential threat (requires an activated Enterprise license) Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.suspicious event .

  • user.password.breach - When Reactor detects a user is using a potentially breached password (requires an activated license) Available since 1.15.0

    Note: A paid plan is required to utilize the user.password.breach event .

  • user.password.reset.send - When a forgot password email has been sent to a user Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.send event.

  • user.password.reset.start - When the process to reset a user password has started Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.start event.

  • user.password.reset.success - When a user has successfully reset their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.success event.

  • user.password.update - When a user has updated their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.update event.

  • user.reactivate - When a user is reactivated
  • user.registration.create - When a user registration is created Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.create.complete - When a user registration create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.delete - When a user registration is deleted Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.delete.complete - When a user registration delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.update - When a user registration is updated Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.update.complete - When a user registration update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.verified - When a user completes registration verification Available since 1.8.0
  • user.two-factor.method.add - When a user has added a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.add event.

  • user.two-factor.method.remove - When a user has removed a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.remove event.

  • user.update - When a user is updated
  • user.update.complete - When a user update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether or not FusionAuth should send these types of events to any configured Webhooks.

tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].transactionTypeStringDefaults to NoneAvailable since 1.8.0

The transaction type that FusionAuth uses when sending these types of events to any configured Webhooks. The transaction types are:

  • None - No Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • Any - Only a single Webhook is required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SimpleMajority - A simple majority (50% or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SuperMajority - A super majority (2/3 or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • AbsoluteMajority - Every Webhook must succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.

Prior to version 1.36.0, this value did not have a default. This meant at runtime the when the transaction type was calculated, it would be assumed to be AbsoluteMajority even though this value was not set in the domain.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 30Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a OAuth authorization code in no longer valid to be exchanged for an access token. This is essentially the time allowed between the start of an Authorization request during the Authorization code grant and when you request an access token using this authorization code on the Token endpoint.

Value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 600.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id.

If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 600Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a change password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.11.0

The time in seconds until a device code Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.11.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id.

If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomAlphaNumericAvailable since 1.11.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the email verification Id.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a email verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Email API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomAlphaNumericAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.12.0

The time in seconds until an external authentication Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.loginIntentTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 1800Available since 1.53.0

The time in seconds until a Login Timeout identifier is no longer valid to complete post-authentication steps in the OAuth workflow. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a One Time Password is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login.

If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a passwordless code is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Passwordless API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 3600Available since 1.28.0

The number of seconds before the pending account link identifier is no longer valid to complete an account link request. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a registration verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Registration API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomAlphaNumericAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 2592000Available since 1.50.0

The time in seconds until remembered OAuth scope consent choices are no longer valid, and the User will be prompted to consent to requested OAuth scopes even if they have not changed. Applies only when application.oauthConfiguration.consentMode is set to RememberDecision. Value must be greater than 0.

Note: An Essentials or Enterprise plan is required to utilize advanced OAuth scopes.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.19.0

The time in seconds that a SAML AuthN request Id returned by the Start SAML v2 Login Request API will be eligible to be used to complete a SAML v2 Login request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id.

If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a setup password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.trustTokenTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.33.0

The number of seconds before the Trust Token is no longer valid to complete a request that requires trust. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a two factor Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Two Factor Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the two factor code Id.

If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomDigitsAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the two factor one time code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.26.0

The number of seconds before the Two-Factor One Time Code used to enable or disable a two-factor method is no longer valid. Must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an issued Two Factor trust Id is no longer valid and the User will be required to complete Two Factor authentication during the next authentication attempt. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn authentication challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn authentication ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get API call. Value must be greater than 0.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn registration challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn registration ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create API call. Value must be greater than 0.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionCancelPolicy.onPasswordResetBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates whether you want the user to be able to self-service unlock their account prior to the action duration by completing a password reset workflow.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationLongDefaults to 3Available since 1.8.0

The duration of the User Action. This value along with the actionDurationUnit will be used to set the duration of the User Action. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationUnitStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The unit of time associated with a duration. The possible values are:

  • DAYS
tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.emailUserStringDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates you would like to email the user when the user’s account is locked due to this action being taken. This requires the User Action specified by the tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionId to also be configured for email. If the User Action is not configured to be able to email the user, this configuration will be ignored. See userEmailingEnabled on the User Action.

The email template configuration will be in the User Action.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.resetCountInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds before the failed authentication count will be reset. Value must be greater than 0.

For example, if tooManyAttempts is set to 5 and you fail to authenticate 4 times in a row, waiting for the duration specified here will cause your fifth attempt to start back at 1.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.tooManyAttemptsIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.8.0

The number of failed attempts considered to be too many. Once this threshold is reached the specified User Action will be applied to the user for the duration specified. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The Id of the User Action that is applied when the threshold is reached for too many failed authentication attempts.

tenant.familyConfiguration.allowChildRegistrationsBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to allow child registrations.

tenant.familyConfiguration.confirmChildEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when confirming a child.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that child users without parental verification will be permanently deleted after tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDays days.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDaysIntegerDefaults to 30Available since 1.8.0

The number of days from creation child users will be retained before being deleted for not completing parental verification. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether family configuration is enabled.

tenant.familyConfiguration.familyRequestEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when a family request is made.

tenant.familyConfiguration.maximumChildAgeIntegerDefaults to 12Available since 1.8.0

The maximum age of a child. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.minimumOwnerAgeIntegerDefaults to 21Available since 1.8.0

The minimum age to be an owner. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentEmailRequiredBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether a parent email is required.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentRegistrationEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use for parent registration.

tenant.formConfiguration.adminUserFormIdUUIDAvailable since 1.20.0

The unique Id of the form to use for the Add and Edit User form when used in the FusionAuth admin UI.

When this parameter is not provided, it will default to the form Id currently assigned to the Default tenant.

Note: A paid plan is required to utilize custom forms.

tenant.httpSessionMaxInactiveIntervalIntegerDefaults to 3600Available since 1.8.0

Time in seconds until an inactive session will be invalidated. Used when creating a new session in the FusionAuth OAuth frontend.

tenant.issuerStringDefaults to acme.comAvailable since 1.8.0

The named issuer used to sign tokens. This is generally your public fully qualified domain with the https:// protocol prefix. For example, https://example.com.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.accessTokenKeyIdUUIDDefaults to key value of the FusionAuth applicationAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the access token.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.idTokenKeyIdUUIDDefaults to key value of the FusionAuth applicationAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the Id token.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationPolicyStringDefaults to FixedAvailable since 1.17.0

The Refresh Token expiration policy.

The possible values are:

  • Fixed - the expiration is calculated from the time the token is issued.
  • SlidingWindow - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used.
  • SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used, or until the maximumTimeToLiveInMinutes is reached.   Available since 1.46.0
tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenOneTimeUseConfiguration.gracePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 0Available since 1.55.1

The length of time specified in seconds that a one-time use token can be reused.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than 86400 which is equal to 24 hours. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables the grace period which means a one-time token may not be reused. For security reasons, you should keep this value as small as possible, and only increase past 0 to improve reliability for an asynchronous or clustered integration that may require a brief grace period.

Note that one-time use tokens refreshed within a grace period are not considered for revocation when tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuse is true. When a token is reused within the grace period the current token will be returned on the API response and the token will not be rotated.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onLoginPreventedBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user action, such as locking an account based on a number of failed login attempts, prevents user login.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onMultiFactorEnableBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.42.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user enables multi-factor authentication for the first time. This policy will not be applied when adding subsequent multi-factor methods to the user.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuseBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.55.1

When enabled, if a one-time use refresh token is reused, the token will be revoked. This does not cause all refresh tokens to be revoked, only the reused token is revoked.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onPasswordChangedBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user changes their password.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenSlidingWindowConfiguration.maximumTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.46.0

The maximum lifetime of a refresh token when using a refreshTokenExpirationPolicy of SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime. Value must be greater than 0.

When refreshTokenExpirationPolicy is set to SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime, this value must be greater than or equal to refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes .

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in minutes a Refresh Token is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenUsagePolicyStringDefaults to ReusableAvailable since 1.17.0

The refresh token usage policy. The following are valid values:

  • Reusable - the token does not change after it was issued.
  • OneTimeUse - the token value will be changed each time the token is used to refresh a JWT. The client must store the new value after each usage.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.timeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds this JWT is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.loginValidationIdUUIDAvailable since 1.53.0

The Id of the lambda that will be invoked at the end of a successful login request in order to extend custom validation of a login request.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Request lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Enterprise User request to a FusionAuth User.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Response lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Enterprise User to a SCIM Server response.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM Group Request lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Group request to a FusionAuth Group.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM Group Response lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Group to a SCIM Server response.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Request lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM User request to a FusionAuth User.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Response lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth User to a SCIM Server response.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

tenant.loginConfiguration.requireAuthenticationBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.26.0

Indicates whether to require an API key for the Login API when an applicationId is not provided. When an applicationId is provided to the Login API call, the application configuration will take precedence.

In almost all cases, you will want to this to be true.

tenant.logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

tenant.maximumPasswordAge.daysIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.8.0

The password maximum age in days. The number of days after which FusionAuth will require a user to change their password. Required when tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that the maximum password age is enabled and being enforced.

tenant.minimumPasswordAge.secondsIntegerDefaults to 30Available since 1.8.0

The password minimum age in seconds. When enabled FusionAuth will not allow a password to be changed until it reaches this minimum age. Required when tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that the minimum password age is enabled and being enforced.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.enabledBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.26.0

When enabled, users may utilize an authenticator application to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This method uses TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) as defined in RFC 6238 and often uses an native mobile app such as Google Authenticator.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.26.0

When enabled, users may utilize an email address to complete a multi-factor authentication request.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The Id of the email template that is used when notifying a user to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This field is required when tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabled is set to true.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.loginPolicyStringAvailable since 1.37.0

When set to Enabled and a user has one or more two-factor methods configured, the user will be required to complete a two-factor challenge during login. When set to Disabled, even when a user has configured one or more two-factor methods, the user will not be required to complete a two-factor challenge during login. When set to Required, a two-factor challenge will be required during login. If a user has not configured any two-factor methods, they will not be able to log in.

This value may be overridden by the value configured by the application.multiFactorConfiguration.loginPolicy .

Supported values include:

  • Enabled - Require a two-factor challenge during login when an eligible method is available.
  • Disabled - Do not require a two-factor challenge during login.
  • Required - Require a two-factor challenge during login. A user will be required to configure 2FA if no eligible methods are available. Available since 1.42.0
tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.26.0

When enabled, users may utilize a mobile phone number to complete a multi-factor authentication request.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.messengerIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The messenger that is used to deliver a SMS multi-factor authentication request. This field is required when tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabled is set to true.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The Id of the SMS template that is used when notifying a user to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This field is required when tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabled is set to true.


The unique name of the Tenant.

tenant.oauthConfiguration.clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The Id of a lambda that will be called to populate the JWT during a client credentials grant.

Note: A paid plan is required to utilize client credentials grant.

tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The default method for encrypting the User’s password. The following encryptors are provided with FusionAuth:

tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeFactorIntegerDefaults to 24000Available since 1.8.0

The factor used by the password encryption scheme. If not provided, the PasswordEncryptor provides a default value. Generally this will be used as an iteration count to generate the hash. The actual use of this value is up to the PasswordEncryptor implementation.

tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLoginBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

When enabled a user’s hash configuration will be modified to match these configured settings. This can be useful to increase a password hash strength over time or upgrade imported users to a more secure encryption scheme after an initial import.

Beginning in version 1.42.0 when this configuration is enabled, in addition to re-hashing on login, the password will be re-hashed on password change as well.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.15.0

Whether to enable Reactor breach detection. Requires an activated license.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.matchModeStringAvailable since 1.15.0

The level of severity where Reactor will consider a breach. The following are valid values:

  • High Only requires a password match, this is the most secure and is recommended
  • Medium Exact match on username, email address or email sub-address
  • Low Exact match on an email or username, or the password is a common breached value
tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.notifyUserEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.15.0

The Id of the email template to use when notifying user of breached password. Required if tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLogin is set to NotifyUser.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLoginStringAvailable since 1.15.0

The behavior when detecting breaches at time of user login. The following are valid values:

  • Off Do not perform breach detection at login
  • RecordOnly Only record the result, take no action
  • NotifyUser Notify the end user via email
  • RequireChange Require immediate password change
tenant.passwordValidationRules.maxLengthIntegerDefaults to 256Available since 1.8.0

The maximum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 256. When passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionScheme is equal to bcrypt, the maximum will be limited to 50.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.minLengthIntegerDefaults to 8Available since 1.8.0

The minimum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.countIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of previous passwords to remember. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to prevent a user from using any of their previous passwords.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireMixedCaseBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to force the user to use at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNonAlphaBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to force the user to use at least one non-alphanumeric character.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNumberBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to force the user to use at least one number.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.validateOnLoginBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.15.0

When enabled the user’s password will be validated during login. If the password does not meet the currently configured validation rules the user will be required to change their password.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for failed login.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can fail to login within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration. If a Failed authentication action has been configured then it will take precedence.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can fail login before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for forgot password.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a forgot password email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a forgot password email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send email verification.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a verification email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send passwordless.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a passwordless login email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a passwordless login email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send registration verification.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a registration verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a registration verification email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send two factor.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.registrationConfiguration.blockedDomainsArray<String>Available since 1.30.0

A list of unique domains that are not allowed to register when self service is enabled.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize blocked domains.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.clientEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Clients for this tenant.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.36.0

Whether or not this tenant has the SCIM endpoints enabled.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.schemasMapAvailable since 1.36.0

JSON formatted as a SCIM Schemas endpoint response. Because the SCIM lambdas may modify the JSON response, ensure the Schema’s response matches that generated by the response lambdas. More about Schema definitions.

When this parameter is not provided, it will default to EnterpriseUser, Group, and User schema definitions as defined by the SCIM core schemas spec.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.serverEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Servers for this tenant.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.ssoConfiguration.deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.2

The number of seconds before a trusted device is reset. When reset, a user is forced to complete captcha during login and complete two factor authentication if applicable.

tenant.ssoConfiguration.allowAccessTokenBootstrapBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.56.0

When enabled, an SSO session can be created after login by providing an access token as a bearer token in a request to the OAuth2 Authorize endpoint.

tenant.themeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the theme to be used to style the login page and other end user templates.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.13.0

Indicates that users without a verified email address will be permanently deleted after tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetain days.

tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetainIntegerAvailable since 1.13.0

The number of days from creation users will be retained before being deleted for not completing email verification. This field is required when tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabled is set to true. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When true, FusionAuth will handle username collisions by generating a random suffix.

Note: A paid plan is required to utilize unique usernames.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.numberOfDigitsIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.27.0

The maximum number of digits to use when building a unique suffix for a username. A number will be randomly selected and will be 1 or more digits up to this configured value in length. For example, if this value is 5, the suffix will be a number between 00001 and 99999, inclusive. The value of this field must be greater than or equal to 3 and less than or equal to 10.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.separatorStringAvailable since 1.27.0

A single character to use as a separator from the requested username and a unique suffix that is added when a duplicate username is detected. This value can be a single non-alphanumeric ASCII character.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.strategyStringDefaults to OnCollisionAvailable since 1.29.0

This strategy instructions FusionAuth when to append a unique suffix to the username. The possible values are:

  • Always - Always append a unique suffix even when the requested username is not in use.
  • OnCollision - Only append a unique suffix when the requested username is in use.
tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringDefaults to crossPlatformAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

  • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
  • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
  • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.

The recommended value for the bootstrap workflow is any.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize WebAuthn cross-platform authenticators.

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Whether or not this tenant has the WebAuthn bootstrap workflow enabled. The bootstrap workflow is used when the user must “bootstrap” the authentication process by identifying themselves prior to the WebAuthn ceremony and can be used to authenticate from a new device using WebAuthn.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringDefaults to requiredAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

  • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
  • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
  • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.

It is highly recommended to use the required option for the bootstrap workflow.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines if debug should be enabled for this tenant to create an event log to assist in debugging WebAuthn errors.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Whether or not this tenant has WebAuthn enabled globally.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringDefaults to crossPlatformAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

  • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
  • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
  • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.

The recommended value for the reauthentication workflow is platform.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize WebAuthn cross-platform authenticators.

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Whether or not this tenant has the WebAuthn reauthentication workflow enabled. The reauthentication workflow will automatically prompt a user to authenticate using WebAuthn for repeated logins from the same device.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringDefaults to requiredAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

  • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
  • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
  • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.

It is highly recommended to use the required option for the reauthentication workflow.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyIdStringAvailable since 1.41.0

The value this tenant will use for the Relying Party Id in WebAuthn ceremonies. Passkeys can only be used to authenticate on sites using the same Relying Party Id they were registered with. This value must match the browser origin or be a registrable domain suffix of the browser origin. For example, if your domain is auth.piedpiper.com, you could use auth.piedpiper.com or piedpiper.com but not m.auth.piedpiper.com or com.

When this parameter is omitted, FusionAuth will use null for the Relying Party Id in passkey creation and request options. A null value in the WebAuthn JavaScript API will use the browser origin.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyNameStringAvailable since 1.41.0

The value this tenant will use for the Relying Party name in WebAuthn ceremonies. This value may be displayed by browser or operating system dialogs during WebAuthn ceremonies.

When this parameter is omitted, FusionAuth will use the tenant.issuer value.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

webhookIdsArray<UUID>Available since 1.37.0

An array of Webhook Ids. For Webhooks that are not already configured for All Tenants, specifying an Id on this request will indicate the associated Webhook should handle events for this tenant.

Example Request JSON

  "tenant": {
    "accessControlConfiguration": {
      "uiIPAccessControlListId": "11d49de7-69f6-46fc-8270-0b3aa626327a"
    "captchaConfiguration": {
      "captchaMethod": "GoogleRecaptchaV3",
      "enabled": true,
      "secretKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk70us00012r66r96tt7rp",
      "siteKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk75tz00022r66ombcfadr",
      "threshold": 0.5
    "connectorPolicies": [
        "connectorId": "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": false
        "connectorId": "27f22280-7e55-4d1c-b9f8-239bf9cc1a5e",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": true
    "data": {
      "description": "No more secrets, Marty."
    "emailConfiguration": {
      "additionalHeaders": [
          "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET",
          "value": "example_configuration_set_name"
      "defaultFromEmail": "jared@piedpiper.com",
      "defaultFromName": "Jared Dunn",
      "emailUpdateEmailTemplateId": "ec3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "emailVerifiedEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId": "49aba1de-0225-45d7-a2b1-f9fe46b0242c",
      "host": "smtp.sendgrid.net",
      "implicitEmailVerificationAllowed": true,
      "loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateId": "2c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateId": "3c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateId": "4c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "password": "password",
      "passwordlessEmailTemplateId": "a917e23a-da58-4cda-be01-90f542f8c343",
      "passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateId": "5c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "passwordUpdateEmailTemplateId": "6c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "port": 587,
      "properties": {
        "key": "value"
      "security": "TLS",
      "setPasswordEmailTemplateId": "a9aba13e-0125-4fd7-a2b1-aaa146b02423",
      "twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateId": "7c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateId": "8c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "unverified": {
        "allowEmailChangeWhenGated": false,
        "behavior": "Allow"
      "username": "username",
      "verificationEmailTemplateId": "8da42c09-461c-45f3-b931-6e9f63b87ab5",
      "verificationStrategy": "FormField",
      "verifyEmail": true,
      "verifyEmailWhenChanged": true
    "eventConfiguration": {
      "events": {
        "user.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.deactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.bulk.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.reactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.public-key.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.success": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.failed": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.password.breach": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.email.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
    "externalIdentifierConfiguration": {
      "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30,
      "changePasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
      "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "emailVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "loginIntentTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "passwordlessLoginGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSeconds": 3600,
      "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "setupPasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "trustTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomDigits"
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180
    "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": {
      "actionCancelPolicy": {
        "onPasswordReset": false
      "actionDuration": 3,
      "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES",
      "emailUser": false,
      "resetCountInSeconds": 60,
      "tooManyAttempts": 5,
      "userActionId": "16cfc707-268c-4c5b-8989-f71f3ee156d4"
    "familyConfiguration": {
      "allowChildRegistrations": true,
      "confirmChildEmailTemplateId": "87654321-4321-8765-ba09-ba0987654321",
      "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false,
      "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30,
      "enabled": true,
      "familyRequestEmailTemplateId": "57462514-a73b-cd76-0001-b8a65cd61230",
      "maximumChildAge": 12,
      "minimumOwnerAge": 21,
      "parentEmailRequired": false,
      "parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId": "12345678-1234-5678-90ab-1234567890ab"
    "formConfiguration": {
      "adminUserFormId": "e92751a5-25f4-4bca-ad91-66cdf67725d2"
    "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600,
    "issuer": "https://example.com",
    "jwtConfiguration": {
      "accessTokenKeyId": "025233ca-d4f3-2aa4-eca9-7e4200e9b472",
      "enabled": true,
      "idTokenKeyId": "092dbedc-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
      "refreshTokenExpirationPolicy": "Fixed",
      "refreshTokenRevocationPolicy": {
        "onLoginPrevented": true,
        "onMultiFactorEnable": true,
        "onPasswordChanged": true
      "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200,
      "refreshTokenUsagePolicy": "Reusable",
      "timeToLiveInSeconds": 3600
    "lambdaConfiguration": {
      "loginValidationId": "c0dd79db-38dd-424b-b77a-4dccaad71052",
      "scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterId": "c2e70f8d-19bb-4df7-848a-33a9a1e26b84",
      "scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterId": "44fc9553-8a2e-408f-8aa2-fa65b70b55e2",
      "scimGroupRequestConverterId": "66d65de0-1819-42f8-86ed-7daaa4e155dc",
      "scimGroupResponseConverterId": "79812ede-432f-4375-9b43-23c0fe996fef",
      "scimUserRequestConverterId": "8a51d7a1-5e3e-442a-b96a-0c31379bb3d4",
      "scimUserResponseConverterId": "c8720843-dc4f-4e6c-b6ca-500e9c44695f"
    "logoutURL": "http://example.com/logout",
    "maximumPasswordAge": {
      "days": 180,
      "enabled": false
    "minimumPasswordAge": {
      "enabled": false,
      "seconds": 30
    "multiFactorConfiguration": {
      "authenticator": {
        "enabled": true
      "email": {
        "enabled": true,
        "templateId": "d312fb71-d7d8-4b75-a497-6096a07220b3"
      "loginPolicy": "Enabled",
      "sms": {
        "enabled": true,
        "messengerId": "0a4bae38-ffef-4c33-b74c-1d50c796f600",
        "templateId": "f35e04e6-72ec-4f52-b552-29cf950a4ed6"
    "name": "Playtronics Co.",
    "oauthConfiguration": {
      "clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaId": "46e120c1-4c22-473f-95b4-e2c187cd20c2"
    "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": {
      "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256",
      "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000,
      "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false
    "passwordValidationRules": {
      "breachDetection": {
        "enabled": true,
        "notifyUserEmailTemplateId": "e6c74b53-d43d-471e-ae7e-906456d0f341",
        "matchMode": "High",
        "onLogin": "Off"
      "maxLength": 256,
      "minLength": 8,
      "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
        "count": 2,
        "enabled": true
      "requireMixedCase": true,
      "requireNonAlpha": true,
      "requireNumber": true,
      "validateOnLogin": false
    "rateLimitConfiguration": {
      "failedLogin": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "forgotPassword": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendEmailVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendRegistrationVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendPasswordless": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendTwoFactor": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
    "registrationConfiguration": {},
    "scimServerConfiguration": {
      "clientEntityTypeId": "d9ed49f7-1106-4b20-acdb-5cbda76ae77e",
      "enabled": true,
      "serverEntityTypeId": "919e0ac5-1cf0-4fcf-a8fc-29d77a0d1d8f",
      "schemas": {}
    "ssoConfiguration": {
      "deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSeconds": 31536000
    "themeId": "c6ad3fac-6f32-4db7-91a4-061ff035e871",
    "userDeletePolicy": {
      "unverified": {
        "enabled": true,
        "numberOfDaysToRetain": 30
    "usernameConfiguration": {
      "unique": {
        "enabled": false,
        "numberOfDigits": 5,
        "separator": "#"
    "webAuthnConfiguration": {
      "enabled": true,
      "bootstrapWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "crossPlatform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "debug": false,
      "reauthenticationWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "platform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "relyingPartyId": "piedpiper.com",
      "relyingPartyName": "Pied Piper"
    "webhookIds": [

This API has been available since 1.14.0

API Key Authentication
Create a Tenant from an existing Tenant with a randomly generated Id
POST /api/tenant

This API has been available since 1.14.0

API Key Authentication
Create a Tenant from an existing Tenant with the provided unique Id
POST /api/tenant/{tenantId}

Request Parameters

tenantIdUUIDDefaults to secure random UUID

The Id to use for the new Tenant. If not specified a secure random UUID will be generated.

Request Body


The Id of an existing Tenant from which a copy will be made. All other values will be copied from the source Tenant to the new Tenant.


The unique name of the Tenant.

Example request JSON

  "sourceTenantId": "32306536-3036-6431-3865-646430303332",
  "tenant": {
    "name": "Playtronics Co. - copied"


The response for this API contains the Tenant that was created.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Response Body

tenant.accessControlConfiguration.uiIPAccessControlListIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the IP Access Control List limiting access to this all applications in this tenant.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.captchaMethodStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The type of captcha method to use.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether captcha configuration is enabled.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.secretKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The secret key for this captcha method.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.siteKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The site key for this captcha method.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.thresholdFloatAvailable since 1.30.0

The numeric threshold which separates a passing score from a failing one. This value only applies if using either the Google v3 or HCaptcha Enterprise method, otherwise this value is ignored.


Indicates the tenant has been configured. It is always true, except for default tenant when the setup wizard has not been completed, in which case it is false.

tenant.connectorPoliciesArrayAvailable since 1.18.0

A list of Connector policies. Users will be authenticated against Connectors in order. Each Connector can be included in this list at most once and must exist.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].connectorIdUUIDAvailable since 1.18.0

The identifier of the Connector to which this policy refers.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].domainsStringAvailable since 1.18.0

An list of email domains to which this connector should apply.

A value of ["*"] indicates this connector applies to all users.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].migrateBooleanAvailable since 1.18.0

If true, the user’s data will be migrated to FusionAuth at first successful authentication; subsequent authentications will occur against the FusionAuth datastore. If false, the Connector’s source will be treated as authoritative.


An object that can hold any information about the Tenant that should be persisted.

tenant.emailConfiguration.additionalHeadersArray<Object>Available since 1.32.0

The additional SMTP headers to be added to each outgoing email. Each SMTP header consists of a name and a value.

tenant.emailConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.37.0

Determines if debug should be enabled to create an event log to assist in debugging SMTP errors.

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromEmailStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default email address that emails will be sent from when a from address is not provided on an individual email template. This is the address part email address (i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromNameStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default From Name used in sending emails when a from name is not provided on an individual email template. This is the display name part of the email address ( i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their email address is updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailVerifiedEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template used to notify a user that their email address has been verified.

tenant.emailConfiguration.forgotPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user is sent a forgot password email.

tenant.emailConfiguration.hostStringDefaults to localhostAvailable since 1.8.0

The host name of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.implicitEmailVerificationAllowedDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.32.0

When set to true, this allows email to be verified as a result of completing a similar email based workflow such as change password. When set to false, the user must explicitly complete the email verification workflow even if the user has already completed a similar email workflow such as change password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to create an account with their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to update an existing account to use their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they log in on a new device.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a suspicious login occurs.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional password FusionAuth will use to authenticate with the SMTP server.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordlessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Passwordless Email Template, sent to users when they start a passwordless login.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they have completed a ‘forgot password’ workflow and their password has been reset.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their password has been updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.portIntegerDefaults to 25Available since 1.8.0

The port of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.propertiesStringAvailable since 1.8.0

Custom SMTP configuration properties that may be necessary in some cases. This can contain any Java mail property. It will override anything FusionAuth sets by default.

The following property has a default value:

  • mail.smtp.ssl.protocols has a default value of TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.

Since version 1.44.0, the following two properties have default values:

  • mail.smtp.timeout has a default value of 2000.
  • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout has a default value of 2000.

Here’s an example value which overrides these properties; in this case setting both timeout defaults to 5 seconds.

tenant.emailConfiguration.securityStringDefaults to NONEAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of security protocol FusionAuth will use when connecting to the SMTP server. The possible values are:

  • NONE - no security will be used. All communications will be sent plaintext.
  • SSL - SSL will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This protocol is not recommended unless it is the only one your SMTP server supports.
  • TLS - TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This is the preferred protocol for all SMTP servers.
tenant.emailConfiguration.setPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user had their account created for them and they must set their password manually and they are sent an email to set their password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been added to their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been removed from their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.allowEmailChangeWhenGatedBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When this value is set to true, the user is allowed to change their email address when they are gated because they haven’t verified their email address.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behaviorStringDefaults to AllowAvailable since 1.27.0

The desired behavior during login for a user that does not have a verified email. The possible values are:

  • Allow - the user will be allowed to complete login.
  • Gated - verification is required before a user can complete login. The use of this value will require a paid plan.
tenant.emailConfiguration.usernameStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional username FusionAuth will to authenticate with the SMTP server.


The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users to verify that their email address is valid. If either the verifyEmail or verifyEmailWhenChanged fields are true, this field is required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verificationStrategyStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The process by which the user will verify their email address. The possible values are:

  • ClickableLink - send the user a code with a clickable link.
  • FormField - send the user a short code intended to be manually entered into a form field. This is only available when tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behavior has the Gated value.
tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the registers with your application.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailWhenChangedBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the user changes them.

tenant.eventConfiguration.eventsObjectAvailable since 1.8.0

A mapping of the configuration for each event type that FusionAuth sends. The event types that are the keys into this Object are:

  • audit-log.create - When an audit log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • event-log.create - When an event log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • jwt.public-key.update - When a JWT RSA Public / Private keypair may have been changed
  • jwt.refresh - When an access token is refreshed using a refresh token Available since 1.16.0
  • jwt.refresh-token.revoke - When a JWT Refresh Token is revoked
  • kickstart.success - When kickstart has successfully completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.action - When a user action is triggered
  • user.bulk.create - When multiple users are created in bulk (i.e. during an import)
  • user.create - When a user is created
  • user.create.complete - When a user create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.deactivate - When a user is deactivated
  • user.delete - When a user is deleted
  • user.delete.complete - When a user delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.update - When a user updates their email address Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.verified - When a user verifies their email address Available since 1.8.0
  • user.identity-provider.link - When a link is created from a user to an Identity Provider Available since 1.36.0
  • user.identity-provider.unlink - When an existing Identity Provider link is removed from a User Available since 1.36.0
  • user.loginId.duplicate.create - When a request to create a user with a login Id (email or username) which is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.create event .

  • user.loginId.duplicate.update - When a request to update a user and change their login Id (email or username) to one that is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.update event .

  • user.login.failed - When a user fails a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.new-device - When a user begins a login request with a new device Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.new-device event .

  • user.login.success - When a user completes a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.suspicious - When a user logs in and is considered to be a potential threat (requires an activated Enterprise license) Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.suspicious event .

  • user.password.breach - When Reactor detects a user is using a potentially breached password (requires an activated license) Available since 1.15.0

    Note: A paid plan is required to utilize the user.password.breach event .

  • user.password.reset.send - When a forgot password email has been sent to a user Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.send event.

  • user.password.reset.start - When the process to reset a user password has started Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.start event.

  • user.password.reset.success - When a user has successfully reset their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.success event.

  • user.password.update - When a user has updated their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.update event.

  • user.reactivate - When a user is reactivated
  • user.registration.create - When a user registration is created Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.create.complete - When a user registration create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.delete - When a user registration is deleted Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.delete.complete - When a user registration delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.update - When a user registration is updated Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.update.complete - When a user registration update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.verified - When a user completes registration verification Available since 1.8.0
  • user.two-factor.method.add - When a user has added a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.add event.

  • user.two-factor.method.remove - When a user has removed a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.remove event.

  • user.update - When a user is updated
  • user.update.complete - When a user update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether or not FusionAuth should send these types of events to any configured Webhooks.

tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].transactionTypeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The transaction type that FusionAuth uses when sending these types of events to any configured Webhooks. The transaction types are:

  • None - No Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • Any - Only a single Webhook is required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SimpleMajority - A simple majority (50% or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SuperMajority - A super majority (2/3 or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • AbsoluteMajority - Every Webhook must succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an OAuth authorization code is no longer valid to be exchanged for an access token. This is essentially the time allowed between the start of an Authorization request during the Authorization code grant and when you request an access token using this authorization code on the Token endpoint.

Value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 600.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id.

If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a change password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The time in seconds until a device code Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id.

If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.11.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the email verification Id.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an email verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Email API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.12.0

The time in seconds until an external authentication Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.loginIntentTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.53.0

The time in seconds until a Login Timeout identifier is no longer valid to complete post-authentication steps in the OAuth workflow. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a One Time Password is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login.

If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a passwordless code is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Passwordless API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.28.0

The number of seconds before the pending account link identifier is no longer valid to complete an account link request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a registration verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Registration API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.50.0

The time in seconds until remembered OAuth scope consent choices are no longer valid, and the User will be prompted to consent to requested OAuth scopes even if they have not changed. Applies only when application.oauthConfiguration.consentMode is set to RememberDecision. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.19.0

The time in seconds that a SAML AuthN request Id returned by the Start SAML v2 Login Request API will be eligible to be used to complete a SAML v2 Login request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id.

If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a setup password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.trustTokenTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.33.0

The number of seconds before the Trust Token is no longer valid to complete a request that requires trust. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a two factor Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Two Factor Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the two factor one time code Id.

If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the two factor code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

The number of seconds before the Two-Factor One Time Code used to enable or disable a two-factor method is no longer valid. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an issued Two Factor trust Id is no longer valid and the User will be required to complete Two Factor authentication during the next authentication attempt. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn authentication challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn authentication ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn registration challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn registration ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionCancelPolicy.onPasswordResetBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates whether you want the user to be able to self-service unlock their account prior to the action duration by completing a password reset workflow.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationLongAvailable since 1.8.0

The duration of the User Action. This value along with the actionDurationUnit will be used to set the duration of the User Action. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationUnitStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The unit of time associated with a duration. The possible values are:

  • DAYS
tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.emailUserStringAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates you would like to email the user when the user’s account is locked due to this action being taken. This requires the User Action specified by the tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionId to also be configured for email. If the User Action is not configured to be able to email the user, this configuration will be ignored. See userEmailingEnabled on the User Action.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.resetCountInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds before the failed authentication count will be reset. Value must be greater than 0.

For example, if tooManyAttempts is set to 5 and you fail to authenticate 4 times in a row, waiting for the duration specified here will cause your fifth attempt to start back at 1.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.tooManyAttemptsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of failed attempts considered to be too many. Once this threshold is reached the specified User Action will be applied to the user for the duration specified. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The Id of the User Action that is applied when the threshold is reached for too many failed authentication attempts.

tenant.familyConfiguration.allowChildRegistrationsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to allow child registrations.

tenant.familyConfiguration.confirmChildEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when confirming a child.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that child users without parental verification will be permanently deleted after tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDays days.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDaysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of days from creation child users will be retained before being deleted for not completing parental verification. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether family configuration is enabled.

tenant.familyConfiguration.familyRequestEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when a family request is made.

tenant.familyConfiguration.maximumChildAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The maximum age of a child. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.minimumOwnerAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The minimum age to be an owner. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentEmailRequiredBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether a parent email is required.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentRegistrationEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use for parent registration.

tenant.formConfiguration.adminUserFormIdUUIDAvailable since 1.20.0

The unique Id of the form to use for the Add and Edit User form when used in the FusionAuth admin UI.

tenant.httpSessionMaxInactiveIntervalIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

Time in seconds until an inactive session will be invalidated. Used when creating a new session in the FusionAuth OAuth frontend.


The unique identifier for this Tenant.


The instant that the Tenant was added to the FusionAuth database.

tenant.issuerStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The named issuer used to sign tokens. This is generally your public fully qualified domain with the https:// protocol prefix. For example, https://example.com.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.accessTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the access token.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.idTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the Id token.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationPolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The Refresh Token expiration policy.

The possible values are:

  • Fixed - the expiration is calculated from the time the token is issued.
  • SlidingWindow - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used.
  • SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used, or until the maximumTimeToLiveInMinutes is reached.   Available since 1.46.0
tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenOneTimeUseConfiguration.gracePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.55.1

The length of time specified in seconds that a one-time use token can be reused.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than 86400 which is equal to 24 hours. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables the grace period which means a one-time token may not be reused. For security reasons, you should keep this value as small as possible, and only increase past 0 to improve reliability for an asynchronous or clustered integration that may require a brief grace period.

Note that one-time use tokens refreshed within a grace period are not considered for revocation when tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuse is true. When a token is reused within the grace period the current token will be returned on the API response and the token will not be rotated.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onLoginPreventedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user action, such as locking an account based on a number of failed login attempts, prevents user login.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onMultiFactorEnableBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user enables multi-factor authentication for the first time. This policy will not be applied when adding subsequent multi-factor methods to the user.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuseBooleanAvailable since 1.55.1

When enabled, if a one-time use refresh token is reused, the token will be revoked. This does not cause all refresh tokens to be revoked, only the reused token is revoked.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onPasswordChangedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user changes their password.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenSlidingWindowConfiguration.maximumTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.46.0

The maximum lifetime of a refresh token when using a refreshTokenExpirationPolicy of SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in minutes a Refresh Token is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenUsagePolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The refresh token usage policy. The following are valid values:

  • Reusable - the token does not change after it was issued.

  • OneTimeUse - the token value will be changed each time the token is used to refresh a JWT. The client must store the new value after each usage.

    tenant.jwtConfiguration.timeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The length of time in seconds this JWT is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.loginValidationIdUUIDAvailable since 1.53.0

    The Id of the lambda that will be invoked at the end of a successful login request in order to extend custom validation of a login request.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Enterprise User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Enterprise User to a SCIM Server response.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM Group Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Group request to a FusionAuth Group.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM GroupResponse Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Group to a SCIM Server response.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth User to a SCIM Server response.


    The instant that the Tenant was last updated in the FusionAuth database.

    tenant.loginConfiguration.requireAuthenticationBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    Indicates whether to require an API key for the Login API when an applicationId is not provided. When an applicationId is provided to the Login API call, the application configuration will take precedence.

    tenant.logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

    tenant.maximumPasswordAge.daysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password maximum age in days. The number of days after which FusionAuth will require a user to change their password. Required when tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the maximum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenant.minimumPasswordAge.secondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password minimum age in seconds. When enabled FusionAuth will not allow a password to be changed until it reaches this minimum age. Required when tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the minimum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.algorithmStringAvailable since 1.26.0

    The algorithm used by the TOTP authenticator. This value is HmacSHA1 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.codeLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The length of the code generated by the TOTP. This value is 6 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an authenticator application to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This method uses TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) as defined in RFC 6238 and often uses an native mobile app such as Google Authenticator.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.timeStepIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The time-step size in seconds. This value is 30 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an email address to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the email template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize a mobile phone number to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.messengerIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The messenger that is used to deliver a SMS two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the SMS template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.


    The unique name of the Tenant.

    tenant.oauthConfiguration.clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of a lambda that will be called to populate the JWT during a client credentials grant.

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The default method for encrypting the User’s password. The following encryptors are provided with FusionAuth:

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeFactorIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The factor used by the password encryption scheme. If not provided, the PasswordEncryptor provides a default value. Generally this will be used as an iteration count to generate the hash. The actual use of this value is up to the PasswordEncryptor implementation.

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    When enabled a user’s hash configuration will be modified to match these configured settings. This can be useful to increase a password hash strength over time or upgrade imported users to a more secure encryption scheme after an initial import.

    Beginning in version 1.42.0 when this configuration is enabled, in addition to re-hashing on login, the password will be re-hashed on password change as well.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    Whether to enable Reactor breach detection. Requires an activated license.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.matchModeStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The level of severity where Reactor will consider a breach. The following are valid values:

    • High Only requires a password match, this is the most secure and is recommended
    • Medium Exact match on username, email address or email sub-address
    • Low Exact match on an email or username, or the password is a common breached value
    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.notifyUserEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.15.0

    The Id of the email template to use when notifying a user of a breached password.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLoginStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The behavior when detecting breaches at time of user login. The following are valid values:

    • Off Do not perform breach detection at login
    • RecordOnly Only record the result, take no action
    • NotifyUser Notify the end user via email
    • RequireChange Require immediate password change
    tenant.passwordValidationRules.maxLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The maximum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.minLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The minimum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.countIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The number of previous passwords to remember. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to prevent a user from using any of their previous passwords.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireMixedCaseBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNonAlphaBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one non-alphanumeric character.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNumberBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one number.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.validateOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    When enabled the user’s password will be validated during login. If the password does not meet the currently configured validation rules the user will be required to change their password.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can fail to login within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration. If a Failed authentication action has been configured then it will take precedence.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can fail login before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a forgot password email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a forgot password email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a verification email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a passwordless login email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a passwordless login email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a registration verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a registration verification email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS before being rate limited.

    tenant.registrationConfiguration.blockedDomainsArray<String>Available since 1.30.0

    A list of unique domains that are not allowed to register when self service is enabled.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.clientEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Clients for this tenant.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.36.0

    Whether or not this tenant has the SCIM endpoints enabled.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.schemasMapAvailable since 1.36.0

    JSON formatted as a SCIM Schemas endpoint response. Because the SCIM lambdas may modify the JSON response, ensure the Schema’s response matches that generated by the response lambdas. More about Schema definitions.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.serverEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Servers for this tenant.

    tenant.ssoConfiguration.deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.2

    The number of seconds before a trusted device is reset. When reset, a user is forced to complete captcha during login and complete two factor authentication if applicable.

    tenant.ssoConfiguration.allowAccessTokenBootstrapBooleanAvailable since 1.56.0

    When enabled, an SSO session can be created after login by providing an access token as a bearer token in a request to the OAuth2 Authorize endpoint.

    tenant.stateStringAvailable since 1.22.0

    The current state of the tenant. The following are valid values:

    • Active - The tenant is active.
    • PendingDelete - A delete request has been requested and is being processed.
    tenant.themeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

    The unique Id of the theme to be used to style the login page and other end user templates.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.13.0

    Indicates that users without a verified email address will be permanently deleted after tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetain days.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledInstantLongAvailable since 1.48.0

    The instant that this policy was enabled.

    Users created before this time will not be eligible to be deleted. This means that you can safely enable this feature and the policy will only be enforced for users created after this policy was enabled. If you would like to delete users created prior to this policy being enabled that have an unverified email address, you can use the User Search API or User Bulk Delete API to search on the insertInstant and verified fields to identify users that you would like to delete.

    For example, the following query string will return users that were created at least 7 days ago that have not verified their email address.

    insertInstant:<now-7d AND verified:false

    Please note that prior to version 1.48.0, when enabling this policy all user’s with an unverified email were eligible for deletion.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetainIntegerAvailable since 1.13.0

    The number of days from creation users will be retained before being deleted for not completing email verification. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.27.0

    When true, FusionAuth will handle username collisions by generating a random suffix. Users with colliding usernames will be able to use the same one, but in the admin and API interfaces, a unique username will be displayed.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.numberOfDigitsIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

    The maximum number of digits to use when building a unique suffix for a username. A number will be randomly selected and will be 1 or more digits up to this configured value in length. For example, if this value is 5, the suffix will be a number between 00001 and 99999, inclusive.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.separatorStringAvailable since 1.27.0

    A single character to use as a separator from the requested username and a unique suffix that is added when a duplicate username is detected. This value can be a single non alphanumeric ASCII character.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.strategyStringAvailable since 1.29.0

    This strategy instructions FusionAuth when to append a unique suffix to the username. The possible values are:

    • Always - Always append a unique suffix even when the requested username is not in use.
    • OnCollision - Only append a unique suffix when the requested username is in use.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn bootstrap workflow is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.debugBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether debug event log output is enabled for WebAuthn.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether WebAuthn configuration is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn reauthentication workflow is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyIdStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party Id the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. Passkeys can only be used to authenticate on sites using the same Relying Party Id they were registered with.

    The default value is null, which instructs the WebAuthn JavaScript API to use the browser origin.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyNameStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party name the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. This value is used only for display and may be shown by browser or OS dialogs during WebAuthn ceremonies.

    If no value is configured, the tenant.issuer value will be used.

Example Response JSON

  "tenant": {
    "accessControlConfiguration": {
      "uiIPAccessControlListId": "11d49de7-69f6-46fc-8270-0b3aa626327a"
    "configured": true,
    "captchaConfiguration": {
      "captchaMethod": "GoogleRecaptchaV3",
      "enabled": true,
      "secretKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk70us00012r66r96tt7rp",
      "siteKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk75tz00022r66ombcfadr",
      "threshold": 0.5
    "connectorPolicies": [
        "connectorId": "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": false
        "connectorId": "27f22280-7e55-4d1c-b9f8-239bf9cc1a5e",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": true
    "data": {
      "description": "No more secrets, Marty."
    "emailConfiguration": {
      "additionalHeaders": [
          "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET",
          "value": "example_configuration_set_name"
      "defaultFromEmail": "jared@piedpiper.com",
      "defaultFromName": "Jared Dunn",
      "emailUpdateEmailTemplateId": "ec3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "emailVerifiedEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId": "49aba1de-0225-45d7-a2b1-f9fe46b0242c",
      "host": "smtp.sendgrid.net",
      "implicitEmailVerificationAllowed": true,
      "loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateId": "2c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateId": "3c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateId": "4c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "password": "password",
      "passwordlessEmailTemplateId": "a917e23a-da58-4cda-be01-90f542f8c343",
      "passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateId": "5c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "passwordUpdateEmailTemplateId": "6c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "port": 587,
      "properties": {
        "key": "value"
      "security": "TLS",
      "setPasswordEmailTemplateId": "a9aba13e-0125-4fd7-a2b1-aaa146b02423",
      "twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateId": "7c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateId": "8c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "unverified": {
        "allowEmailChangeWhenGated": false,
        "behavior": "Allow"
      "username": "username",
      "verificationEmailTemplateId": "8da42c09-461c-45f3-b931-6e9f63b87ab5",
      "verificationStrategy": "FormField",
      "verifyEmail": true,
      "verifyEmailWhenChanged": true
    "eventConfiguration": {
      "events": {
        "user.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.deactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.bulk.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.reactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.public-key.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.success": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.failed": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.password.breach": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.email.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
    "externalIdentifierConfiguration": {
      "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30,
      "changePasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
      "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "emailVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "loginIntentTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "passwordlessLoginGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSeconds": 3600,
      "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "setupPasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "trustTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomDigits"
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180
    "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": {
      "actionCancelPolicy": {
        "onPasswordReset": false
      "actionDuration": 3,
      "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES",
      "emailUser": false,
      "resetCountInSeconds": 60,
      "tooManyAttempts": 5,
      "userActionId": "16cfc707-268c-4c5b-8989-f71f3ee156d4"
    "familyConfiguration": {
      "allowChildRegistrations": true,
      "confirmChildEmailTemplateId": "87654321-4321-8765-ba09-ba0987654321",
      "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false,
      "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30,
      "enabled": true,
      "familyRequestEmailTemplateId": "57462514-a73b-cd76-0001-b8a65cd61230",
      "maximumChildAge": 12,
      "minimumOwnerAge": 21,
      "parentEmailRequired": false,
      "parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId": "12345678-1234-5678-90ab-1234567890ab"
    "formConfiguration": {
      "adminUserFormId": "e92751a5-25f4-4bca-ad91-66cdf67725d2"
    "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600,
    "id": "32306536-3036-6431-3865-646430303332",
    "insertInstant": 1572469040579,
    "issuer": "https://example.com",
    "jwtConfiguration": {
      "accessTokenKeyId": "025233ca-d4f3-2aa4-eca9-7e4200e9b472",
      "enabled": true,
      "idTokenKeyId": "092dbedc-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
      "refreshTokenExpirationPolicy": "Fixed",
      "refreshTokenRevocationPolicy": {
        "onLoginPrevented": true,
        "onMultiFactorEnable": true,
        "onPasswordChanged": true
      "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200,
      "refreshTokenUsagePolicy": "Reusable",
      "timeToLiveInSeconds": 3600
    "lambdaConfiguration": {
      "loginValidationId": "c0dd79db-38dd-424b-b77a-4dccaad71052",
      "scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterId": "c2e70f8d-19bb-4df7-848a-33a9a1e26b84",
      "scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterId": "44fc9553-8a2e-408f-8aa2-fa65b70b55e2",
      "scimGroupRequestConverterId": "66d65de0-1819-42f8-86ed-7daaa4e155dc",
      "scimGroupResponseConverterId": "79812ede-432f-4375-9b43-23c0fe996fef",
      "scimUserRequestConverterId": "8a51d7a1-5e3e-442a-b96a-0c31379bb3d4",
      "scimUserResponseConverterId": "c8720843-dc4f-4e6c-b6ca-500e9c44695f"
    "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
    "loginConfiguration": {
      "requireAuthentication": true
    "logoutURL": "http://example.com/logout",
    "maximumPasswordAge": {
      "days": 180,
      "enabled": false
    "minimumPasswordAge": {
      "enabled": false,
      "seconds": 30
    "multiFactorConfiguration": {
      "authenticator": {
        "algorithm": "HmacSHA1",
        "codeLength": 6,
        "enabled": true,
        "timeStep": 30
      "email": {
        "enabled": true,
        "templateId": "d312fb71-d7d8-4b75-a497-6096a07220b3"
      "loginPolicy": "Enabled",
      "sms": {
        "enabled": true,
        "messengerId": "0a4bae38-ffef-4c33-b74c-1d50c796f600",
        "templateId": "f35e04e6-72ec-4f52-b552-29cf950a4ed6"
    "name": "Playtronics Co.",
    "oauthConfiguration": {
      "clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaId": "46e120c1-4c22-473f-95b4-e2c187cd20c2"
    "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": {
      "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256",
      "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000,
      "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false
    "passwordValidationRules": {
      "breachDetection": {
        "enabled": true,
        "notifyUserEmailTemplateId": "e6c74b53-d43d-471e-ae7e-906456d0f341",
        "matchMode": "High",
        "onLogin": "Off"
      "maxLength": 256,
      "minLength": 8,
      "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
        "count": 2,
        "enabled": true
      "requireMixedCase": true,
      "requireNonAlpha": true,
      "requireNumber": true,
      "validateOnLogin": false
    "rateLimitConfiguration": {
      "failedLogin": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "forgotPassword": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendEmailVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendRegistrationVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendPasswordless": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendTwoFactor": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
    "registrationConfiguration": {},
    "scimServerConfiguration": {
      "clientEntityTypeId": "d9ed49f7-1106-4b20-acdb-5cbda76ae77e",
      "enabled": true,
      "serverEntityTypeId": "919e0ac5-1cf0-4fcf-a8fc-29d77a0d1d8f",
      "schemas": {}
    "ssoConfiguration": {
      "allowAccessTokenBootstrap": false,
      "deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSeconds": 31536000
    "state": "Active",
    "themeId": "c6ad3fac-6f32-4db7-91a4-061ff035e871",
    "userDeletePolicy": {
      "unverified": {
        "enabled": true,
        "enabledInstant": 1698772159415,
        "numberOfDaysToRetain": 30
    "usernameConfiguration": {
      "unique": {
        "enabled": false,
        "numberOfDigits": 5,
        "separator": "#",
        "strategy": "OnCollision"
    "webAuthnConfiguration": {
      "enabled": true,
      "bootstrapWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "crossPlatform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "debug": false,
      "reauthenticationWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "platform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "relyingPartyId": "piedpiper.com",
      "relyingPartyName": "Pied Piper"

Retrieve a Tenant

This API is used to retrieve a single Tenant by unique Id or all of the configured Tenants.


API Key Authentication
Retrieve all of the Tenants
GET /api/tenant
API Key Authentication
Retrieve a Tenant by Id
GET /api/tenant/{tenantId}

Request Parameters


The unique Id of the Tenant to retrieve.

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.


The response for this API contains either a single Tenant or all of the Tenants. When you call this API with an Id the response will contain a single Tenant. When you call this API without an Id the response will contain all of the Tenants. Both response types are defined below along with an example JSON response.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Response Body

tenant.accessControlConfiguration.uiIPAccessControlListIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the IP Access Control List limiting access to this all applications in this tenant.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.captchaMethodStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The type of captcha method to use.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether captcha configuration is enabled.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.secretKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The secret key for this captcha method.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.siteKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The site key for this captcha method.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.thresholdFloatAvailable since 1.30.0

The numeric threshold which separates a passing score from a failing one. This value only applies if using either the Google v3 or HCaptcha Enterprise method, otherwise this value is ignored.


Indicates the tenant has been configured. It is always true, except for default tenant when the setup wizard has not been completed, in which case it is false.

tenant.connectorPoliciesArrayAvailable since 1.18.0

A list of Connector policies. Users will be authenticated against Connectors in order. Each Connector can be included in this list at most once and must exist.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].connectorIdUUIDAvailable since 1.18.0

The identifier of the Connector to which this policy refers.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].domainsStringAvailable since 1.18.0

An list of email domains to which this connector should apply.

A value of ["*"] indicates this connector applies to all users.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].migrateBooleanAvailable since 1.18.0

If true, the user’s data will be migrated to FusionAuth at first successful authentication; subsequent authentications will occur against the FusionAuth datastore. If false, the Connector’s source will be treated as authoritative.


An object that can hold any information about the Tenant that should be persisted.

tenant.emailConfiguration.additionalHeadersArray<Object>Available since 1.32.0

The additional SMTP headers to be added to each outgoing email. Each SMTP header consists of a name and a value.

tenant.emailConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.37.0

Determines if debug should be enabled to create an event log to assist in debugging SMTP errors.

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromEmailStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default email address that emails will be sent from when a from address is not provided on an individual email template. This is the address part email address (i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromNameStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default From Name used in sending emails when a from name is not provided on an individual email template. This is the display name part of the email address ( i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their email address is updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailVerifiedEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template used to notify a user that their email address has been verified.

tenant.emailConfiguration.forgotPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user is sent a forgot password email.

tenant.emailConfiguration.hostStringDefaults to localhostAvailable since 1.8.0

The host name of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.implicitEmailVerificationAllowedDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.32.0

When set to true, this allows email to be verified as a result of completing a similar email based workflow such as change password. When set to false, the user must explicitly complete the email verification workflow even if the user has already completed a similar email workflow such as change password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to create an account with their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to update an existing account to use their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they log in on a new device.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a suspicious login occurs.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional password FusionAuth will use to authenticate with the SMTP server.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordlessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Passwordless Email Template, sent to users when they start a passwordless login.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they have completed a ‘forgot password’ workflow and their password has been reset.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their password has been updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.portIntegerDefaults to 25Available since 1.8.0

The port of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.propertiesStringAvailable since 1.8.0

Custom SMTP configuration properties that may be necessary in some cases. This can contain any Java mail property. It will override anything FusionAuth sets by default.

The following property has a default value:

  • mail.smtp.ssl.protocols has a default value of TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.

Since version 1.44.0, the following two properties have default values:

  • mail.smtp.timeout has a default value of 2000.
  • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout has a default value of 2000.

Here’s an example value which overrides these properties; in this case setting both timeout defaults to 5 seconds.

tenant.emailConfiguration.securityStringDefaults to NONEAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of security protocol FusionAuth will use when connecting to the SMTP server. The possible values are:

  • NONE - no security will be used. All communications will be sent plaintext.
  • SSL - SSL will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This protocol is not recommended unless it is the only one your SMTP server supports.
  • TLS - TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This is the preferred protocol for all SMTP servers.
tenant.emailConfiguration.setPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user had their account created for them and they must set their password manually and they are sent an email to set their password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been added to their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been removed from their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.allowEmailChangeWhenGatedBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When this value is set to true, the user is allowed to change their email address when they are gated because they haven’t verified their email address.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behaviorStringDefaults to AllowAvailable since 1.27.0

The desired behavior during login for a user that does not have a verified email. The possible values are:

  • Allow - the user will be allowed to complete login.
  • Gated - verification is required before a user can complete login. The use of this value will require a paid plan.
tenant.emailConfiguration.usernameStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional username FusionAuth will to authenticate with the SMTP server.


The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users to verify that their email address is valid. If either the verifyEmail or verifyEmailWhenChanged fields are true, this field is required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verificationStrategyStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The process by which the user will verify their email address. The possible values are:

  • ClickableLink - send the user a code with a clickable link.
  • FormField - send the user a short code intended to be manually entered into a form field. This is only available when tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behavior has the Gated value.
tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the registers with your application.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailWhenChangedBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the user changes them.

tenant.eventConfiguration.eventsObjectAvailable since 1.8.0

A mapping of the configuration for each event type that FusionAuth sends. The event types that are the keys into this Object are:

  • audit-log.create - When an audit log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • event-log.create - When an event log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • jwt.public-key.update - When a JWT RSA Public / Private keypair may have been changed
  • jwt.refresh - When an access token is refreshed using a refresh token Available since 1.16.0
  • jwt.refresh-token.revoke - When a JWT Refresh Token is revoked
  • kickstart.success - When kickstart has successfully completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.action - When a user action is triggered
  • user.bulk.create - When multiple users are created in bulk (i.e. during an import)
  • user.create - When a user is created
  • user.create.complete - When a user create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.deactivate - When a user is deactivated
  • user.delete - When a user is deleted
  • user.delete.complete - When a user delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.update - When a user updates their email address Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.verified - When a user verifies their email address Available since 1.8.0
  • user.identity-provider.link - When a link is created from a user to an Identity Provider Available since 1.36.0
  • user.identity-provider.unlink - When an existing Identity Provider link is removed from a User Available since 1.36.0
  • user.loginId.duplicate.create - When a request to create a user with a login Id (email or username) which is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.create event .

  • user.loginId.duplicate.update - When a request to update a user and change their login Id (email or username) to one that is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.update event .

  • user.login.failed - When a user fails a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.new-device - When a user begins a login request with a new device Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.new-device event .

  • user.login.success - When a user completes a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.suspicious - When a user logs in and is considered to be a potential threat (requires an activated Enterprise license) Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.suspicious event .

  • user.password.breach - When Reactor detects a user is using a potentially breached password (requires an activated license) Available since 1.15.0

    Note: A paid plan is required to utilize the user.password.breach event .

  • user.password.reset.send - When a forgot password email has been sent to a user Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.send event.

  • user.password.reset.start - When the process to reset a user password has started Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.start event.

  • user.password.reset.success - When a user has successfully reset their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.success event.

  • user.password.update - When a user has updated their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.update event.

  • user.reactivate - When a user is reactivated
  • user.registration.create - When a user registration is created Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.create.complete - When a user registration create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.delete - When a user registration is deleted Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.delete.complete - When a user registration delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.update - When a user registration is updated Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.update.complete - When a user registration update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.verified - When a user completes registration verification Available since 1.8.0
  • user.two-factor.method.add - When a user has added a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.add event.

  • user.two-factor.method.remove - When a user has removed a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.remove event.

  • user.update - When a user is updated
  • user.update.complete - When a user update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether or not FusionAuth should send these types of events to any configured Webhooks.

tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].transactionTypeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The transaction type that FusionAuth uses when sending these types of events to any configured Webhooks. The transaction types are:

  • None - No Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • Any - Only a single Webhook is required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SimpleMajority - A simple majority (50% or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SuperMajority - A super majority (2/3 or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • AbsoluteMajority - Every Webhook must succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an OAuth authorization code is no longer valid to be exchanged for an access token. This is essentially the time allowed between the start of an Authorization request during the Authorization code grant and when you request an access token using this authorization code on the Token endpoint.

Value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 600.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id.

If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a change password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The time in seconds until a device code Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id.

If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.11.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the email verification Id.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an email verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Email API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.12.0

The time in seconds until an external authentication Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.loginIntentTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.53.0

The time in seconds until a Login Timeout identifier is no longer valid to complete post-authentication steps in the OAuth workflow. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a One Time Password is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login.

If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a passwordless code is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Passwordless API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.28.0

The number of seconds before the pending account link identifier is no longer valid to complete an account link request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a registration verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Registration API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.50.0

The time in seconds until remembered OAuth scope consent choices are no longer valid, and the User will be prompted to consent to requested OAuth scopes even if they have not changed. Applies only when application.oauthConfiguration.consentMode is set to RememberDecision. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.19.0

The time in seconds that a SAML AuthN request Id returned by the Start SAML v2 Login Request API will be eligible to be used to complete a SAML v2 Login request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id.

If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a setup password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.trustTokenTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.33.0

The number of seconds before the Trust Token is no longer valid to complete a request that requires trust. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a two factor Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Two Factor Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the two factor one time code Id.

If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the two factor code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

The number of seconds before the Two-Factor One Time Code used to enable or disable a two-factor method is no longer valid. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an issued Two Factor trust Id is no longer valid and the User will be required to complete Two Factor authentication during the next authentication attempt. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn authentication challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn authentication ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn registration challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn registration ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionCancelPolicy.onPasswordResetBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates whether you want the user to be able to self-service unlock their account prior to the action duration by completing a password reset workflow.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationLongAvailable since 1.8.0

The duration of the User Action. This value along with the actionDurationUnit will be used to set the duration of the User Action. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationUnitStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The unit of time associated with a duration. The possible values are:

  • DAYS
tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.emailUserStringAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates you would like to email the user when the user’s account is locked due to this action being taken. This requires the User Action specified by the tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionId to also be configured for email. If the User Action is not configured to be able to email the user, this configuration will be ignored. See userEmailingEnabled on the User Action.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.resetCountInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds before the failed authentication count will be reset. Value must be greater than 0.

For example, if tooManyAttempts is set to 5 and you fail to authenticate 4 times in a row, waiting for the duration specified here will cause your fifth attempt to start back at 1.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.tooManyAttemptsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of failed attempts considered to be too many. Once this threshold is reached the specified User Action will be applied to the user for the duration specified. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The Id of the User Action that is applied when the threshold is reached for too many failed authentication attempts.

tenant.familyConfiguration.allowChildRegistrationsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to allow child registrations.

tenant.familyConfiguration.confirmChildEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when confirming a child.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that child users without parental verification will be permanently deleted after tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDays days.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDaysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of days from creation child users will be retained before being deleted for not completing parental verification. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether family configuration is enabled.

tenant.familyConfiguration.familyRequestEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when a family request is made.

tenant.familyConfiguration.maximumChildAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The maximum age of a child. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.minimumOwnerAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The minimum age to be an owner. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentEmailRequiredBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether a parent email is required.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentRegistrationEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use for parent registration.

tenant.formConfiguration.adminUserFormIdUUIDAvailable since 1.20.0

The unique Id of the form to use for the Add and Edit User form when used in the FusionAuth admin UI.

tenant.httpSessionMaxInactiveIntervalIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

Time in seconds until an inactive session will be invalidated. Used when creating a new session in the FusionAuth OAuth frontend.


The unique identifier for this Tenant.


The instant that the Tenant was added to the FusionAuth database.

tenant.issuerStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The named issuer used to sign tokens. This is generally your public fully qualified domain with the https:// protocol prefix. For example, https://example.com.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.accessTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the access token.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.idTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the Id token.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationPolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The Refresh Token expiration policy.

The possible values are:

  • Fixed - the expiration is calculated from the time the token is issued.
  • SlidingWindow - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used.
  • SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used, or until the maximumTimeToLiveInMinutes is reached.   Available since 1.46.0
tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenOneTimeUseConfiguration.gracePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.55.1

The length of time specified in seconds that a one-time use token can be reused.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than 86400 which is equal to 24 hours. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables the grace period which means a one-time token may not be reused. For security reasons, you should keep this value as small as possible, and only increase past 0 to improve reliability for an asynchronous or clustered integration that may require a brief grace period.

Note that one-time use tokens refreshed within a grace period are not considered for revocation when tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuse is true. When a token is reused within the grace period the current token will be returned on the API response and the token will not be rotated.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onLoginPreventedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user action, such as locking an account based on a number of failed login attempts, prevents user login.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onMultiFactorEnableBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user enables multi-factor authentication for the first time. This policy will not be applied when adding subsequent multi-factor methods to the user.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuseBooleanAvailable since 1.55.1

When enabled, if a one-time use refresh token is reused, the token will be revoked. This does not cause all refresh tokens to be revoked, only the reused token is revoked.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onPasswordChangedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user changes their password.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenSlidingWindowConfiguration.maximumTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.46.0

The maximum lifetime of a refresh token when using a refreshTokenExpirationPolicy of SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in minutes a Refresh Token is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenUsagePolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The refresh token usage policy. The following are valid values:

  • Reusable - the token does not change after it was issued.

  • OneTimeUse - the token value will be changed each time the token is used to refresh a JWT. The client must store the new value after each usage.

    tenant.jwtConfiguration.timeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The length of time in seconds this JWT is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.loginValidationIdUUIDAvailable since 1.53.0

    The Id of the lambda that will be invoked at the end of a successful login request in order to extend custom validation of a login request.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Enterprise User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Enterprise User to a SCIM Server response.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM Group Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Group request to a FusionAuth Group.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM GroupResponse Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Group to a SCIM Server response.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth User to a SCIM Server response.


    The instant that the Tenant was last updated in the FusionAuth database.

    tenant.loginConfiguration.requireAuthenticationBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    Indicates whether to require an API key for the Login API when an applicationId is not provided. When an applicationId is provided to the Login API call, the application configuration will take precedence.

    tenant.logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

    tenant.maximumPasswordAge.daysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password maximum age in days. The number of days after which FusionAuth will require a user to change their password. Required when tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the maximum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenant.minimumPasswordAge.secondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password minimum age in seconds. When enabled FusionAuth will not allow a password to be changed until it reaches this minimum age. Required when tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the minimum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.algorithmStringAvailable since 1.26.0

    The algorithm used by the TOTP authenticator. This value is HmacSHA1 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.codeLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The length of the code generated by the TOTP. This value is 6 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an authenticator application to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This method uses TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) as defined in RFC 6238 and often uses an native mobile app such as Google Authenticator.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.timeStepIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The time-step size in seconds. This value is 30 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an email address to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the email template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize a mobile phone number to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.messengerIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The messenger that is used to deliver a SMS two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the SMS template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.


    The unique name of the Tenant.

    tenant.oauthConfiguration.clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of a lambda that will be called to populate the JWT during a client credentials grant.

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The default method for encrypting the User’s password. The following encryptors are provided with FusionAuth:

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeFactorIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The factor used by the password encryption scheme. If not provided, the PasswordEncryptor provides a default value. Generally this will be used as an iteration count to generate the hash. The actual use of this value is up to the PasswordEncryptor implementation.

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    When enabled a user’s hash configuration will be modified to match these configured settings. This can be useful to increase a password hash strength over time or upgrade imported users to a more secure encryption scheme after an initial import.

    Beginning in version 1.42.0 when this configuration is enabled, in addition to re-hashing on login, the password will be re-hashed on password change as well.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    Whether to enable Reactor breach detection. Requires an activated license.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.matchModeStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The level of severity where Reactor will consider a breach. The following are valid values:

    • High Only requires a password match, this is the most secure and is recommended
    • Medium Exact match on username, email address or email sub-address
    • Low Exact match on an email or username, or the password is a common breached value
    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.notifyUserEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.15.0

    The Id of the email template to use when notifying a user of a breached password.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLoginStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The behavior when detecting breaches at time of user login. The following are valid values:

    • Off Do not perform breach detection at login
    • RecordOnly Only record the result, take no action
    • NotifyUser Notify the end user via email
    • RequireChange Require immediate password change
    tenant.passwordValidationRules.maxLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The maximum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.minLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The minimum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.countIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The number of previous passwords to remember. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to prevent a user from using any of their previous passwords.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireMixedCaseBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNonAlphaBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one non-alphanumeric character.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNumberBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one number.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.validateOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    When enabled the user’s password will be validated during login. If the password does not meet the currently configured validation rules the user will be required to change their password.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can fail to login within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration. If a Failed authentication action has been configured then it will take precedence.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can fail login before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a forgot password email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a forgot password email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a verification email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a passwordless login email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a passwordless login email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a registration verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a registration verification email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS before being rate limited.

    tenant.registrationConfiguration.blockedDomainsArray<String>Available since 1.30.0

    A list of unique domains that are not allowed to register when self service is enabled.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.clientEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Clients for this tenant.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.36.0

    Whether or not this tenant has the SCIM endpoints enabled.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.schemasMapAvailable since 1.36.0

    JSON formatted as a SCIM Schemas endpoint response. Because the SCIM lambdas may modify the JSON response, ensure the Schema’s response matches that generated by the response lambdas. More about Schema definitions.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.serverEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Servers for this tenant.

    tenant.ssoConfiguration.deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.2

    The number of seconds before a trusted device is reset. When reset, a user is forced to complete captcha during login and complete two factor authentication if applicable.

    tenant.ssoConfiguration.allowAccessTokenBootstrapBooleanAvailable since 1.56.0

    When enabled, an SSO session can be created after login by providing an access token as a bearer token in a request to the OAuth2 Authorize endpoint.

    tenant.stateStringAvailable since 1.22.0

    The current state of the tenant. The following are valid values:

    • Active - The tenant is active.
    • PendingDelete - A delete request has been requested and is being processed.
    tenant.themeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

    The unique Id of the theme to be used to style the login page and other end user templates.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.13.0

    Indicates that users without a verified email address will be permanently deleted after tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetain days.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledInstantLongAvailable since 1.48.0

    The instant that this policy was enabled.

    Users created before this time will not be eligible to be deleted. This means that you can safely enable this feature and the policy will only be enforced for users created after this policy was enabled. If you would like to delete users created prior to this policy being enabled that have an unverified email address, you can use the User Search API or User Bulk Delete API to search on the insertInstant and verified fields to identify users that you would like to delete.

    For example, the following query string will return users that were created at least 7 days ago that have not verified their email address.

    insertInstant:<now-7d AND verified:false

    Please note that prior to version 1.48.0, when enabling this policy all user’s with an unverified email were eligible for deletion.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetainIntegerAvailable since 1.13.0

    The number of days from creation users will be retained before being deleted for not completing email verification. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.27.0

    When true, FusionAuth will handle username collisions by generating a random suffix. Users with colliding usernames will be able to use the same one, but in the admin and API interfaces, a unique username will be displayed.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.numberOfDigitsIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

    The maximum number of digits to use when building a unique suffix for a username. A number will be randomly selected and will be 1 or more digits up to this configured value in length. For example, if this value is 5, the suffix will be a number between 00001 and 99999, inclusive.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.separatorStringAvailable since 1.27.0

    A single character to use as a separator from the requested username and a unique suffix that is added when a duplicate username is detected. This value can be a single non alphanumeric ASCII character.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.strategyStringAvailable since 1.29.0

    This strategy instructions FusionAuth when to append a unique suffix to the username. The possible values are:

    • Always - Always append a unique suffix even when the requested username is not in use.
    • OnCollision - Only append a unique suffix when the requested username is in use.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn bootstrap workflow is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.debugBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether debug event log output is enabled for WebAuthn.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether WebAuthn configuration is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn reauthentication workflow is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyIdStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party Id the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. Passkeys can only be used to authenticate on sites using the same Relying Party Id they were registered with.

    The default value is null, which instructs the WebAuthn JavaScript API to use the browser origin.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyNameStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party name the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. This value is used only for display and may be shown by browser or OS dialogs during WebAuthn ceremonies.

    If no value is configured, the tenant.issuer value will be used.

Example Response JSON

  "tenant": {
    "accessControlConfiguration": {
      "uiIPAccessControlListId": "11d49de7-69f6-46fc-8270-0b3aa626327a"
    "configured": true,
    "captchaConfiguration": {
      "captchaMethod": "GoogleRecaptchaV3",
      "enabled": true,
      "secretKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk70us00012r66r96tt7rp",
      "siteKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk75tz00022r66ombcfadr",
      "threshold": 0.5
    "connectorPolicies": [
        "connectorId": "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": false
        "connectorId": "27f22280-7e55-4d1c-b9f8-239bf9cc1a5e",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": true
    "data": {
      "description": "No more secrets, Marty."
    "emailConfiguration": {
      "additionalHeaders": [
          "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET",
          "value": "example_configuration_set_name"
      "defaultFromEmail": "jared@piedpiper.com",
      "defaultFromName": "Jared Dunn",
      "emailUpdateEmailTemplateId": "ec3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "emailVerifiedEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId": "49aba1de-0225-45d7-a2b1-f9fe46b0242c",
      "host": "smtp.sendgrid.net",
      "implicitEmailVerificationAllowed": true,
      "loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateId": "2c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateId": "3c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateId": "4c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "password": "password",
      "passwordlessEmailTemplateId": "a917e23a-da58-4cda-be01-90f542f8c343",
      "passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateId": "5c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "passwordUpdateEmailTemplateId": "6c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "port": 587,
      "properties": {
        "key": "value"
      "security": "TLS",
      "setPasswordEmailTemplateId": "a9aba13e-0125-4fd7-a2b1-aaa146b02423",
      "twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateId": "7c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateId": "8c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "unverified": {
        "allowEmailChangeWhenGated": false,
        "behavior": "Allow"
      "username": "username",
      "verificationEmailTemplateId": "8da42c09-461c-45f3-b931-6e9f63b87ab5",
      "verificationStrategy": "FormField",
      "verifyEmail": true,
      "verifyEmailWhenChanged": true
    "eventConfiguration": {
      "events": {
        "user.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.deactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.bulk.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.reactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.public-key.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.success": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.failed": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.password.breach": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.email.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
    "externalIdentifierConfiguration": {
      "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30,
      "changePasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
      "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "emailVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "loginIntentTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "passwordlessLoginGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSeconds": 3600,
      "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "setupPasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "trustTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomDigits"
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180
    "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": {
      "actionCancelPolicy": {
        "onPasswordReset": false
      "actionDuration": 3,
      "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES",
      "emailUser": false,
      "resetCountInSeconds": 60,
      "tooManyAttempts": 5,
      "userActionId": "16cfc707-268c-4c5b-8989-f71f3ee156d4"
    "familyConfiguration": {
      "allowChildRegistrations": true,
      "confirmChildEmailTemplateId": "87654321-4321-8765-ba09-ba0987654321",
      "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false,
      "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30,
      "enabled": true,
      "familyRequestEmailTemplateId": "57462514-a73b-cd76-0001-b8a65cd61230",
      "maximumChildAge": 12,
      "minimumOwnerAge": 21,
      "parentEmailRequired": false,
      "parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId": "12345678-1234-5678-90ab-1234567890ab"
    "formConfiguration": {
      "adminUserFormId": "e92751a5-25f4-4bca-ad91-66cdf67725d2"
    "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600,
    "id": "32306536-3036-6431-3865-646430303332",
    "insertInstant": 1572469040579,
    "issuer": "https://example.com",
    "jwtConfiguration": {
      "accessTokenKeyId": "025233ca-d4f3-2aa4-eca9-7e4200e9b472",
      "enabled": true,
      "idTokenKeyId": "092dbedc-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
      "refreshTokenExpirationPolicy": "Fixed",
      "refreshTokenRevocationPolicy": {
        "onLoginPrevented": true,
        "onMultiFactorEnable": true,
        "onPasswordChanged": true
      "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200,
      "refreshTokenUsagePolicy": "Reusable",
      "timeToLiveInSeconds": 3600
    "lambdaConfiguration": {
      "loginValidationId": "c0dd79db-38dd-424b-b77a-4dccaad71052",
      "scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterId": "c2e70f8d-19bb-4df7-848a-33a9a1e26b84",
      "scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterId": "44fc9553-8a2e-408f-8aa2-fa65b70b55e2",
      "scimGroupRequestConverterId": "66d65de0-1819-42f8-86ed-7daaa4e155dc",
      "scimGroupResponseConverterId": "79812ede-432f-4375-9b43-23c0fe996fef",
      "scimUserRequestConverterId": "8a51d7a1-5e3e-442a-b96a-0c31379bb3d4",
      "scimUserResponseConverterId": "c8720843-dc4f-4e6c-b6ca-500e9c44695f"
    "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
    "loginConfiguration": {
      "requireAuthentication": true
    "logoutURL": "http://example.com/logout",
    "maximumPasswordAge": {
      "days": 180,
      "enabled": false
    "minimumPasswordAge": {
      "enabled": false,
      "seconds": 30
    "multiFactorConfiguration": {
      "authenticator": {
        "algorithm": "HmacSHA1",
        "codeLength": 6,
        "enabled": true,
        "timeStep": 30
      "email": {
        "enabled": true,
        "templateId": "d312fb71-d7d8-4b75-a497-6096a07220b3"
      "loginPolicy": "Enabled",
      "sms": {
        "enabled": true,
        "messengerId": "0a4bae38-ffef-4c33-b74c-1d50c796f600",
        "templateId": "f35e04e6-72ec-4f52-b552-29cf950a4ed6"
    "name": "Playtronics Co.",
    "oauthConfiguration": {
      "clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaId": "46e120c1-4c22-473f-95b4-e2c187cd20c2"
    "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": {
      "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256",
      "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000,
      "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false
    "passwordValidationRules": {
      "breachDetection": {
        "enabled": true,
        "notifyUserEmailTemplateId": "e6c74b53-d43d-471e-ae7e-906456d0f341",
        "matchMode": "High",
        "onLogin": "Off"
      "maxLength": 256,
      "minLength": 8,
      "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
        "count": 2,
        "enabled": true
      "requireMixedCase": true,
      "requireNonAlpha": true,
      "requireNumber": true,
      "validateOnLogin": false
    "rateLimitConfiguration": {
      "failedLogin": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "forgotPassword": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendEmailVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendRegistrationVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendPasswordless": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendTwoFactor": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
    "registrationConfiguration": {},
    "scimServerConfiguration": {
      "clientEntityTypeId": "d9ed49f7-1106-4b20-acdb-5cbda76ae77e",
      "enabled": true,
      "serverEntityTypeId": "919e0ac5-1cf0-4fcf-a8fc-29d77a0d1d8f",
      "schemas": {}
    "ssoConfiguration": {
      "allowAccessTokenBootstrap": false,
      "deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSeconds": 31536000
    "state": "Active",
    "themeId": "c6ad3fac-6f32-4db7-91a4-061ff035e871",
    "userDeletePolicy": {
      "unverified": {
        "enabled": true,
        "enabledInstant": 1698772159415,
        "numberOfDaysToRetain": 30
    "usernameConfiguration": {
      "unique": {
        "enabled": false,
        "numberOfDigits": 5,
        "separator": "#",
        "strategy": "OnCollision"
    "webAuthnConfiguration": {
      "enabled": true,
      "bootstrapWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "crossPlatform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "debug": false,
      "reauthenticationWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "platform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "relyingPartyId": "piedpiper.com",
      "relyingPartyName": "Pied Piper"

Response Body

The list of Tenant objects.
tenants[x].accessControlConfiguration.uiIPAccessControlListIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the IP Access Control List limiting access to this all applications in this tenant.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.captchaMethodStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The type of captcha method to use.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether captcha configuration is enabled.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.secretKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The secret key for this captcha method.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.siteKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The site key for this captcha method.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.thresholdFloatAvailable since 1.30.0

The numeric threshold which separates a passing score from a failing one. This value only applies if using either the Google v3 or HCaptcha Enterprise method, otherwise this value is ignored.


Indicates the tenant has been configured. It is always true, except for default tenant when the setup wizard has not been completed, in which case it is false.

tenants[x].connectorPoliciesArrayAvailable since 1.18.0

A list of Connector policies. Users will be authenticated against Connectors in order. Each Connector can be included in this list at most once and must exist.

tenants[x].connectorPolicies[x].connectorIdUUIDAvailable since 1.18.0

The identifier of the Connector to which this policy refers.

tenants[x].connectorPolicies[x].domainsStringAvailable since 1.18.0

An list of email domains to which this connector should apply.

A value of ["*"] indicates this connector applies to all users.

tenants[x].connectorPolicies[x].migrateBooleanAvailable since 1.18.0

If true, the user’s data will be migrated to FusionAuth at first successful authentication; subsequent authentications will occur against the FusionAuth datastore. If false, the Connector’s source will be treated as authoritative.


An object that can hold any information about the Tenant that should be persisted.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.additionalHeadersArray<Object>Available since 1.32.0

The additional SMTP headers to be added to each outgoing email. Each SMTP header consists of a name and a value.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.37.0

Determines if debug should be enabled to create an event log to assist in debugging SMTP errors.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.defaultFromEmailStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default email address that emails will be sent from when a from address is not provided on an individual email template. This is the address part email address (i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.defaultFromNameStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default From Name used in sending emails when a from name is not provided on an individual email template. This is the display name part of the email address ( i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.emailUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their email address is updated.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.emailVerifiedEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template used to notify a user that their email address has been verified.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.forgotPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user is sent a forgot password email.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.hostStringDefaults to localhostAvailable since 1.8.0

The host name of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.implicitEmailVerificationAllowedDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.32.0

When set to true, this allows email to be verified as a result of completing a similar email based workflow such as change password. When set to false, the user must explicitly complete the email verification workflow even if the user has already completed a similar email workflow such as change password.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to create an account with their login Id.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to update an existing account to use their login Id.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they log in on a new device.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a suspicious login occurs.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional password FusionAuth will use to authenticate with the SMTP server.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordlessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Passwordless Email Template, sent to users when they start a passwordless login.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they have completed a ‘forgot password’ workflow and their password has been reset.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their password has been updated.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.portIntegerDefaults to 25Available since 1.8.0

The port of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.propertiesStringAvailable since 1.8.0

Custom SMTP configuration properties that may be necessary in some cases. This can contain any Java mail property. It will override anything FusionAuth sets by default.

The following property has a default value:

  • mail.smtp.ssl.protocols has a default value of TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.

Since version 1.44.0, the following two properties have default values:

  • mail.smtp.timeout has a default value of 2000.
  • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout has a default value of 2000.

Here’s an example value which overrides these properties; in this case setting both timeout defaults to 5 seconds.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.securityStringDefaults to NONEAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of security protocol FusionAuth will use when connecting to the SMTP server. The possible values are:

  • NONE - no security will be used. All communications will be sent plaintext.
  • SSL - SSL will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This protocol is not recommended unless it is the only one your SMTP server supports.
  • TLS - TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This is the preferred protocol for all SMTP servers.
tenants[x].emailConfiguration.setPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user had their account created for them and they must set their password manually and they are sent an email to set their password.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been added to their account.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been removed from their account.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.unverified.allowEmailChangeWhenGatedBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When this value is set to true, the user is allowed to change their email address when they are gated because they haven’t verified their email address.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.unverified.behaviorStringDefaults to AllowAvailable since 1.27.0

The desired behavior during login for a user that does not have a verified email. The possible values are:

  • Allow - the user will be allowed to complete login.
  • Gated - verification is required before a user can complete login. The use of this value will require a paid plan.
tenants[x].emailConfiguration.usernameStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional username FusionAuth will to authenticate with the SMTP server.


The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users to verify that their email address is valid. If either the verifyEmail or verifyEmailWhenChanged fields are true, this field is required.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.verificationStrategyStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The process by which the user will verify their email address. The possible values are:

  • ClickableLink - send the user a code with a clickable link.
  • FormField - send the user a short code intended to be manually entered into a form field. This is only available when tenants[x].emailConfiguration.unverified.behavior has the Gated value.
tenants[x].emailConfiguration.verifyEmailBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the registers with your application.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.verifyEmailWhenChangedBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the user changes them.

tenants[x].eventConfiguration.eventsObjectAvailable since 1.8.0

A mapping of the configuration for each event type that FusionAuth sends. The event types that are the keys into this Object are:

  • audit-log.create - When an audit log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • event-log.create - When an event log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • jwt.public-key.update - When a JWT RSA Public / Private keypair may have been changed
  • jwt.refresh - When an access token is refreshed using a refresh token Available since 1.16.0
  • jwt.refresh-token.revoke - When a JWT Refresh Token is revoked
  • kickstart.success - When kickstart has successfully completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.action - When a user action is triggered
  • user.bulk.create - When multiple users are created in bulk (i.e. during an import)
  • user.create - When a user is created
  • user.create.complete - When a user create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.deactivate - When a user is deactivated
  • user.delete - When a user is deleted
  • user.delete.complete - When a user delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.update - When a user updates their email address Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.verified - When a user verifies their email address Available since 1.8.0
  • user.identity-provider.link - When a link is created from a user to an Identity Provider Available since 1.36.0
  • user.identity-provider.unlink - When an existing Identity Provider link is removed from a User Available since 1.36.0
  • user.loginId.duplicate.create - When a request to create a user with a login Id (email or username) which is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.create event .

  • user.loginId.duplicate.update - When a request to update a user and change their login Id (email or username) to one that is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.update event .

  • user.login.failed - When a user fails a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.new-device - When a user begins a login request with a new device Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.new-device event .

  • user.login.success - When a user completes a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.suspicious - When a user logs in and is considered to be a potential threat (requires an activated Enterprise license) Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.suspicious event .

  • user.password.breach - When Reactor detects a user is using a potentially breached password (requires an activated license) Available since 1.15.0

    Note: A paid plan is required to utilize the user.password.breach event .

  • user.password.reset.send - When a forgot password email has been sent to a user Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.send event.

  • user.password.reset.start - When the process to reset a user password has started Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.start event.

  • user.password.reset.success - When a user has successfully reset their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.success event.

  • user.password.update - When a user has updated their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.update event.

  • user.reactivate - When a user is reactivated
  • user.registration.create - When a user registration is created Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.create.complete - When a user registration create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.delete - When a user registration is deleted Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.delete.complete - When a user registration delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.update - When a user registration is updated Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.update.complete - When a user registration update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.verified - When a user completes registration verification Available since 1.8.0
  • user.two-factor.method.add - When a user has added a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.add event.

  • user.two-factor.method.remove - When a user has removed a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.remove event.

  • user.update - When a user is updated
  • user.update.complete - When a user update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
tenants[x].eventConfiguration.events[type].enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether or not FusionAuth should send these types of events to any configured Webhooks.

tenants[x].eventConfiguration.events[type].transactionTypeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The transaction type that FusionAuth uses when sending these types of events to any configured Webhooks. The transaction types are:

  • None - No Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • Any - Only a single Webhook is required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SimpleMajority - A simple majority (50% or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SuperMajority - A super majority (2/3 or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • AbsoluteMajority - Every Webhook must succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an OAuth authorization code is no longer valid to be exchanged for an access token. This is essentially the time allowed between the start of an Authorization request during the Authorization code grant and when you request an access token using this authorization code on the Token endpoint.

Value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 600.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id.

If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a change password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The time in seconds until a device code Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id.

If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.11.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the email verification Id.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an email verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Email API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.12.0

The time in seconds until an external authentication Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.loginIntentTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.53.0

The time in seconds until a Login Timeout identifier is no longer valid to complete post-authentication steps in the OAuth workflow. Must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a One Time Password is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login.

If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a passwordless code is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Passwordless API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.28.0

The number of seconds before the pending account link identifier is no longer valid to complete an account link request.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a registration verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Registration API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.50.0

The time in seconds until remembered OAuth scope consent choices are no longer valid, and the User will be prompted to consent to requested OAuth scopes even if they have not changed. Applies only when application.oauthConfiguration.consentMode is set to RememberDecision. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.19.0

The time in seconds that a SAML AuthN request Id returned by the Start SAML v2 Login Request API will be eligible to be used to complete a SAML v2 Login request.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id.

If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a setup password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.trustTokenTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.33.0

The number of seconds before the Trust Token is no longer valid to complete a request that requires trust. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a two factor Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Two Factor Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the two factor one time code Id.

If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the two factor code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

The number of seconds before the Two-Factor One Time Code used to enable or disable a two-factor method is no longer valid. Must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an issued Two Factor trust Id is no longer valid and the User will be required to complete Two Factor authentication during the next authentication attempt. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn authentication challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn authentication ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn registration challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn registration ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionCancelPolicy.onPasswordResetBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates whether you want the user to be able to self-service unlock their account prior to the action duration by completing a password reset workflow.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationLongAvailable since 1.8.0

The duration of the User Action. This value along with the actionDurationUnit will be used to set the duration of the User Action. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationUnitStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The unit of time associated with a duration. The possible values are:

  • DAYS
tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.emailUserStringAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates you would like to email the user when the user’s account is locked due to this action being taken. This requires the User Action specified by the tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionId to also be configured for email. If the User Action is not configured to be able to email the user, this configuration will be ignored. See userEmailingEnabled on the User Action.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.resetCountInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds before the failed authentication count will be reset. Value must be greater than 0.

For example, if tooManyAttempts is set to 5 and you fail to authenticate 4 times in a row, waiting for the duration specified here will cause your fifth attempt to start back at 1.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.tooManyAttemptsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of failed attempts considered to be too many. Once this threshold is reached the specified User Action will be applied to the user for the duration specified. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The Id of the User Action that is applied when the threshold is reached for too many failed authentication attempts.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.allowChildRegistrationsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to allow child registrations.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.confirmChildEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when confirming a child.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that child users without parental verification will be permanently deleted after tenants[x].familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDays days.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDaysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of days from creation child users will be retained before being deleted for not completing parental verification. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether family configuration is enabled.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.familyRequestEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when a family request is made.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.maximumChildAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The maximum age of a child. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.minimumOwnerAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The minimum age to be an owner. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.parentEmailRequiredBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether a parent email is required.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.parentRegistrationEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use for parent registration.

tenants[x].formConfiguration.adminUserFormIdUUIDAvailable since 1.20.0

The unique Id of the form to use for the Add and Edit User form when used in the FusionAuth admin UI.

tenants[x].httpSessionMaxInactiveIntervalIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

Time in seconds until an inactive session will be invalidated. Used when creating a new session in the FusionAuth OAuth frontend.


The unique identifier for this Tenant.


The instant that the Tenant was added to the FusionAuth database.

tenants[x].issuerStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The named issuer used to sign tokens. This is generally your public fully qualified domain with the https:// protocol prefix. For example, https://example.com.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.accessTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the access token.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.idTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the Id token.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationPolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The Refresh Token expiration policy.

The possible values are:

  • Fixed - the expiration is calculated from the time the token is issued.
  • SlidingWindow - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used.
  • SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used, or until the maximumTimeToLiveInMinutes is reached.   Available since 1.46.0
tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenOneTimeUseConfiguration.gracePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.55.1

The length of time specified in seconds that a one-time use token can be reused.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than 86400 which is equal to 24 hours. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables the grace period which means a one-time token may not be reused. For security reasons, you should keep this value as small as possible, and only increase past 0 to improve reliability for an asynchronous or clustered integration that may require a brief grace period.

Note that one-time use tokens refreshed within a grace period are not considered for revocation when tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuse is true. When a token is reused within the grace period the current token will be returned on the API response and the token will not be rotated.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onLoginPreventedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user action, such as locking an account based on a number of failed login attempts, prevents user login.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onMultiFactorEnableBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user enables multi-factor authentication for the first time. This policy will not be applied when adding subsequent multi-factor methods to the user.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuseBooleanAvailable since 1.55.1

When enabled, if a one-time use refresh token is reused, the token will be revoked. This does not cause all refresh tokens to be revoked, only the reused token is revoked.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onPasswordChangedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user changes their password.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenSlidingWindowConfiguration.maximumTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.46.0

The maximum lifetime of a refresh token when using a refreshTokenExpirationPolicy of SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in minutes a Refresh Token is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenUsagePolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The refresh token usage policy. The following are valid values:

  • Reusable - the token does not change after it was issued.

  • OneTimeUse - the token value will be changed each time the token is used to refresh a JWT. The client must store the new value after each usage.

    tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.timeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The length of time in seconds this JWT is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.loginValidationIdUUIDAvailable since 1.53.0

    The Id of the lambda that will be invoked at the end of a successful login request in order to extend custom validation of a login request.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Enterprise User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Enterprise User to a SCIM Server response.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM Group Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Group request to a FusionAuth Group.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM GroupResponse Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Group to a SCIM Server response.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth User to a SCIM Server response.


    The instant that the Tenant was last updated in the FusionAuth database.

    tenants[x].loginConfiguration.requireAuthenticationBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    Indicates whether to require an API key for the Login API when an applicationId is not provided. When an applicationId is provided to the Login API call, the application configuration will take precedence.

    tenants[x].logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

    tenants[x].maximumPasswordAge.daysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password maximum age in days. The number of days after which FusionAuth will require a user to change their password. Required when tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenants[x].maximumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the maximum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenants[x].minimumPasswordAge.secondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password minimum age in seconds. When enabled FusionAuth will not allow a password to be changed until it reaches this minimum age. Required when tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenants[x].minimumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the minimum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.algorithmStringAvailable since 1.26.0

    The algorithm used by the TOTP authenticator. This value is HmacSHA1 and read only.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.codeLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The length of the code generated by the TOTP. This value is 6 and read only.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an authenticator application to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This method uses TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) as defined in RFC 6238 and often uses an native mobile app such as Google Authenticator.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.timeStepIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The time-step size in seconds. This value is 30 and read only.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an email address to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.email.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the email template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize a mobile phone number to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.sms.messengerIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The messenger that is used to deliver a SMS two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.sms.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the SMS template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.


    The unique name of the Tenant.

    tenants[x].oauthConfiguration.clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of a lambda that will be called to populate the JWT during a client credentials grant.

    tenants[x].passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The default method for encrypting the User’s password. The following encryptors are provided with FusionAuth:

    tenants[x].passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeFactorIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The factor used by the password encryption scheme. If not provided, the PasswordEncryptor provides a default value. Generally this will be used as an iteration count to generate the hash. The actual use of this value is up to the PasswordEncryptor implementation.

    tenants[x].passwordEncryptionConfiguration.modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    When enabled a user’s hash configuration will be modified to match these configured settings. This can be useful to increase a password hash strength over time or upgrade imported users to a more secure encryption scheme after an initial import.

    Beginning in version 1.42.0 when this configuration is enabled, in addition to re-hashing on login, the password will be re-hashed on password change as well.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    Whether to enable Reactor breach detection. Requires an activated license.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.matchModeStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The level of severity where Reactor will consider a breach. The following are valid values:

    • High Only requires a password match, this is the most secure and is recommended
    • Medium Exact match on username, email address or email sub-address
    • Low Exact match on an email or username, or the password is a common breached value
    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.notifyUserEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.15.0

    The Id of the email template to use when notifying a user of a breached password.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLoginStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The behavior when detecting breaches at time of user login. The following are valid values:

    • Off Do not perform breach detection at login
    • RecordOnly Only record the result, take no action
    • NotifyUser Notify the end user via email
    • RequireChange Require immediate password change
    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.maxLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The maximum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.minLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The minimum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.countIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The number of previous passwords to remember. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to prevent a user from using any of their previous passwords.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.requireMixedCaseBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.requireNonAlphaBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one non-alphanumeric character.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.requireNumberBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one number.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.validateOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    When enabled the user’s password will be validated during login. If the password does not meet the currently configured validation rules the user will be required to change their password.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can fail to login within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration. If a Failed authentication action has been configured then it will take precedence.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can fail login before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a forgot password email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a forgot password email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a verification email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a passwordless login email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a passwordless login email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a registration verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a registration verification email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].registrationConfiguration.blockedDomainsArray<String>Available since 1.30.0

    A list of unique domains that are not allowed to register when self service is enabled.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.clientEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Clients for this tenant.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.36.0

    Whether or not this tenant has the SCIM endpoints enabled.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.schemasMapAvailable since 1.36.0

    JSON formatted as a SCIM Schemas endpoint response. Because the SCIM lambdas may modify the JSON response, ensure the Schema’s response matches that generated by the response lambdas. More about Schema definitions.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.serverEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Servers for this tenant.

    tenants[x].ssoConfiguration.deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.2

    The number of seconds before a trusted device is reset. When reset, a user is forced to complete captcha during login and complete two factor authentication if applicable.

    tenants[x].ssoConfiguration.allowAccessTokenBootstrapBooleanAvailable since 1.56.0

    When enabled, an SSO session can be created after login by providing an access token as a bearer token in a request to the OAuth2 Authorize endpoint.

    tenants[x].stateStringAvailable since 1.22.0

    The current state of the tenant. The following are valid values:

    • Active - The tenant is active.
    • PendingDelete - A delete request has been requested and is being processed.
    tenants[x].themeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

    The unique Id of the theme to be used to style the login page and other end user templates.

    tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.13.0

    Indicates that users without a verified email address will be permanently deleted after tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetain days.

    tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledInstantLongAvailable since 1.48.0

    The instant that this policy was enabled.

    Users created before this time will not be eligible to be deleted. This means that you can safely enable this feature and the policy will only be enforced for users created after this policy was enabled. If you would like to delete users created prior to this policy being enabled that have an unverified email address, you can use the User Search API or User Bulk Delete API to search on the insertInstant and verified fields to identify users that you would like to delete.

    For example, the following query string will return users that were created at least 7 days ago that have not verified their email address.

    insertInstant:<now-7d AND verified:false

    Please note that prior to version 1.48.0, when enabling this policy all user’s with an unverified email were eligible for deletion.

    tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetainIntegerAvailable since 1.13.0

    The number of days from creation users will be retained before being deleted for not completing email verification. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.27.0

    When true, FusionAuth will handle username collisions by generating a random suffix. Users with colliding usernames will be able to use the same one, but in the admin and API interfaces, a unique username will be displayed.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.numberOfDigitsIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

    The maximum number of digits to use when building a unique suffix for a username. A number will be randomly selected and will be 1 or more digits up to this configured value in length. For example, if this value is 5, the suffix will be a number between 00001 and 99999, inclusive.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.separatorStringAvailable since 1.27.0

    A single character to use as a separator from the requested username and a unique suffix that is added when a duplicate username is detected. This value can be a single non alphanumeric ASCII character.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.strategyStringAvailable since 1.29.0

    This strategy instructions FusionAuth when to append a unique suffix to the username. The possible values are:

    • Always - Always append a unique suffix even when the requested username is not in use.
    • OnCollision - Only append a unique suffix when the requested username is in use.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn bootstrap workflow is enabled.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.debugBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether debug event log output is enabled for WebAuthn.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether WebAuthn configuration is enabled.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn reauthentication workflow is enabled.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyIdStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party Id the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. Passkeys can only be used to authenticate on sites using the same Relying Party Id they were registered with.

    The default value is null, which instructs the WebAuthn JavaScript API to use the browser origin.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyNameStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party name the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. This value is used only for display and may be shown by browser or OS dialogs during WebAuthn ceremonies.

    If no value is configured, the tenant.issuer value will be used.

Example Response JSON for all the Tenants

  "tenants": [
      "accessControlConfiguration": {
        "uiIPAccessControlListId": "11d49de7-69f6-46fc-8270-0b3aa626327a"
      "configured": true,
      "captchaConfiguration": {
        "captchaMethod": "GoogleRecaptchaV3",
        "enabled": false,
        "threshold": 0.5
      "connectorPolicies": [
          "connectorId": "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72",
          "domains": [
          "migrate": false
          "connectorId": "27f22280-7e55-4d1c-b9f8-239bf9cc1a5e",
          "domains": [
          "migrate": true
      "data": {
        "description": "No more secrets, Marty."
      "emailConfiguration": {
        "additionalHeaders": [
            "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET",
            "value": "example_configuration_set_name"
        "defaultFromEmail": "jared@piedpiper.com",
        "defaultFromName": "Jared Dunn",
        "emailUpdateEmailTemplateId": "ec3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "emailVerifiedEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId": "49aba1de-0225-45d7-a2b1-f9fe46b0242c",
        "host": "smtp.sendgrid.net",
        "implicitEmailVerificationAllowed": true,
        "loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateId": "2c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateId": "3c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateId": "4c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "password": "password",
        "passwordlessEmailTemplateId": "a917e23a-da58-4cda-be01-90f542f8c343",
        "passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateId": "5c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "passwordUpdateEmailTemplateId": "6c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "port": 587,
        "properties": {
          "key": "value"
        "security": "TLS",
        "setPasswordEmailTemplateId": "a9aba13e-0125-4fd7-a2b1-aaa146b02423",
        "twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateId": "7c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateId": "8c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "unverified": {
          "allowEmailChangeWhenGated": false,
          "behavior": "Allow"
        "username": "username",
        "verificationEmailTemplateId": "8da42c09-461c-45f3-b931-6e9f63b87ab5",
        "verificationStrategy": "FormField",
        "verifyEmail": true,
        "verifyEmailWhenChanged": true
      "eventConfiguration": {
        "events": {
          "user.delete": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.create": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.update": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.deactivate": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.bulk.create": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.reactivate": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "jwt.refresh": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "jwt.public-key.update": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.login.success": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.login.failed": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.password.breach": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.create": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.update": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.delete": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.verified": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.email.verified": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
      "externalIdentifierConfiguration": {
        "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30,
        "changePasswordIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
        "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
        "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
        "emailVerificationIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
        "emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
        "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
        "loginIntentTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
        "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
        "passwordlessLoginGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
        "pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSeconds": 3600,
        "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
        "registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
        "rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
        "samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
        "setupPasswordIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
        "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
        "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomDigits"
        "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
        "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
        "webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
        "webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180
      "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": {
        "actionCancelPolicy": {
          "onPasswordReset": false
        "actionDuration": 3,
        "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES",
        "emailUser": false,
        "resetCountInSeconds": 60,
        "tooManyAttempts": 5,
        "userActionId": "16cfc707-268c-4c5b-8989-f71f3ee156d4"
      "familyConfiguration": {
        "allowChildRegistrations": true,
        "confirmChildEmailTemplateId": "87654321-4321-8765-ba09-ba0987654321",
        "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false,
        "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30,
        "enabled": true,
        "familyRequestEmailTemplateId": "57462514-a73b-cd76-0001-b8a65cd61230",
        "maximumChildAge": 12,
        "minimumOwnerAge": 21,
        "parentEmailRequired": false,
        "parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId": "12345678-1234-5678-90ab-1234567890ab"
      "formConfiguration": {
        "adminUserFormId": "e92751a5-25f4-4bca-ad91-66cdf67725d2"
      "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600,
      "id": "32306536-3036-6431-3865-646430303332",
      "insertInstant": 1572469040579,
      "issuer": "https://example.com",
      "jwtConfiguration": {
        "accessTokenKeyId": "025233ca-d4f3-2aa4-eca9-7e4200e9b472",
        "enabled": true,
        "idTokenKeyId": "092dbedc-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
        "refreshTokenExpirationPolicy": "Fixed",
        "refreshTokenRevocationPolicy": {
          "onLoginPrevented": true,
          "onMultiFactorEnable": true,
          "onPasswordChanged": true
        "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200,
        "refreshTokenUsagePolicy": "Reusable",
        "timeToLiveInSeconds": 3600
      "lambdaConfiguration": {
        "loginValidationId": "c0dd79db-38dd-424b-b77a-4dccaad71052",
        "scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterId": "c2e70f8d-19bb-4df7-848a-33a9a1e26b84",
        "scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterId": "44fc9553-8a2e-408f-8aa2-fa65b70b55e2",
        "scimGroupRequestConverterId": "66d65de0-1819-42f8-86ed-7daaa4e155dc",
        "scimGroupResponseConverterId": "79812ede-432f-4375-9b43-23c0fe996fef",
        "scimUserRequestConverterId": "8a51d7a1-5e3e-442a-b96a-0c31379bb3d4",
        "scimUserResponseConverterId": "c8720843-dc4f-4e6c-b6ca-500e9c44695f"
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "loginConfiguration": {
        "requireAuthentication": true
      "logoutURL": "http://example.com/logout",
      "maximumPasswordAge": {
        "days": 180,
        "enabled": false
      "minimumPasswordAge": {
        "enabled": false,
        "seconds": 30
      "multiFactorConfiguration": {
        "authenticator": {
          "algorithm": "HmacSHA1",
          "codeLength": 6,
          "enabled": true,
          "timeStep": 30
        "email": {
          "enabled": true,
          "templateId": "d312fb71-d7d8-4b75-a497-6096a07220b3"
        "loginPolicy": "Enabled",
        "sms": {
          "enabled": true,
          "messengerId": "0a4bae38-ffef-4c33-b74c-1d50c796f600",
          "templateId": "f35e04e6-72ec-4f52-b552-29cf950a4ed6"
      "name": "Playtronics Co.",
      "oauthConfiguration": {
        "clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaId": "46e120c1-4c22-473f-95b4-e2c187cd20c2"
      "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": {
        "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256",
        "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000,
        "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false
      "passwordValidationRules": {
        "breachDetection": {
          "enabled": true,
          "notifyUserEmailTemplateId": "e6c74b53-d43d-471e-ae7e-906456d0f341",
          "matchMode": "High",
          "onLogin": "Off"
        "maxLength": 256,
        "minLength": 8,
        "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
          "count": 2,
          "enabled": true
        "requireMixedCase": true,
        "requireNonAlpha": true,
        "requireNumber": true,
        "validateOnLogin": false
      "scimServerConfiguration": {
        "clientEntityTypeId": "d9ed49f7-1106-4b20-acdb-5cbda76ae77e",
        "enabled": true,
        "serverEntityTypeId": "919e0ac5-1cf0-4fcf-a8fc-29d77a0d1d8f",
        "schemas": {}
      "ssoConfiguration": {
        "allowAccessTokenBootstrap": false,
        "deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSeconds": 31536000
      "state": "Active",
      "themeId": "c6ad3fac-6f32-4db7-91a4-061ff035e871",
      "userDeletePolicy": {
        "unverified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "enabledInstant": 1698772159415,
          "numberOfDaysToRetain": 30
      "usernameConfiguration": {
        "unique": {
          "enabled": false,
          "numberOfDigits": 5,
          "separator": "#",
          "strategy": "OnCollision"
      "webAuthnConfiguration": {
        "enabled": true,
        "bootstrapWorkflow": {
          "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "crossPlatform",
          "enabled": true,
          "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
        "debug": false,
        "reauthenticationWorkflow": {
          "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "platform",
          "enabled": true,
          "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
        "relyingPartyId": "piedpiper.com",
        "relyingPartyName": "Pied Piper"

Search for Tenants

This API has been available since 1.45.0

This API is used to search for Tenants and may be called using the GET or POST HTTP methods. Examples of each are provided below. The POST method is provided to allow for a richer request object without worrying about exceeding the maximum length of a URL. Calling this API with either the GET or POST HTTP method will provide the same search results given the same query parameters.

Note: API key authentication must be made using a global API key. The request may not contain the X-FusionAuth-TenantId request header. Requests made using an API key scoped to a specific tenant, or containing the X-FusionAuth-TenantId request header will fail with a 401 status code.


API Key Authentication
Search for Tenants
GET /api/tenant/search?name={name}

Request Parameters


The case-insensitive string to search for in the Tenant name. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.

numberOfResultsIntegerDefaults to 25

The number of results to return from the search.

orderByStringDefaults to name ASC

The database field to order the search results as well as an order direction.

The possible values are:

  • id - the unique Id of the Tenant
  • insertInstant - the instant when the Tenant was created
  • name - the Tenant name

The order direction is optional. Possible values of the order direction are ASC or DESC. If omitted, the default sort order is ASC.

For example, to order the results by the insert instant in a descending order, use insertInstant DESC.

startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The offset into the total results. In order to paginate the results, increment this value by the numberOfResults for subsequent requests.

For example, if the total search results are greater than the page size designated by numberOfResults , set this value to 25 to retrieve results 26-50, assuming the default page size.

API Key Authentication
Search for Tenants
POST /api/tenant/search

When calling the API using a POST request you will send the search criteria in a JSON request body.

Request Body


The case-insensitive string to search for in the Tenant name. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.

search.numberOfResultsIntegerDefaults to 25

The number of results to return from the search.

search.orderByStringDefaults to name ASC

The database field to order the search results as well as an order direction.

The possible values are:

  • id - the unique Id of the Tenant
  • insertInstant - the instant when the Tenant was created
  • name - the Tenant name

The order direction is optional. Possible values of the order direction are ASC or DESC. If omitted, the default sort order is ASC.

For example, to order the results by the insert instant in a descending order, use insertInstant DESC.

search.startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The offset into the total results. In order to paginate the results, increment this value by the numberOfResults for subsequent requests.

For example, if the total search results are greater than the page size designated by numberOfResults , set this value to 25 to retrieve results 26-50, assuming the default page size.

Example JSON Request

  "search": {
    "name": "Playtronics",
    "numberOfResults": 10,
    "orderBy": "insertInstant",
    "startRow": 0


The response for this API contains the Tenants matching the search criteria in paginated format.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted, your API key was not valid, your API key is scoped to a single tenant, or the request contains a `X-FusionAuth-TenantId` header. The response will be empty. See <a href='/docs/apis/authentication'>Authentication</a>.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Response Body

The list of Tenant objects.
tenants[x].accessControlConfiguration.uiIPAccessControlListIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the IP Access Control List limiting access to this all applications in this tenant.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.captchaMethodStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The type of captcha method to use.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether captcha configuration is enabled.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.secretKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The secret key for this captcha method.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.siteKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The site key for this captcha method.

tenants[x].captchaConfiguration.thresholdFloatAvailable since 1.30.0

The numeric threshold which separates a passing score from a failing one. This value only applies if using either the Google v3 or HCaptcha Enterprise method, otherwise this value is ignored.


Indicates the tenant has been configured. It is always true, except for default tenant when the setup wizard has not been completed, in which case it is false.

tenants[x].connectorPoliciesArrayAvailable since 1.18.0

A list of Connector policies. Users will be authenticated against Connectors in order. Each Connector can be included in this list at most once and must exist.

tenants[x].connectorPolicies[x].connectorIdUUIDAvailable since 1.18.0

The identifier of the Connector to which this policy refers.

tenants[x].connectorPolicies[x].domainsStringAvailable since 1.18.0

An list of email domains to which this connector should apply.

A value of ["*"] indicates this connector applies to all users.

tenants[x].connectorPolicies[x].migrateBooleanAvailable since 1.18.0

If true, the user’s data will be migrated to FusionAuth at first successful authentication; subsequent authentications will occur against the FusionAuth datastore. If false, the Connector’s source will be treated as authoritative.


An object that can hold any information about the Tenant that should be persisted.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.additionalHeadersArray<Object>Available since 1.32.0

The additional SMTP headers to be added to each outgoing email. Each SMTP header consists of a name and a value.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.37.0

Determines if debug should be enabled to create an event log to assist in debugging SMTP errors.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.defaultFromEmailStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default email address that emails will be sent from when a from address is not provided on an individual email template. This is the address part email address (i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.defaultFromNameStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default From Name used in sending emails when a from name is not provided on an individual email template. This is the display name part of the email address ( i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.emailUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their email address is updated.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.emailVerifiedEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template used to notify a user that their email address has been verified.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.forgotPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user is sent a forgot password email.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.hostStringDefaults to localhostAvailable since 1.8.0

The host name of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.implicitEmailVerificationAllowedDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.32.0

When set to true, this allows email to be verified as a result of completing a similar email based workflow such as change password. When set to false, the user must explicitly complete the email verification workflow even if the user has already completed a similar email workflow such as change password.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to create an account with their login Id.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to update an existing account to use their login Id.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they log in on a new device.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a suspicious login occurs.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional password FusionAuth will use to authenticate with the SMTP server.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordlessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Passwordless Email Template, sent to users when they start a passwordless login.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they have completed a ‘forgot password’ workflow and their password has been reset.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.passwordUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their password has been updated.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.portIntegerDefaults to 25Available since 1.8.0

The port of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.propertiesStringAvailable since 1.8.0

Custom SMTP configuration properties that may be necessary in some cases. This can contain any Java mail property. It will override anything FusionAuth sets by default.

The following property has a default value:

  • mail.smtp.ssl.protocols has a default value of TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.

Since version 1.44.0, the following two properties have default values:

  • mail.smtp.timeout has a default value of 2000.
  • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout has a default value of 2000.

Here’s an example value which overrides these properties; in this case setting both timeout defaults to 5 seconds.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.securityStringDefaults to NONEAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of security protocol FusionAuth will use when connecting to the SMTP server. The possible values are:

  • NONE - no security will be used. All communications will be sent plaintext.
  • SSL - SSL will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This protocol is not recommended unless it is the only one your SMTP server supports.
  • TLS - TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This is the preferred protocol for all SMTP servers.
tenants[x].emailConfiguration.setPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user had their account created for them and they must set their password manually and they are sent an email to set their password.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been added to their account.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been removed from their account.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.unverified.allowEmailChangeWhenGatedBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When this value is set to true, the user is allowed to change their email address when they are gated because they haven’t verified their email address.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.unverified.behaviorStringDefaults to AllowAvailable since 1.27.0

The desired behavior during login for a user that does not have a verified email. The possible values are:

  • Allow - the user will be allowed to complete login.
  • Gated - verification is required before a user can complete login. The use of this value will require a paid plan.
tenants[x].emailConfiguration.usernameStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional username FusionAuth will to authenticate with the SMTP server.


The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users to verify that their email address is valid. If either the verifyEmail or verifyEmailWhenChanged fields are true, this field is required.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.verificationStrategyStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The process by which the user will verify their email address. The possible values are:

  • ClickableLink - send the user a code with a clickable link.
  • FormField - send the user a short code intended to be manually entered into a form field. This is only available when tenants[x].emailConfiguration.unverified.behavior has the Gated value.
tenants[x].emailConfiguration.verifyEmailBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the registers with your application.

tenants[x].emailConfiguration.verifyEmailWhenChangedBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the user changes them.

tenants[x].eventConfiguration.eventsObjectAvailable since 1.8.0

A mapping of the configuration for each event type that FusionAuth sends. The event types that are the keys into this Object are:

  • audit-log.create - When an audit log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • event-log.create - When an event log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • jwt.public-key.update - When a JWT RSA Public / Private keypair may have been changed
  • jwt.refresh - When an access token is refreshed using a refresh token Available since 1.16.0
  • jwt.refresh-token.revoke - When a JWT Refresh Token is revoked
  • kickstart.success - When kickstart has successfully completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.action - When a user action is triggered
  • user.bulk.create - When multiple users are created in bulk (i.e. during an import)
  • user.create - When a user is created
  • user.create.complete - When a user create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.deactivate - When a user is deactivated
  • user.delete - When a user is deleted
  • user.delete.complete - When a user delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.update - When a user updates their email address Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.verified - When a user verifies their email address Available since 1.8.0
  • user.identity-provider.link - When a link is created from a user to an Identity Provider Available since 1.36.0
  • user.identity-provider.unlink - When an existing Identity Provider link is removed from a User Available since 1.36.0
  • user.loginId.duplicate.create - When a request to create a user with a login Id (email or username) which is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.create event .

  • user.loginId.duplicate.update - When a request to update a user and change their login Id (email or username) to one that is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.update event .

  • user.login.failed - When a user fails a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.new-device - When a user begins a login request with a new device Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.new-device event .

  • user.login.success - When a user completes a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.suspicious - When a user logs in and is considered to be a potential threat (requires an activated Enterprise license) Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.suspicious event .

  • user.password.breach - When Reactor detects a user is using a potentially breached password (requires an activated license) Available since 1.15.0

    Note: A paid plan is required to utilize the user.password.breach event .

  • user.password.reset.send - When a forgot password email has been sent to a user Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.send event.

  • user.password.reset.start - When the process to reset a user password has started Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.start event.

  • user.password.reset.success - When a user has successfully reset their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.success event.

  • user.password.update - When a user has updated their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.update event.

  • user.reactivate - When a user is reactivated
  • user.registration.create - When a user registration is created Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.create.complete - When a user registration create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.delete - When a user registration is deleted Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.delete.complete - When a user registration delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.update - When a user registration is updated Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.update.complete - When a user registration update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.verified - When a user completes registration verification Available since 1.8.0
  • user.two-factor.method.add - When a user has added a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.add event.

  • user.two-factor.method.remove - When a user has removed a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.remove event.

  • user.update - When a user is updated
  • user.update.complete - When a user update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
tenants[x].eventConfiguration.events[type].enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether or not FusionAuth should send these types of events to any configured Webhooks.

tenants[x].eventConfiguration.events[type].transactionTypeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The transaction type that FusionAuth uses when sending these types of events to any configured Webhooks. The transaction types are:

  • None - No Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • Any - Only a single Webhook is required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SimpleMajority - A simple majority (50% or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SuperMajority - A super majority (2/3 or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • AbsoluteMajority - Every Webhook must succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an OAuth authorization code is no longer valid to be exchanged for an access token. This is essentially the time allowed between the start of an Authorization request during the Authorization code grant and when you request an access token using this authorization code on the Token endpoint.

Value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 600.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id.

If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a change password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The time in seconds until a device code Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id.

If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.11.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the email verification Id.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an email verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Email API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.12.0

The time in seconds until an external authentication Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.loginIntentTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.53.0

The time in seconds until a Login Timeout identifier is no longer valid to complete post-authentication steps in the OAuth workflow. Must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a One Time Password is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login.

If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a passwordless code is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Passwordless API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.28.0

The number of seconds before the pending account link identifier is no longer valid to complete an account link request.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a registration verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Registration API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.50.0

The time in seconds until remembered OAuth scope consent choices are no longer valid, and the User will be prompted to consent to requested OAuth scopes even if they have not changed. Applies only when application.oauthConfiguration.consentMode is set to RememberDecision. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.19.0

The time in seconds that a SAML AuthN request Id returned by the Start SAML v2 Login Request API will be eligible to be used to complete a SAML v2 Login request.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id.

If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a setup password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.trustTokenTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.33.0

The number of seconds before the Trust Token is no longer valid to complete a request that requires trust. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a two factor Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Two Factor Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the two factor one time code Id.

If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the two factor code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

The number of seconds before the Two-Factor One Time Code used to enable or disable a two-factor method is no longer valid. Must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an issued Two Factor trust Id is no longer valid and the User will be required to complete Two Factor authentication during the next authentication attempt. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn authentication challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn authentication ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn registration challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn registration ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionCancelPolicy.onPasswordResetBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates whether you want the user to be able to self-service unlock their account prior to the action duration by completing a password reset workflow.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationLongAvailable since 1.8.0

The duration of the User Action. This value along with the actionDurationUnit will be used to set the duration of the User Action. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationUnitStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The unit of time associated with a duration. The possible values are:

  • DAYS
tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.emailUserStringAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates you would like to email the user when the user’s account is locked due to this action being taken. This requires the User Action specified by the tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionId to also be configured for email. If the User Action is not configured to be able to email the user, this configuration will be ignored. See userEmailingEnabled on the User Action.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.resetCountInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds before the failed authentication count will be reset. Value must be greater than 0.

For example, if tooManyAttempts is set to 5 and you fail to authenticate 4 times in a row, waiting for the duration specified here will cause your fifth attempt to start back at 1.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.tooManyAttemptsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of failed attempts considered to be too many. Once this threshold is reached the specified User Action will be applied to the user for the duration specified. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The Id of the User Action that is applied when the threshold is reached for too many failed authentication attempts.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.allowChildRegistrationsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to allow child registrations.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.confirmChildEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when confirming a child.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that child users without parental verification will be permanently deleted after tenants[x].familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDays days.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDaysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of days from creation child users will be retained before being deleted for not completing parental verification. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether family configuration is enabled.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.familyRequestEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when a family request is made.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.maximumChildAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The maximum age of a child. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.minimumOwnerAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The minimum age to be an owner. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.parentEmailRequiredBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether a parent email is required.

tenants[x].familyConfiguration.parentRegistrationEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use for parent registration.

tenants[x].formConfiguration.adminUserFormIdUUIDAvailable since 1.20.0

The unique Id of the form to use for the Add and Edit User form when used in the FusionAuth admin UI.

tenants[x].httpSessionMaxInactiveIntervalIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

Time in seconds until an inactive session will be invalidated. Used when creating a new session in the FusionAuth OAuth frontend.


The unique identifier for this Tenant.


The instant that the Tenant was added to the FusionAuth database.

tenants[x].issuerStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The named issuer used to sign tokens. This is generally your public fully qualified domain with the https:// protocol prefix. For example, https://example.com.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.accessTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the access token.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.idTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the Id token.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationPolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The Refresh Token expiration policy.

The possible values are:

  • Fixed - the expiration is calculated from the time the token is issued.
  • SlidingWindow - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used.
  • SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used, or until the maximumTimeToLiveInMinutes is reached.   Available since 1.46.0
tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenOneTimeUseConfiguration.gracePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.55.1

The length of time specified in seconds that a one-time use token can be reused.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than 86400 which is equal to 24 hours. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables the grace period which means a one-time token may not be reused. For security reasons, you should keep this value as small as possible, and only increase past 0 to improve reliability for an asynchronous or clustered integration that may require a brief grace period.

Note that one-time use tokens refreshed within a grace period are not considered for revocation when tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuse is true. When a token is reused within the grace period the current token will be returned on the API response and the token will not be rotated.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onLoginPreventedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user action, such as locking an account based on a number of failed login attempts, prevents user login.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onMultiFactorEnableBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user enables multi-factor authentication for the first time. This policy will not be applied when adding subsequent multi-factor methods to the user.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuseBooleanAvailable since 1.55.1

When enabled, if a one-time use refresh token is reused, the token will be revoked. This does not cause all refresh tokens to be revoked, only the reused token is revoked.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onPasswordChangedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user changes their password.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenSlidingWindowConfiguration.maximumTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.46.0

The maximum lifetime of a refresh token when using a refreshTokenExpirationPolicy of SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in minutes a Refresh Token is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenUsagePolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The refresh token usage policy. The following are valid values:

  • Reusable - the token does not change after it was issued.

  • OneTimeUse - the token value will be changed each time the token is used to refresh a JWT. The client must store the new value after each usage.

    tenants[x].jwtConfiguration.timeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The length of time in seconds this JWT is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.loginValidationIdUUIDAvailable since 1.53.0

    The Id of the lambda that will be invoked at the end of a successful login request in order to extend custom validation of a login request.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Enterprise User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Enterprise User to a SCIM Server response.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM Group Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Group request to a FusionAuth Group.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM GroupResponse Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Group to a SCIM Server response.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenants[x].lambdaConfiguration.scimUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth User to a SCIM Server response.


    The instant that the Tenant was last updated in the FusionAuth database.

    tenants[x].loginConfiguration.requireAuthenticationBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    Indicates whether to require an API key for the Login API when an applicationId is not provided. When an applicationId is provided to the Login API call, the application configuration will take precedence.

    tenants[x].logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

    tenants[x].maximumPasswordAge.daysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password maximum age in days. The number of days after which FusionAuth will require a user to change their password. Required when tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenants[x].maximumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the maximum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenants[x].minimumPasswordAge.secondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password minimum age in seconds. When enabled FusionAuth will not allow a password to be changed until it reaches this minimum age. Required when tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenants[x].minimumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the minimum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.algorithmStringAvailable since 1.26.0

    The algorithm used by the TOTP authenticator. This value is HmacSHA1 and read only.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.codeLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The length of the code generated by the TOTP. This value is 6 and read only.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an authenticator application to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This method uses TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) as defined in RFC 6238 and often uses an native mobile app such as Google Authenticator.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.timeStepIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The time-step size in seconds. This value is 30 and read only.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an email address to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.email.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the email template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize a mobile phone number to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.sms.messengerIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The messenger that is used to deliver a SMS two-factor authentication request.

    tenants[x].multiFactorConfiguration.sms.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the SMS template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.


    The unique name of the Tenant.

    tenants[x].oauthConfiguration.clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of a lambda that will be called to populate the JWT during a client credentials grant.

    tenants[x].passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The default method for encrypting the User’s password. The following encryptors are provided with FusionAuth:

    tenants[x].passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeFactorIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The factor used by the password encryption scheme. If not provided, the PasswordEncryptor provides a default value. Generally this will be used as an iteration count to generate the hash. The actual use of this value is up to the PasswordEncryptor implementation.

    tenants[x].passwordEncryptionConfiguration.modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    When enabled a user’s hash configuration will be modified to match these configured settings. This can be useful to increase a password hash strength over time or upgrade imported users to a more secure encryption scheme after an initial import.

    Beginning in version 1.42.0 when this configuration is enabled, in addition to re-hashing on login, the password will be re-hashed on password change as well.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    Whether to enable Reactor breach detection. Requires an activated license.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.matchModeStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The level of severity where Reactor will consider a breach. The following are valid values:

    • High Only requires a password match, this is the most secure and is recommended
    • Medium Exact match on username, email address or email sub-address
    • Low Exact match on an email or username, or the password is a common breached value
    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.notifyUserEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.15.0

    The Id of the email template to use when notifying a user of a breached password.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLoginStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The behavior when detecting breaches at time of user login. The following are valid values:

    • Off Do not perform breach detection at login
    • RecordOnly Only record the result, take no action
    • NotifyUser Notify the end user via email
    • RequireChange Require immediate password change
    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.maxLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The maximum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.minLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The minimum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.countIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The number of previous passwords to remember. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to prevent a user from using any of their previous passwords.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.requireMixedCaseBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.requireNonAlphaBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one non-alphanumeric character.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.requireNumberBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one number.

    tenants[x].passwordValidationRules.validateOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    When enabled the user’s password will be validated during login. If the password does not meet the currently configured validation rules the user will be required to change their password.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can fail to login within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration. If a Failed authentication action has been configured then it will take precedence.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can fail login before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a forgot password email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a forgot password email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a verification email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a passwordless login email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a passwordless login email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a registration verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a registration verification email before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenants[x].rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS before being rate limited.

    tenants[x].registrationConfiguration.blockedDomainsArray<String>Available since 1.30.0

    A list of unique domains that are not allowed to register when self service is enabled.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.clientEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Clients for this tenant.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.36.0

    Whether or not this tenant has the SCIM endpoints enabled.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.schemasMapAvailable since 1.36.0

    JSON formatted as a SCIM Schemas endpoint response. Because the SCIM lambdas may modify the JSON response, ensure the Schema’s response matches that generated by the response lambdas. More about Schema definitions.

    tenants[x].scimServerConfiguration.serverEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Servers for this tenant.

    tenants[x].ssoConfiguration.deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.2

    The number of seconds before a trusted device is reset. When reset, a user is forced to complete captcha during login and complete two factor authentication if applicable.

    tenants[x].ssoConfiguration.allowAccessTokenBootstrapBooleanAvailable since 1.56.0

    When enabled, an SSO session can be created after login by providing an access token as a bearer token in a request to the OAuth2 Authorize endpoint.

    tenants[x].stateStringAvailable since 1.22.0

    The current state of the tenant. The following are valid values:

    • Active - The tenant is active.
    • PendingDelete - A delete request has been requested and is being processed.
    tenants[x].themeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

    The unique Id of the theme to be used to style the login page and other end user templates.

    tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.13.0

    Indicates that users without a verified email address will be permanently deleted after tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetain days.

    tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledInstantLongAvailable since 1.48.0

    The instant that this policy was enabled.

    Users created before this time will not be eligible to be deleted. This means that you can safely enable this feature and the policy will only be enforced for users created after this policy was enabled. If you would like to delete users created prior to this policy being enabled that have an unverified email address, you can use the User Search API or User Bulk Delete API to search on the insertInstant and verified fields to identify users that you would like to delete.

    For example, the following query string will return users that were created at least 7 days ago that have not verified their email address.

    insertInstant:<now-7d AND verified:false

    Please note that prior to version 1.48.0, when enabling this policy all user’s with an unverified email were eligible for deletion.

    tenants[x].userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetainIntegerAvailable since 1.13.0

    The number of days from creation users will be retained before being deleted for not completing email verification. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.27.0

    When true, FusionAuth will handle username collisions by generating a random suffix. Users with colliding usernames will be able to use the same one, but in the admin and API interfaces, a unique username will be displayed.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.numberOfDigitsIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

    The maximum number of digits to use when building a unique suffix for a username. A number will be randomly selected and will be 1 or more digits up to this configured value in length. For example, if this value is 5, the suffix will be a number between 00001 and 99999, inclusive.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.separatorStringAvailable since 1.27.0

    A single character to use as a separator from the requested username and a unique suffix that is added when a duplicate username is detected. This value can be a single non alphanumeric ASCII character.

    tenants[x].usernameConfiguration.unique.strategyStringAvailable since 1.29.0

    This strategy instructions FusionAuth when to append a unique suffix to the username. The possible values are:

    • Always - Always append a unique suffix even when the requested username is not in use.
    • OnCollision - Only append a unique suffix when the requested username is in use.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn bootstrap workflow is enabled.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.debugBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether debug event log output is enabled for WebAuthn.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether WebAuthn configuration is enabled.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn reauthentication workflow is enabled.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyIdStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party Id the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. Passkeys can only be used to authenticate on sites using the same Relying Party Id they were registered with.

    The default value is null, which instructs the WebAuthn JavaScript API to use the browser origin.

    tenants[x].webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyNameStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party name the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. This value is used only for display and may be shown by browser or OS dialogs during WebAuthn ceremonies.

    If no value is configured, the tenant.issuer value will be used.

The total number of Tenants matching the search criteria. Use this value along with the numberOfResults and startRow in the Search request to perform pagination.

Example Response JSON for Tenant Search

  "tenants": [
      "accessControlConfiguration": {
        "uiIPAccessControlListId": "11d49de7-69f6-46fc-8270-0b3aa626327a"
      "configured": true,
      "captchaConfiguration": {
        "captchaMethod": "GoogleRecaptchaV3",
        "enabled": false,
        "threshold": 0.5
      "connectorPolicies": [
          "connectorId": "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72",
          "domains": [
          "migrate": false
          "connectorId": "27f22280-7e55-4d1c-b9f8-239bf9cc1a5e",
          "domains": [
          "migrate": true
      "data": {
        "description": "No more secrets, Marty."
      "emailConfiguration": {
        "additionalHeaders": [
            "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET",
            "value": "example_configuration_set_name"
        "defaultFromEmail": "jared@piedpiper.com",
        "defaultFromName": "Jared Dunn",
        "emailUpdateEmailTemplateId": "ec3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "emailVerifiedEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId": "49aba1de-0225-45d7-a2b1-f9fe46b0242c",
        "host": "smtp.sendgrid.net",
        "implicitEmailVerificationAllowed": true,
        "loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateId": "2c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateId": "3c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateId": "4c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "password": "password",
        "passwordlessEmailTemplateId": "a917e23a-da58-4cda-be01-90f542f8c343",
        "passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateId": "5c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "passwordUpdateEmailTemplateId": "6c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "port": 587,
        "properties": {
          "key": "value"
        "security": "TLS",
        "setPasswordEmailTemplateId": "a9aba13e-0125-4fd7-a2b1-aaa146b02423",
        "twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateId": "7c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateId": "8c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
        "unverified": {
          "allowEmailChangeWhenGated": false,
          "behavior": "Allow"
        "username": "username",
        "verificationEmailTemplateId": "8da42c09-461c-45f3-b931-6e9f63b87ab5",
        "verificationStrategy": "FormField",
        "verifyEmail": true,
        "verifyEmailWhenChanged": true
      "eventConfiguration": {
        "events": {
          "user.delete": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.create": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.update": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.deactivate": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.bulk.create": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.reactivate": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "jwt.refresh": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "jwt.public-key.update": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.login.success": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.login.failed": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.password.breach": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.create": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.update": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.delete": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.registration.verified": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
          "user.email.verified": {
            "enabled": true,
            "transactionType": "None"
      "externalIdentifierConfiguration": {
        "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30,
        "changePasswordIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
        "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
        "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
        "emailVerificationIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
        "emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
        "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
        "loginIntentTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
        "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
        "passwordlessLoginGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
        "pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSeconds": 3600,
        "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
        "registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
        "rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
        "samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
        "setupPasswordIdGenerator": {
          "length": 32,
          "type": "randomBytes"
        "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
        "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
        "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator": {
          "length": 6,
          "type": "randomDigits"
        "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
        "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
        "webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
        "webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180
      "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": {
        "actionDuration": 3,
        "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES",
        "resetCountInSeconds": 60,
        "tooManyAttempts": 5,
        "userActionId": "16cfc707-268c-4c5b-8989-f71f3ee156d4"
      "familyConfiguration": {
        "allowChildRegistrations": true,
        "confirmChildEmailTemplateId": "87654321-4321-8765-ba09-ba0987654321",
        "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false,
        "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30,
        "enabled": true,
        "familyRequestEmailTemplateId": "57462514-a73b-cd76-0001-b8a65cd61230",
        "maximumChildAge": 12,
        "minimumOwnerAge": 21,
        "parentEmailRequired": false,
        "parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId": "12345678-1234-5678-90ab-1234567890ab"
      "formConfiguration": {
        "adminUserFormId": "e92751a5-25f4-4bca-ad91-66cdf67725d2"
      "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600,
      "id": "32306536-3036-6431-3865-646430303332",
      "insertInstant": 1572469040579,
      "issuer": "https://example.com",
      "jwtConfiguration": {
        "accessTokenKeyId": "025233ca-d4f3-2aa4-eca9-7e4200e9b472",
        "enabled": true,
        "idTokenKeyId": "092dbedc-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
        "refreshTokenExpirationPolicy": "Fixed",
        "refreshTokenRevocationPolicy": {
          "onLoginPrevented": true,
          "onPasswordChanged": true
        "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200,
        "refreshTokenUsagePolicy": "Reusable",
        "timeToLiveInSeconds": 3600
      "lambdaConfiguration": {
        "loginValidationId": "c0dd79db-38dd-424b-b77a-4dccaad71052",
        "scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterId": "c2e70f8d-19bb-4df7-848a-33a9a1e26b84",
        "scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterId": "44fc9553-8a2e-408f-8aa2-fa65b70b55e2",
        "scimGroupRequestConverterId": "66d65de0-1819-42f8-86ed-7daaa4e155dc",
        "scimGroupResponseConverterId": "79812ede-432f-4375-9b43-23c0fe996fef",
        "scimUserRequestConverterId": "8a51d7a1-5e3e-442a-b96a-0c31379bb3d4",
        "scimUserResponseConverterId": "c8720843-dc4f-4e6c-b6ca-500e9c44695f"
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "loginConfiguration": {
        "requireAuthentication": true
      "logoutURL": "http://example.com/logout",
      "maximumPasswordAge": {
        "days": 180,
        "enabled": false
      "minimumPasswordAge": {
        "enabled": false,
        "seconds": 30
      "multiFactorConfiguration": {
        "authenticator": {
          "algorithm": "HmacSHA1",
          "codeLength": 6,
          "enabled": true,
          "timeStep": 30
        "email": {
          "enabled": true,
          "templateId": "d312fb71-d7d8-4b75-a497-6096a07220b3"
        "sms": {
          "enabled": true,
          "messengerId": "0a4bae38-ffef-4c33-b74c-1d50c796f600",
          "templateId": "f35e04e6-72ec-4f52-b552-29cf950a4ed6"
      "name": "Playtronics Co.",
      "oauthConfiguration": {
        "clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaId": "46e120c1-4c22-473f-95b4-e2c187cd20c2"
      "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": {
        "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256",
        "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000,
        "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false
      "passwordValidationRules": {
        "breachDetection": {
          "enabled": true,
          "notifyUserEmailTemplateId": "e6c74b53-d43d-471e-ae7e-906456d0f341",
          "matchMode": "High",
          "onLogin": "Off"
        "maxLength": 256,
        "minLength": 8,
        "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
          "count": 2,
          "enabled": true
        "requireMixedCase": true,
        "requireNonAlpha": true,
        "requireNumber": true,
        "validateOnLogin": false
      "scimServerConfiguration": {
        "clientEntityTypeId": "d9ed49f7-1106-4b20-acdb-5cbda76ae77e",
        "enabled": true,
        "serverEntityTypeId": "919e0ac5-1cf0-4fcf-a8fc-29d77a0d1d8f",
        "schemas": {}
      "ssoConfiguration": {
        "allowAccessTokenBootstrap": false,
        "deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSeconds": 31536000
      "state": "Active",
      "themeId": "c6ad3fac-6f32-4db7-91a4-061ff035e871",
      "userDeletePolicy": {
        "unverified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "enabledInstant": 1698772159415,
          "numberOfDaysToRetain": 30
      "usernameConfiguration": {
        "unique": {
          "enabled": false,
          "numberOfDigits": 5,
          "separator": "#",
          "strategy": "OnCollision"
      "webAuthnConfiguration": {
        "enabled": true,
        "bootstrapWorkflow": {
          "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "crossPlatform",
          "enabled": true,
          "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
        "debug": false,
        "reauthenticationWorkflow": {
          "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "platform",
          "enabled": true,
          "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
        "relyingPartyId": "piedpiper.com",
        "relyingPartyName": "Pied Piper"
  "total": 1

Update a Tenant

This API is used to update an existing Tenant.

You must specify all of the properties of the Tenant when calling this API with the PUT HTTP method. When used with PUT, this API doesn’t merge the existing Tenant and your new data. It replaces the existing Tenant with your new data.

Utilize the PATCH HTTP method to send specific changes to merge into an existing Tenant.


API Key Authentication
Update the Tenant with the given Id
PUT /api/tenant/{tenantId}
PATCH /api/tenant/{tenantId}

When using the PATCH method, you can either use the same request body documentation that is provided for the PUT request for backward compatibility. Or you may use either JSON Patch/RFC 6902] or JSON Merge Patch/RFC 7396. See the PATCH documentation for more information.

When using the PATCH method with a Content-Type of application/json the provided request parameters will be merged into the existing object, this means all parameters are optional when using the PATCH method and you only provide the values you want changed. A null value can be used to remove a value. Patching an Array will result in all values from the new list being appended to the existing list, this is a known limitation to the current implementation of PATCH.

Request Parameters


The Id of the Tenant to update.

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.

Request Body

tenant.accessControlConfiguration.uiIPAccessControlListIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the IP Access Control List limiting access to all applications in this tenant.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize IP ACLs.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.captchaMethodStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The type of CAPTCHA method to use. This field is required when tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabled is set to true. The possible values are:

  • GoogleRecaptchaV2 - use Google reCAPTCHA v2
  • GoogleRecaptchaV3 - use Google reCAPTCHA v3
  • HCaptcha - use HCaptcha
  • HCaptchaEnterprise - use HCaptcha Enterprise - v25

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether CAPTCHA configuration is enabled.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.secretKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The secret key for this CAPTCHA method. This field is required when tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.siteKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The site key for this CAPTCHA method. This field is required when tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.thresholdFloatAvailable since 1.30.0

The numeric threshold which separates a passing score from a failing one. This value only applies if using either the Google v3 or HCaptcha Enterprise method, otherwise this value is ignored.

The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Values outside of that range will result in an error.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize CAPTCHA.

tenant.connectorPoliciesArrayAvailable since 1.18.0

A list of Connector policies. Users will be authenticated against Connectors in order. Each Connector can be included in this list at most once and must exist.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].connectorIdUUIDAvailable since 1.18.0

The identifier of the Connector to which this policy refers.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].domainsArray<String>Available since 1.18.0

An list of email domains to which this connector should apply.

A value of ["*"] indicates this connector applies to all users.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].migrateBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.18.0

If true, the user’s data will be migrated to FusionAuth at first successful authentication; subsequent authentications will occur against the FusionAuth datastore. If false, the Connector’s source will be treated as authoritative.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.


An object that can hold any information about the Tenant that should be persisted.

tenant.emailConfiguration.additionalHeadersArray<Object>Available since 1.32.0

The additional SMTP headers to be added to each outgoing email. Each SMTP header consists of a name and a value.

tenant.emailConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.37.0

Determines if debug should be enabled to create an event log to assist in debugging SMTP errors.

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromEmailStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default email address that emails will be sent from when a from address is not provided on an individual email template. This is the address part email address (i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromNameStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default From Name used in sending emails when a from name is not provided on an individual email template. This is the display name part of the email address ( i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their email address is updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailVerifiedEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template used to notify a user that their email address has been verified.

tenant.emailConfiguration.forgotPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user is sent a forgot password email.

tenant.emailConfiguration.hostStringDefaults to localhostAvailable since 1.8.0

The host name of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.implicitEmailVerificationAllowedDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.32.0

When set to true, this allows email to be verified as a result of completing a similar email based workflow such as change password. When set to false, the user must explicitly complete the email verification workflow even if the user has already completed a similar email workflow such as change password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to create an account with their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to update an existing account to use their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they log in on a new device.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a suspicious login occurs.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional password FusionAuth will use to authenticate with the SMTP server.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordlessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Passwordless Email Template, sent to users when they start a passwordless login.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they have completed a ‘forgot password’ workflow and their password has been reset.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their password has been updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.portIntegerDefaults to 25Available since 1.8.0

The port of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.propertiesStringAvailable since 1.8.0

Custom SMTP configuration properties that may be necessary in some cases. This can contain any Java mail property. It will override anything FusionAuth sets by default.

The following property has a default value:

  • mail.smtp.ssl.protocols has a default value of TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.

Since version 1.44.0, the following two properties have default values:

  • mail.smtp.timeout has a default value of 2000.
  • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout has a default value of 2000.

Here’s an example value which overrides these properties; in this case setting both timeout defaults to 5 seconds.

tenant.emailConfiguration.securityStringDefaults to NONEAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of security protocol FusionAuth will use when connecting to the SMTP server. The possible values are:

  • NONE - no security will be used. All communications will be sent plaintext.
  • SSL - SSL will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This protocol is not recommended unless it is the only one your SMTP server supports.
  • TLS - TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This is the preferred protocol for all SMTP servers.
tenant.emailConfiguration.setPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user had their account created for them and they must set their password manually and they are sent an email to set their password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been added to their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been removed from their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.allowEmailChangeWhenGatedBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When this value is set to true, the user is allowed to change their email address when they are gated because they haven’t verified their email address.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behaviorStringDefaults to AllowAvailable since 1.27.0

The desired behavior during login for a user that does not have a verified email. The possible values are:

  • Allow - the user will be allowed to complete login.
  • Gated - verification is required before a user can complete login. The use of this value will require a paid plan.
tenant.emailConfiguration.usernameStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional username FusionAuth will to authenticate with the SMTP server.


The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users to verify that their email address is valid. If either the verifyEmail or verifyEmailWhenChanged fields are true, this field is required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verificationStrategyStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The process by which the user will verify their email address. The possible values are:

  • ClickableLink - send the user a code with a clickable link.
  • FormField - send the user a short code intended to be manually entered into a form field. This is only available when tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behavior has the Gated value.
tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the registers with your application.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailWhenChangedBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the user changes them.

tenant.eventConfiguration.eventsObjectAvailable since 1.8.0

A mapping of the configuration for each event type that FusionAuth sends. The event types that are the keys into this Object are:

  • audit-log.create - When an audit log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • event-log.create - When an event log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • jwt.public-key.update - When a JWT RSA Public / Private keypair may have been changed
  • jwt.refresh - When an access token is refreshed using a refresh token Available since 1.16.0
  • jwt.refresh-token.revoke - When a JWT Refresh Token is revoked
  • kickstart.success - When kickstart has successfully completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.action - When a user action is triggered
  • user.bulk.create - When multiple users are created in bulk (i.e. during an import)
  • user.create - When a user is created
  • user.create.complete - When a user create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.deactivate - When a user is deactivated
  • user.delete - When a user is deleted
  • user.delete.complete - When a user delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.update - When a user updates their email address Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.verified - When a user verifies their email address Available since 1.8.0
  • user.identity-provider.link - When a link is created from a user to an Identity Provider Available since 1.36.0
  • user.identity-provider.unlink - When an existing Identity Provider link is removed from a User Available since 1.36.0
  • user.loginId.duplicate.create - When a request to create a user with a login Id (email or username) which is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.create event .

  • user.loginId.duplicate.update - When a request to update a user and change their login Id (email or username) to one that is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.update event .

  • user.login.failed - When a user fails a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.new-device - When a user begins a login request with a new device Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.new-device event .

  • user.login.success - When a user completes a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.suspicious - When a user logs in and is considered to be a potential threat (requires an activated Enterprise license) Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.suspicious event .

  • user.password.breach - When Reactor detects a user is using a potentially breached password (requires an activated license) Available since 1.15.0

    Note: A paid plan is required to utilize the user.password.breach event .

  • user.password.reset.send - When a forgot password email has been sent to a user Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.send event.

  • user.password.reset.start - When the process to reset a user password has started Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.start event.

  • user.password.reset.success - When a user has successfully reset their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.success event.

  • user.password.update - When a user has updated their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.update event.

  • user.reactivate - When a user is reactivated
  • user.registration.create - When a user registration is created Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.create.complete - When a user registration create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.delete - When a user registration is deleted Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.delete.complete - When a user registration delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.update - When a user registration is updated Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.update.complete - When a user registration update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.verified - When a user completes registration verification Available since 1.8.0
  • user.two-factor.method.add - When a user has added a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.add event.

  • user.two-factor.method.remove - When a user has removed a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.remove event.

  • user.update - When a user is updated
  • user.update.complete - When a user update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether or not FusionAuth should send these types of events to any configured Webhooks.

tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].transactionTypeStringDefaults to NoneAvailable since 1.8.0

The transaction type that FusionAuth uses when sending these types of events to any configured Webhooks. The transaction types are:

  • None - No Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • Any - Only a single Webhook is required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SimpleMajority - A simple majority (50% or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SuperMajority - A super majority (2/3 or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • AbsoluteMajority - Every Webhook must succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.

Prior to version 1.36.0, this value did not have a default. This meant at runtime the when the transaction type was calculated, it would be assumed to be AbsoluteMajority even though this value was not set in the domain.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 30Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a OAuth authorization code in no longer valid to be exchanged for an access token. This is essentially the time allowed between the start of an Authorization request during the Authorization code grant and when you request an access token using this authorization code on the Token endpoint.

Value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 600.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id.

If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 600Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a change password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.11.0

The time in seconds until a device code Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.11.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id.

If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomAlphaNumericAvailable since 1.11.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the email verification Id.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a email verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Email API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomAlphaNumericAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.12.0

The time in seconds until an external authentication Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.loginIntentTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 1800Available since 1.53.0

The time in seconds until a Login Timeout identifier is no longer valid to complete post-authentication steps in the OAuth workflow. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a One Time Password is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login.

If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a passwordless code is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Passwordless API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 3600Available since 1.28.0

The number of seconds before the pending account link identifier is no longer valid to complete an account link request. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a registration verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Registration API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomAlphaNumericAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 2592000Available since 1.50.0

The time in seconds until remembered OAuth scope consent choices are no longer valid, and the User will be prompted to consent to requested OAuth scopes even if they have not changed. Applies only when application.oauthConfiguration.consentMode is set to RememberDecision. Value must be greater than 0.

Note: An Essentials or Enterprise plan is required to utilize advanced OAuth scopes.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.19.0

The time in seconds that a SAML AuthN request Id returned by the Start SAML v2 Login Request API will be eligible to be used to complete a SAML v2 Login request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 32Available since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id.

If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomBytesAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a setup password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.trustTokenTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.33.0

The number of seconds before the Trust Token is no longer valid to complete a request that requires trust. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 300Available since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a two factor Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Two Factor Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerDefaults to 6Available since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the two factor code Id.

If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.typeStringDefaults to randomDigitsAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the two factor one time code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.26.0

The number of seconds before the Two-Factor One Time Code used to enable or disable a two-factor method is no longer valid. Must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an issued Two Factor trust Id is no longer valid and the User will be required to complete Two Factor authentication during the next authentication attempt. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn authentication challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn authentication ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get API call. Value must be greater than 0.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn registration challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn registration ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create API call. Value must be greater than 0.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionCancelPolicy.onPasswordResetBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates whether you want the user to be able to self-service unlock their account prior to the action duration by completing a password reset workflow.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationLongDefaults to 3Available since 1.8.0

The duration of the User Action. This value along with the actionDurationUnit will be used to set the duration of the User Action. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationUnitStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The unit of time associated with a duration. The possible values are:

  • DAYS
tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.emailUserStringDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates you would like to email the user when the user’s account is locked due to this action being taken. This requires the User Action specified by the tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionId to also be configured for email. If the User Action is not configured to be able to email the user, this configuration will be ignored. See userEmailingEnabled on the User Action.

The email template configuration will be in the User Action.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.resetCountInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds before the failed authentication count will be reset. Value must be greater than 0.

For example, if tooManyAttempts is set to 5 and you fail to authenticate 4 times in a row, waiting for the duration specified here will cause your fifth attempt to start back at 1.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.tooManyAttemptsIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.8.0

The number of failed attempts considered to be too many. Once this threshold is reached the specified User Action will be applied to the user for the duration specified. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The Id of the User Action that is applied when the threshold is reached for too many failed authentication attempts.

tenant.familyConfiguration.allowChildRegistrationsBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to allow child registrations.

tenant.familyConfiguration.confirmChildEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when confirming a child.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that child users without parental verification will be permanently deleted after tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDays days.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDaysIntegerDefaults to 30Available since 1.8.0

The number of days from creation child users will be retained before being deleted for not completing parental verification. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether family configuration is enabled.

tenant.familyConfiguration.familyRequestEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when a family request is made.

tenant.familyConfiguration.maximumChildAgeIntegerDefaults to 12Available since 1.8.0

The maximum age of a child. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.minimumOwnerAgeIntegerDefaults to 21Available since 1.8.0

The minimum age to be an owner. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentEmailRequiredBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether a parent email is required.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentRegistrationEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use for parent registration.

tenant.formConfiguration.adminUserFormIdUUIDAvailable since 1.20.0

The unique Id of the form to use for the Add and Edit User form when used in the FusionAuth admin UI.

When this parameter is not provided, it will default to the form Id currently assigned to the Default tenant.

Note: A paid plan is required to utilize custom forms.

tenant.httpSessionMaxInactiveIntervalIntegerDefaults to 3600Available since 1.8.0

Time in seconds until an inactive session will be invalidated. Used when creating a new session in the FusionAuth OAuth frontend.

tenant.issuerStringDefaults to acme.comAvailable since 1.8.0

The named issuer used to sign tokens. This is generally your public fully qualified domain with the https:// protocol prefix. For example, https://example.com.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.accessTokenKeyIdUUIDDefaults to key value of the FusionAuth applicationAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the access token.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.idTokenKeyIdUUIDDefaults to key value of the FusionAuth applicationAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the Id token.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationPolicyStringDefaults to FixedAvailable since 1.17.0

The Refresh Token expiration policy.

The possible values are:

  • Fixed - the expiration is calculated from the time the token is issued.
  • SlidingWindow - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used.
  • SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used, or until the maximumTimeToLiveInMinutes is reached.   Available since 1.46.0
tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenOneTimeUseConfiguration.gracePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 0Available since 1.55.1

The length of time specified in seconds that a one-time use token can be reused.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than 86400 which is equal to 24 hours. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables the grace period which means a one-time token may not be reused. For security reasons, you should keep this value as small as possible, and only increase past 0 to improve reliability for an asynchronous or clustered integration that may require a brief grace period.

Note that one-time use tokens refreshed within a grace period are not considered for revocation when tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuse is true. When a token is reused within the grace period the current token will be returned on the API response and the token will not be rotated.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onLoginPreventedBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user action, such as locking an account based on a number of failed login attempts, prevents user login.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onMultiFactorEnableBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.42.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user enables multi-factor authentication for the first time. This policy will not be applied when adding subsequent multi-factor methods to the user.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuseBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.55.1

When enabled, if a one-time use refresh token is reused, the token will be revoked. This does not cause all refresh tokens to be revoked, only the reused token is revoked.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onPasswordChangedBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user changes their password.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenSlidingWindowConfiguration.maximumTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.46.0

The maximum lifetime of a refresh token when using a refreshTokenExpirationPolicy of SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime. Value must be greater than 0.

When refreshTokenExpirationPolicy is set to SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime, this value must be greater than or equal to refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes .

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in minutes a Refresh Token is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenUsagePolicyStringDefaults to ReusableAvailable since 1.17.0

The refresh token usage policy. The following are valid values:

  • Reusable - the token does not change after it was issued.
  • OneTimeUse - the token value will be changed each time the token is used to refresh a JWT. The client must store the new value after each usage.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.timeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds this JWT is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.loginValidationIdUUIDAvailable since 1.53.0

The Id of the lambda that will be invoked at the end of a successful login request in order to extend custom validation of a login request.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Request lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Enterprise User request to a FusionAuth User.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Response lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Enterprise User to a SCIM Server response.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM Group Request lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Group request to a FusionAuth Group.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM Group Response lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Group to a SCIM Server response.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Request lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM User request to a FusionAuth User.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Id of a SCIM User Response lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth User to a SCIM Server response.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

tenant.loginConfiguration.requireAuthenticationBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.26.0

Indicates whether to require an API key for the Login API when an applicationId is not provided. When an applicationId is provided to the Login API call, the application configuration will take precedence.

In almost all cases, you will want to this to be true.

tenant.logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

tenant.maximumPasswordAge.daysIntegerDefaults to 180Available since 1.8.0

The password maximum age in days. The number of days after which FusionAuth will require a user to change their password. Required when tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that the maximum password age is enabled and being enforced.

tenant.minimumPasswordAge.secondsIntegerDefaults to 30Available since 1.8.0

The password minimum age in seconds. When enabled FusionAuth will not allow a password to be changed until it reaches this minimum age. Required when tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that the minimum password age is enabled and being enforced.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.enabledBooleanDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.26.0

When enabled, users may utilize an authenticator application to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This method uses TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) as defined in RFC 6238 and often uses an native mobile app such as Google Authenticator.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.26.0

When enabled, users may utilize an email address to complete a multi-factor authentication request.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The Id of the email template that is used when notifying a user to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This field is required when tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabled is set to true.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.loginPolicyStringAvailable since 1.37.0

When set to Enabled and a user has one or more two-factor methods configured, the user will be required to complete a two-factor challenge during login. When set to Disabled, even when a user has configured one or more two-factor methods, the user will not be required to complete a two-factor challenge during login. When set to Required, a two-factor challenge will be required during login. If a user has not configured any two-factor methods, they will not be able to log in.

This value may be overridden by the value configured by the application.multiFactorConfiguration.loginPolicy .

Supported values include:

  • Enabled - Require a two-factor challenge during login when an eligible method is available.
  • Disabled - Do not require a two-factor challenge during login.
  • Required - Require a two-factor challenge during login. A user will be required to configure 2FA if no eligible methods are available. Available since 1.42.0
tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.26.0

When enabled, users may utilize a mobile phone number to complete a multi-factor authentication request.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.messengerIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The messenger that is used to deliver a SMS multi-factor authentication request. This field is required when tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabled is set to true.

tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The Id of the SMS template that is used when notifying a user to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This field is required when tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabled is set to true.


The unique name of the Tenant.

tenant.oauthConfiguration.clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

The Id of a lambda that will be called to populate the JWT during a client credentials grant.

Note: A paid plan is required to utilize client credentials grant.

tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The default method for encrypting the User’s password. The following encryptors are provided with FusionAuth:

tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeFactorIntegerDefaults to 24000Available since 1.8.0

The factor used by the password encryption scheme. If not provided, the PasswordEncryptor provides a default value. Generally this will be used as an iteration count to generate the hash. The actual use of this value is up to the PasswordEncryptor implementation.

tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLoginBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

When enabled a user’s hash configuration will be modified to match these configured settings. This can be useful to increase a password hash strength over time or upgrade imported users to a more secure encryption scheme after an initial import.

Beginning in version 1.42.0 when this configuration is enabled, in addition to re-hashing on login, the password will be re-hashed on password change as well.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.15.0

Whether to enable Reactor breach detection. Requires an activated license.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.matchModeStringAvailable since 1.15.0

The level of severity where Reactor will consider a breach. The following are valid values:

  • High Only requires a password match, this is the most secure and is recommended
  • Medium Exact match on username, email address or email sub-address
  • Low Exact match on an email or username, or the password is a common breached value
tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.notifyUserEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.15.0

The Id of the email template to use when notifying user of breached password. Required if tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLogin is set to NotifyUser.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLoginStringAvailable since 1.15.0

The behavior when detecting breaches at time of user login. The following are valid values:

  • Off Do not perform breach detection at login
  • RecordOnly Only record the result, take no action
  • NotifyUser Notify the end user via email
  • RequireChange Require immediate password change
tenant.passwordValidationRules.maxLengthIntegerDefaults to 256Available since 1.8.0

The maximum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 256. When passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionScheme is equal to bcrypt, the maximum will be limited to 50.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.minLengthIntegerDefaults to 8Available since 1.8.0

The minimum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.countIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of previous passwords to remember. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to prevent a user from using any of their previous passwords.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireMixedCaseBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to force the user to use at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNonAlphaBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to force the user to use at least one non-alphanumeric character.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNumberBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to force the user to use at least one number.

tenant.passwordValidationRules.validateOnLoginBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.15.0

When enabled the user’s password will be validated during login. If the password does not meet the currently configured validation rules the user will be required to change their password.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for failed login.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can fail to login within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration. If a Failed authentication action has been configured then it will take precedence.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can fail login before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for forgot password.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a forgot password email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a forgot password email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send email verification.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a verification email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send passwordless.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a passwordless login email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a passwordless login email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send registration verification.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a registration verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a registration verification email before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether rate limiting is enabled for send two factor.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.limitIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.30.0

The number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerDefaults to 60Available since 1.30.0

The duration for the number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS before being rate limited.

Required when enabled is set to true.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize rate limiting.

tenant.registrationConfiguration.blockedDomainsArray<String>Available since 1.30.0

A list of unique domains that are not allowed to register when self service is enabled.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize blocked domains.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.clientEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Clients for this tenant.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.36.0

Whether or not this tenant has the SCIM endpoints enabled.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.schemasMapAvailable since 1.36.0

JSON formatted as a SCIM Schemas endpoint response. Because the SCIM lambdas may modify the JSON response, ensure the Schema’s response matches that generated by the response lambdas. More about Schema definitions.

When this parameter is not provided, it will default to EnterpriseUser, Group, and User schema definitions as defined by the SCIM core schemas spec.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

tenant.scimServerConfiguration.serverEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Servers for this tenant.

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize SCIM.

Required when tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabled is true.

tenant.ssoConfiguration.deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.2

The number of seconds before a trusted device is reset. When reset, a user is forced to complete captcha during login and complete two factor authentication if applicable.

tenant.ssoConfiguration.allowAccessTokenBootstrapBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.56.0

When enabled, an SSO session can be created after login by providing an access token as a bearer token in a request to the OAuth2 Authorize endpoint.

tenant.themeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the theme to be used to style the login page and other end user templates.

Prior to version 1.30.0 this value was required.

tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.13.0

Indicates that users without a verified email address will be permanently deleted after tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetain days.

tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetainIntegerAvailable since 1.13.0

The number of days from creation users will be retained before being deleted for not completing email verification. This field is required when tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabled is set to true. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When true, FusionAuth will handle username collisions by generating a random suffix.

Note: A paid plan is required to utilize unique usernames.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.numberOfDigitsIntegerDefaults to 5Available since 1.27.0

The maximum number of digits to use when building a unique suffix for a username. A number will be randomly selected and will be 1 or more digits up to this configured value in length. For example, if this value is 5, the suffix will be a number between 00001 and 99999, inclusive. The value of this field must be greater than or equal to 3 and less than or equal to 10.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.separatorStringAvailable since 1.27.0

A single character to use as a separator from the requested username and a unique suffix that is added when a duplicate username is detected. This value can be a single non-alphanumeric ASCII character.

tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.strategyStringDefaults to OnCollisionAvailable since 1.29.0

This strategy instructions FusionAuth when to append a unique suffix to the username. The possible values are:

  • Always - Always append a unique suffix even when the requested username is not in use.
  • OnCollision - Only append a unique suffix when the requested username is in use.
tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringDefaults to crossPlatformAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

  • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
  • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
  • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.

The recommended value for the bootstrap workflow is any.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize WebAuthn cross-platform authenticators.

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Whether or not this tenant has the WebAuthn bootstrap workflow enabled. The bootstrap workflow is used when the user must “bootstrap” the authentication process by identifying themselves prior to the WebAuthn ceremony and can be used to authenticate from a new device using WebAuthn.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringDefaults to requiredAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

  • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
  • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
  • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.

It is highly recommended to use the required option for the bootstrap workflow.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines if debug should be enabled for this tenant to create an event log to assist in debugging WebAuthn errors.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Whether or not this tenant has WebAuthn enabled globally.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringDefaults to crossPlatformAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

  • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
  • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
  • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.

The recommended value for the reauthentication workflow is platform.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize WebAuthn cross-platform authenticators.

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.enabledBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.41.0

Whether or not this tenant has the WebAuthn reauthentication workflow enabled. The reauthentication workflow will automatically prompt a user to authenticate using WebAuthn for repeated logins from the same device.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringDefaults to requiredAvailable since 1.41.0

Determines the user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

  • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
  • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
  • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.

It is highly recommended to use the required option for the reauthentication workflow.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyIdStringAvailable since 1.41.0

The value this tenant will use for the Relying Party Id in WebAuthn ceremonies. Passkeys can only be used to authenticate on sites using the same Relying Party Id they were registered with. This value must match the browser origin or be a registrable domain suffix of the browser origin. For example, if your domain is auth.piedpiper.com, you could use auth.piedpiper.com or piedpiper.com but not m.auth.piedpiper.com or com.

When this parameter is omitted, FusionAuth will use null for the Relying Party Id in passkey creation and request options. A null value in the WebAuthn JavaScript API will use the browser origin.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyNameStringAvailable since 1.41.0

The value this tenant will use for the Relying Party name in WebAuthn ceremonies. This value may be displayed by browser or operating system dialogs during WebAuthn ceremonies.

When this parameter is omitted, FusionAuth will use the tenant.issuer value.

Note: A license is required to utilize WebAuthn

webhookIdsArray<UUID>Available since 1.37.0

An array of Webhook Ids. For Webhooks that are not already configured for All Tenants, specifying an Id on this request will indicate the associated Webhook should handle events for this tenant.

Example Request JSON

  "tenant": {
    "accessControlConfiguration": {
      "uiIPAccessControlListId": "11d49de7-69f6-46fc-8270-0b3aa626327a"
    "captchaConfiguration": {
      "captchaMethod": "GoogleRecaptchaV3",
      "enabled": true,
      "secretKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk70us00012r66r96tt7rp",
      "siteKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk75tz00022r66ombcfadr",
      "threshold": 0.5
    "connectorPolicies": [
        "connectorId": "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": false
        "connectorId": "27f22280-7e55-4d1c-b9f8-239bf9cc1a5e",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": true
    "data": {
      "description": "No more secrets, Marty."
    "emailConfiguration": {
      "additionalHeaders": [
          "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET",
          "value": "example_configuration_set_name"
      "defaultFromEmail": "jared@piedpiper.com",
      "defaultFromName": "Jared Dunn",
      "emailUpdateEmailTemplateId": "ec3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "emailVerifiedEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId": "49aba1de-0225-45d7-a2b1-f9fe46b0242c",
      "host": "smtp.sendgrid.net",
      "implicitEmailVerificationAllowed": true,
      "loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateId": "2c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateId": "3c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateId": "4c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "password": "password",
      "passwordlessEmailTemplateId": "a917e23a-da58-4cda-be01-90f542f8c343",
      "passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateId": "5c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "passwordUpdateEmailTemplateId": "6c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "port": 587,
      "properties": {
        "key": "value"
      "security": "TLS",
      "setPasswordEmailTemplateId": "a9aba13e-0125-4fd7-a2b1-aaa146b02423",
      "twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateId": "7c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateId": "8c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "unverified": {
        "allowEmailChangeWhenGated": false,
        "behavior": "Allow"
      "username": "username",
      "verificationEmailTemplateId": "8da42c09-461c-45f3-b931-6e9f63b87ab5",
      "verificationStrategy": "FormField",
      "verifyEmail": true,
      "verifyEmailWhenChanged": true
    "eventConfiguration": {
      "events": {
        "user.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.deactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.bulk.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.reactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.public-key.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.success": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.failed": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.password.breach": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.email.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
    "externalIdentifierConfiguration": {
      "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30,
      "changePasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
      "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "emailVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "loginIntentTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "passwordlessLoginGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSeconds": 3600,
      "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "setupPasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "trustTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomDigits"
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180
    "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": {
      "actionCancelPolicy": {
        "onPasswordReset": false
      "actionDuration": 3,
      "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES",
      "emailUser": false,
      "resetCountInSeconds": 60,
      "tooManyAttempts": 5,
      "userActionId": "16cfc707-268c-4c5b-8989-f71f3ee156d4"
    "familyConfiguration": {
      "allowChildRegistrations": true,
      "confirmChildEmailTemplateId": "87654321-4321-8765-ba09-ba0987654321",
      "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false,
      "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30,
      "enabled": true,
      "familyRequestEmailTemplateId": "57462514-a73b-cd76-0001-b8a65cd61230",
      "maximumChildAge": 12,
      "minimumOwnerAge": 21,
      "parentEmailRequired": false,
      "parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId": "12345678-1234-5678-90ab-1234567890ab"
    "formConfiguration": {
      "adminUserFormId": "e92751a5-25f4-4bca-ad91-66cdf67725d2"
    "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600,
    "issuer": "https://example.com",
    "jwtConfiguration": {
      "accessTokenKeyId": "025233ca-d4f3-2aa4-eca9-7e4200e9b472",
      "enabled": true,
      "idTokenKeyId": "092dbedc-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
      "refreshTokenExpirationPolicy": "Fixed",
      "refreshTokenRevocationPolicy": {
        "onLoginPrevented": true,
        "onMultiFactorEnable": true,
        "onPasswordChanged": true
      "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200,
      "refreshTokenUsagePolicy": "Reusable",
      "timeToLiveInSeconds": 3600
    "lambdaConfiguration": {
      "loginValidationId": "c0dd79db-38dd-424b-b77a-4dccaad71052",
      "scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterId": "c2e70f8d-19bb-4df7-848a-33a9a1e26b84",
      "scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterId": "44fc9553-8a2e-408f-8aa2-fa65b70b55e2",
      "scimGroupRequestConverterId": "66d65de0-1819-42f8-86ed-7daaa4e155dc",
      "scimGroupResponseConverterId": "79812ede-432f-4375-9b43-23c0fe996fef",
      "scimUserRequestConverterId": "8a51d7a1-5e3e-442a-b96a-0c31379bb3d4",
      "scimUserResponseConverterId": "c8720843-dc4f-4e6c-b6ca-500e9c44695f"
    "logoutURL": "http://example.com/logout",
    "maximumPasswordAge": {
      "days": 180,
      "enabled": false
    "minimumPasswordAge": {
      "enabled": false,
      "seconds": 30
    "multiFactorConfiguration": {
      "authenticator": {
        "enabled": true
      "email": {
        "enabled": true,
        "templateId": "d312fb71-d7d8-4b75-a497-6096a07220b3"
      "loginPolicy": "Enabled",
      "sms": {
        "enabled": true,
        "messengerId": "0a4bae38-ffef-4c33-b74c-1d50c796f600",
        "templateId": "f35e04e6-72ec-4f52-b552-29cf950a4ed6"
    "name": "Playtronics Co.",
    "oauthConfiguration": {
      "clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaId": "46e120c1-4c22-473f-95b4-e2c187cd20c2"
    "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": {
      "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256",
      "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000,
      "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false
    "passwordValidationRules": {
      "breachDetection": {
        "enabled": true,
        "notifyUserEmailTemplateId": "e6c74b53-d43d-471e-ae7e-906456d0f341",
        "matchMode": "High",
        "onLogin": "Off"
      "maxLength": 256,
      "minLength": 8,
      "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
        "count": 2,
        "enabled": true
      "requireMixedCase": true,
      "requireNonAlpha": true,
      "requireNumber": true,
      "validateOnLogin": false
    "rateLimitConfiguration": {
      "failedLogin": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "forgotPassword": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendEmailVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendRegistrationVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendPasswordless": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendTwoFactor": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
    "registrationConfiguration": {},
    "scimServerConfiguration": {
      "clientEntityTypeId": "d9ed49f7-1106-4b20-acdb-5cbda76ae77e",
      "enabled": true,
      "serverEntityTypeId": "919e0ac5-1cf0-4fcf-a8fc-29d77a0d1d8f",
      "schemas": {}
    "ssoConfiguration": {
      "deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSeconds": 31536000
    "themeId": "c6ad3fac-6f32-4db7-91a4-061ff035e871",
    "userDeletePolicy": {
      "unverified": {
        "enabled": true,
        "numberOfDaysToRetain": 30
    "usernameConfiguration": {
      "unique": {
        "enabled": false,
        "numberOfDigits": 5,
        "separator": "#"
    "webAuthnConfiguration": {
      "enabled": true,
      "bootstrapWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "crossPlatform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "debug": false,
      "reauthenticationWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "platform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "relyingPartyId": "piedpiper.com",
      "relyingPartyName": "Pied Piper"
    "webhookIds": [


The response for this API contains the Tenant that was updated.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you are trying to update doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Response Body

tenant.accessControlConfiguration.uiIPAccessControlListIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the IP Access Control List limiting access to this all applications in this tenant.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.captchaMethodStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The type of captcha method to use.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.30.0

Whether captcha configuration is enabled.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.secretKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The secret key for this captcha method.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.siteKeyStringAvailable since 1.30.0

The site key for this captcha method.

tenant.captchaConfiguration.thresholdFloatAvailable since 1.30.0

The numeric threshold which separates a passing score from a failing one. This value only applies if using either the Google v3 or HCaptcha Enterprise method, otherwise this value is ignored.


Indicates the tenant has been configured. It is always true, except for default tenant when the setup wizard has not been completed, in which case it is false.

tenant.connectorPoliciesArrayAvailable since 1.18.0

A list of Connector policies. Users will be authenticated against Connectors in order. Each Connector can be included in this list at most once and must exist.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].connectorIdUUIDAvailable since 1.18.0

The identifier of the Connector to which this policy refers.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].domainsStringAvailable since 1.18.0

An list of email domains to which this connector should apply.

A value of ["*"] indicates this connector applies to all users.

tenant.connectorPolicies[x].migrateBooleanAvailable since 1.18.0

If true, the user’s data will be migrated to FusionAuth at first successful authentication; subsequent authentications will occur against the FusionAuth datastore. If false, the Connector’s source will be treated as authoritative.


An object that can hold any information about the Tenant that should be persisted.

tenant.emailConfiguration.additionalHeadersArray<Object>Available since 1.32.0

The additional SMTP headers to be added to each outgoing email. Each SMTP header consists of a name and a value.

tenant.emailConfiguration.debugBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.37.0

Determines if debug should be enabled to create an event log to assist in debugging SMTP errors.

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromEmailStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default email address that emails will be sent from when a from address is not provided on an individual email template. This is the address part email address (i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.defaultFromNameStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The default From Name used in sending emails when a from name is not provided on an individual email template. This is the display name part of the email address ( i.e. Jared Dunn jared@piedpiper.com).

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their email address is updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.emailVerifiedEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template used to notify a user that their email address has been verified.

tenant.emailConfiguration.forgotPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user is sent a forgot password email.

tenant.emailConfiguration.hostStringDefaults to localhostAvailable since 1.8.0

The host name of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.implicitEmailVerificationAllowedDefaults to trueAvailable since 1.32.0

When set to true, this allows email to be verified as a result of completing a similar email based workflow such as change password. When set to false, the user must explicitly complete the email verification workflow even if the user has already completed a similar email workflow such as change password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to create an account with their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when another user attempts to update an existing account to use their login Id.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they log in on a new device.

tenant.emailConfiguration.loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a suspicious login occurs.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional password FusionAuth will use to authenticate with the SMTP server.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordlessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Passwordless Email Template, sent to users when they start a passwordless login.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when they have completed a ‘forgot password’ workflow and their password has been reset.

tenant.emailConfiguration.passwordUpdateEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when their password has been updated.

tenant.emailConfiguration.portIntegerDefaults to 25Available since 1.8.0

The port of the SMTP server that FusionAuth will use.

Prior to version 1.28.0 this value was required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.propertiesStringAvailable since 1.8.0

Custom SMTP configuration properties that may be necessary in some cases. This can contain any Java mail property. It will override anything FusionAuth sets by default.

The following property has a default value:

  • mail.smtp.ssl.protocols has a default value of TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.

Since version 1.44.0, the following two properties have default values:

  • mail.smtp.timeout has a default value of 2000.
  • mail.smtp.connectiontimeout has a default value of 2000.

Here’s an example value which overrides these properties; in this case setting both timeout defaults to 5 seconds.

tenant.emailConfiguration.securityStringDefaults to NONEAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of security protocol FusionAuth will use when connecting to the SMTP server. The possible values are:

  • NONE - no security will be used. All communications will be sent plaintext.
  • SSL - SSL will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This protocol is not recommended unless it is the only one your SMTP server supports.
  • TLS - TLS will be used to connect to the SMTP server. This is the preferred protocol for all SMTP servers.
tenant.emailConfiguration.setPasswordEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.19.0

The Id of the Email Template that is used when a user had their account created for them and they must set their password manually and they are sent an email to set their password.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been added to their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.30.0

The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users when a MFA method has been removed from their account.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.allowEmailChangeWhenGatedBooleanDefaults to falseAvailable since 1.27.0

When this value is set to true, the user is allowed to change their email address when they are gated because they haven’t verified their email address.

tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behaviorStringDefaults to AllowAvailable since 1.27.0

The desired behavior during login for a user that does not have a verified email. The possible values are:

  • Allow - the user will be allowed to complete login.
  • Gated - verification is required before a user can complete login. The use of this value will require a paid plan.
tenant.emailConfiguration.usernameStringAvailable since 1.8.0

An optional username FusionAuth will to authenticate with the SMTP server.


The Id of the Email Template used to send emails to users to verify that their email address is valid. If either the verifyEmail or verifyEmailWhenChanged fields are true, this field is required.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verificationStrategyStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The process by which the user will verify their email address. The possible values are:

  • ClickableLink - send the user a code with a clickable link.
  • FormField - send the user a short code intended to be manually entered into a form field. This is only available when tenant.emailConfiguration.unverified.behavior has the Gated value.
tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the registers with your application.

tenant.emailConfiguration.verifyEmailWhenChangedBooleanDefaults to false

Whether the user’s email addresses are verified when the user changes them.

tenant.eventConfiguration.eventsObjectAvailable since 1.8.0

A mapping of the configuration for each event type that FusionAuth sends. The event types that are the keys into this Object are:

  • audit-log.create - When an audit log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • event-log.create - When an event log is created Available since 1.30.0
  • jwt.public-key.update - When a JWT RSA Public / Private keypair may have been changed
  • jwt.refresh - When an access token is refreshed using a refresh token Available since 1.16.0
  • jwt.refresh-token.revoke - When a JWT Refresh Token is revoked
  • kickstart.success - When kickstart has successfully completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.action - When a user action is triggered
  • user.bulk.create - When multiple users are created in bulk (i.e. during an import)
  • user.create - When a user is created
  • user.create.complete - When a user create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.deactivate - When a user is deactivated
  • user.delete - When a user is deleted
  • user.delete.complete - When a user delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.update - When a user updates their email address Available since 1.30.0
  • user.email.verified - When a user verifies their email address Available since 1.8.0
  • user.identity-provider.link - When a link is created from a user to an Identity Provider Available since 1.36.0
  • user.identity-provider.unlink - When an existing Identity Provider link is removed from a User Available since 1.36.0
  • user.loginId.duplicate.create - When a request to create a user with a login Id (email or username) which is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.create event .

  • user.loginId.duplicate.update - When a request to update a user and change their login Id (email or username) to one that is already in use has been received Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.loginId.duplicate.update event .

  • user.login.failed - When a user fails a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.new-device - When a user begins a login request with a new device Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.new-device event .

  • user.login.success - When a user completes a login request Available since 1.6.0
  • user.login.suspicious - When a user logs in and is considered to be a potential threat (requires an activated Enterprise license) Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.login.suspicious event .

  • user.password.breach - When Reactor detects a user is using a potentially breached password (requires an activated license) Available since 1.15.0

    Note: A paid plan is required to utilize the user.password.breach event .

  • user.password.reset.send - When a forgot password email has been sent to a user Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.send event.

  • user.password.reset.start - When the process to reset a user password has started Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.start event.

  • user.password.reset.success - When a user has successfully reset their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.reset.success event.

  • user.password.update - When a user has updated their password Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.password.update event.

  • user.reactivate - When a user is reactivated
  • user.registration.create - When a user registration is created Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.create.complete - When a user registration create transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.delete - When a user registration is deleted Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.delete.complete - When a user registration delete transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.update - When a user registration is updated Available since 1.6.0
  • user.registration.update.complete - When a user registration update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
  • user.registration.verified - When a user completes registration verification Available since 1.8.0
  • user.two-factor.method.add - When a user has added a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.add event.

  • user.two-factor.method.remove - When a user has removed a two-factor method Available since 1.30.0

    Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize the user.two-factor.method.remove event.

  • user.update - When a user is updated
  • user.update.complete - When a user update transaction has completed Available since 1.30.0
tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether or not FusionAuth should send these types of events to any configured Webhooks.

tenant.eventConfiguration.events[type].transactionTypeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The transaction type that FusionAuth uses when sending these types of events to any configured Webhooks. The transaction types are:

  • None - No Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • Any - Only a single Webhook is required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SimpleMajority - A simple majority (50% or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • SuperMajority - A super majority (2/3 or more) of Webhooks are required to succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
  • AbsoluteMajority - Every Webhook must succeed for the FusionAuth transaction to be committed.
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an OAuth authorization code is no longer valid to be exchanged for an access token. This is essentially the time allowed between the start of an Authorization request during the Authorization code grant and when you request an access token using this authorization code on the Token endpoint.

Value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 600.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id.

If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the changePasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the change password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a change password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The time in seconds until a device code Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.11.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id.

If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.deviceUserCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.11.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the device code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the email verification Id.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an email verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Email API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code.

If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the emailVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the email verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.12.0

The time in seconds until an external authentication Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Token API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.loginIntentTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.53.0

The time in seconds until a Login Timeout identifier is no longer valid to complete post-authentication steps in the OAuth workflow. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a One Time Password is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login.

If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the passwordlessLoginGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the passwordless login. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a passwordless code is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Passwordless API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.28.0

The number of seconds before the pending account link identifier is no longer valid to complete an account link request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a registration verification Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Verify Registration API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code.

If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the registrationVerificationIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.27.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the registration verification one time code. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.50.0

The time in seconds until remembered OAuth scope consent choices are no longer valid, and the User will be prompted to consent to requested OAuth scopes even if they have not changed. Applies only when application.oauthConfiguration.consentMode is set to RememberDecision. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.19.0

The time in seconds that a SAML AuthN request Id returned by the Start SAML v2 Login Request API will be eligible to be used to complete a SAML v2 Login request.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id.

If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the setupPasswordIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the setup password Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a setup password Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Change Password API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.trustTokenTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.33.0

The number of seconds before the Trust Token is no longer valid to complete a request that requires trust. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until a two factor Id is no longer valid and cannot be used by the Two Factor Login API. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.lengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of the secure generator used for generating the the two factor one time code Id.

If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlpha then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomAlphaNumeric then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomBytes then the length must be greater or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 128. If the twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.type is equal to randomDigits then the length must be greater or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 12.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator.typeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The type of the secure generator used for generating the two factor code Id. Possible values are:

  • randomAlpha
  • randomAlphaNumeric
  • randomBytes
  • randomDigits
tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

The number of seconds before the Two-Factor One Time Code used to enable or disable a two-factor method is no longer valid. Must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The time in seconds until an issued Two Factor trust Id is no longer valid and the User will be required to complete Two Factor authentication during the next authentication attempt. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn authentication challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn authentication ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.externalIdentifierConfiguration.webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.41.0

The time in seconds until a WebAuthn registration challenge is no longer valid and the User will be required to restart the WebAuthn registration ceremony by creating a new challenge. This value also controls the timeout for the client-side WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create API call. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionCancelPolicy.onPasswordResetBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates whether you want the user to be able to self-service unlock their account prior to the action duration by completing a password reset workflow.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationLongAvailable since 1.8.0

The duration of the User Action. This value along with the actionDurationUnit will be used to set the duration of the User Action. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.actionDurationUnitStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The unit of time associated with a duration. The possible values are:

  • DAYS
tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.emailUserStringAvailable since 1.42.0

Indicates you would like to email the user when the user’s account is locked due to this action being taken. This requires the User Action specified by the tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionId to also be configured for email. If the User Action is not configured to be able to email the user, this configuration will be ignored. See userEmailingEnabled on the User Action.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.resetCountInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in seconds before the failed authentication count will be reset. Value must be greater than 0.

For example, if tooManyAttempts is set to 5 and you fail to authenticate 4 times in a row, waiting for the duration specified here will cause your fifth attempt to start back at 1.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.tooManyAttemptsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of failed attempts considered to be too many. Once this threshold is reached the specified User Action will be applied to the user for the duration specified. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.failedAuthenticationConfiguration.userActionIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The Id of the User Action that is applied when the threshold is reached for too many failed authentication attempts.

tenant.familyConfiguration.allowChildRegistrationsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether to allow child registrations.

tenant.familyConfiguration.confirmChildEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when confirming a child.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Indicates that child users without parental verification will be permanently deleted after tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDays days.

tenant.familyConfiguration.deleteOrphanedAccountsDaysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The number of days from creation child users will be retained before being deleted for not completing parental verification. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether family configuration is enabled.

tenant.familyConfiguration.familyRequestEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use when a family request is made.

tenant.familyConfiguration.maximumChildAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The maximum age of a child. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.minimumOwnerAgeIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The minimum age to be an owner. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentEmailRequiredBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

Whether a parent email is required.

tenant.familyConfiguration.parentRegistrationEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique Id of the email template to use for parent registration.

tenant.formConfiguration.adminUserFormIdUUIDAvailable since 1.20.0

The unique Id of the form to use for the Add and Edit User form when used in the FusionAuth admin UI.

tenant.httpSessionMaxInactiveIntervalIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

Time in seconds until an inactive session will be invalidated. Used when creating a new session in the FusionAuth OAuth frontend.


The unique identifier for this Tenant.


The instant that the Tenant was added to the FusionAuth database.

tenant.issuerStringAvailable since 1.8.0

The named issuer used to sign tokens. This is generally your public fully qualified domain with the https:// protocol prefix. For example, https://example.com.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.accessTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the access token.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.idTokenKeyIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

The unique id of the signing key used to sign the Id token.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationPolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The Refresh Token expiration policy.

The possible values are:

  • Fixed - the expiration is calculated from the time the token is issued.
  • SlidingWindow - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used.
  • SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime - the expiration is calculated from the last time the token was used, or until the maximumTimeToLiveInMinutes is reached.   Available since 1.46.0
tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenOneTimeUseConfiguration.gracePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.55.1

The length of time specified in seconds that a one-time use token can be reused.

This value must be greater than 0 and less than 86400 which is equal to 24 hours. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables the grace period which means a one-time token may not be reused. For security reasons, you should keep this value as small as possible, and only increase past 0 to improve reliability for an asynchronous or clustered integration that may require a brief grace period.

Note that one-time use tokens refreshed within a grace period are not considered for revocation when tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuse is true. When a token is reused within the grace period the current token will be returned on the API response and the token will not be rotated.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onLoginPreventedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user action, such as locking an account based on a number of failed login attempts, prevents user login.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onMultiFactorEnableBooleanAvailable since 1.42.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user enables multi-factor authentication for the first time. This policy will not be applied when adding subsequent multi-factor methods to the user.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onOneTimeTokenReuseBooleanAvailable since 1.55.1

When enabled, if a one-time use refresh token is reused, the token will be revoked. This does not cause all refresh tokens to be revoked, only the reused token is revoked.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenRevocationPolicy.onPasswordChangedBooleanAvailable since 1.17.0

When enabled, all refresh tokens will be revoked when a user changes their password.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenSlidingWindowConfiguration.maximumTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.46.0

The maximum lifetime of a refresh token when using a refreshTokenExpirationPolicy of SlidingWindowWithMaximumLifetime.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutesIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

The length of time in minutes a Refresh Token is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

tenant.jwtConfiguration.refreshTokenUsagePolicyStringAvailable since 1.17.0

The refresh token usage policy. The following are valid values:

  • Reusable - the token does not change after it was issued.

  • OneTimeUse - the token value will be changed each time the token is used to refresh a JWT. The client must store the new value after each usage.

    tenant.jwtConfiguration.timeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The length of time in seconds this JWT is valid from the time it was issued. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.loginValidationIdUUIDAvailable since 1.53.0

    The Id of the lambda that will be invoked at the end of a successful login request in order to extend custom validation of a login request.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Enterprise User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Enterprise User to a SCIM Server response.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM Group Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM Group request to a FusionAuth Group.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimGroupResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM GroupResponse Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth Group to a SCIM Server response.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserRequestConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Request Lambda that will be used to convert the SCIM User request to a FusionAuth User.

    tenant.lambdaConfiguration.scimUserResponseConverterIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Id of a SCIM User Response Lambda that will be used to convert a FusionAuth User to a SCIM Server response.


    The instant that the Tenant was last updated in the FusionAuth database.

    tenant.loginConfiguration.requireAuthenticationBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    Indicates whether to require an API key for the Login API when an applicationId is not provided. When an applicationId is provided to the Login API call, the application configuration will take precedence.

    tenant.logoutURLStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The logout redirect URL when sending the user’s browser to the /oauth2/logout URI of the FusionAuth Front End. This value is only used when a logout URL is not defined in your Application.

    tenant.maximumPasswordAge.daysIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password maximum age in days. The number of days after which FusionAuth will require a user to change their password. Required when tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenant.maximumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the maximum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenant.minimumPasswordAge.secondsIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The password minimum age in seconds. When enabled FusionAuth will not allow a password to be changed until it reaches this minimum age. Required when tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabled is set to true.

    tenant.minimumPasswordAge.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Indicates that the minimum password age is enabled and being enforced.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.algorithmStringAvailable since 1.26.0

    The algorithm used by the TOTP authenticator. This value is HmacSHA1 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.codeLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The length of the code generated by the TOTP. This value is 6 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an authenticator application to complete a multi-factor authentication request. This method uses TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) as defined in RFC 6238 and often uses an native mobile app such as Google Authenticator.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.authenticator.timeStepIntegerAvailable since 1.26.0

    The time-step size in seconds. This value is 30 and read only.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize an email address to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.email.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the email template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.26.0

    When enabled, users may utilize a mobile phone number to complete a two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.messengerIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The messenger that is used to deliver a SMS two-factor authentication request.

    tenant.multiFactorConfiguration.sms.templateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of the SMS template that is used when notifying a user to complete a two-factor authentication request.


    The unique name of the Tenant.

    tenant.oauthConfiguration.clientCredentialsAccessTokenPopulateLambdaIdUUIDAvailable since 1.26.0

    The Id of a lambda that will be called to populate the JWT during a client credentials grant.

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeStringAvailable since 1.8.0

    The default method for encrypting the User’s password. The following encryptors are provided with FusionAuth:

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.encryptionSchemeFactorIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The factor used by the password encryption scheme. If not provided, the PasswordEncryptor provides a default value. Generally this will be used as an iteration count to generate the hash. The actual use of this value is up to the PasswordEncryptor implementation.

    tenant.passwordEncryptionConfiguration.modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    When enabled a user’s hash configuration will be modified to match these configured settings. This can be useful to increase a password hash strength over time or upgrade imported users to a more secure encryption scheme after an initial import.

    Beginning in version 1.42.0 when this configuration is enabled, in addition to re-hashing on login, the password will be re-hashed on password change as well.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    Whether to enable Reactor breach detection. Requires an activated license.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.matchModeStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The level of severity where Reactor will consider a breach. The following are valid values:

    • High Only requires a password match, this is the most secure and is recommended
    • Medium Exact match on username, email address or email sub-address
    • Low Exact match on an email or username, or the password is a common breached value
    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.notifyUserEmailTemplateIdUUIDAvailable since 1.15.0

    The Id of the email template to use when notifying a user of a breached password.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.breachDetection.onLoginStringAvailable since 1.15.0

    The behavior when detecting breaches at time of user login. The following are valid values:

    • Off Do not perform breach detection at login
    • RecordOnly Only record the result, take no action
    • NotifyUser Notify the end user via email
    • RequireChange Require immediate password change
    tenant.passwordValidationRules.maxLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The maximum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.minLengthIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The minimum length of a password when a new user is created or a user requests a password change.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.countIntegerAvailable since 1.8.0

    The number of previous passwords to remember. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.rememberPreviousPasswords.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to prevent a user from using any of their previous passwords.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireMixedCaseBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNonAlphaBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one non-alphanumeric character.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.requireNumberBooleanAvailable since 1.8.0

    Whether to force the user to use at least one number.

    tenant.passwordValidationRules.validateOnLoginBooleanAvailable since 1.15.0

    When enabled the user’s password will be validated during login. If the password does not meet the currently configured validation rules the user will be required to change their password.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can fail to login within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration. If a Failed authentication action has been configured then it will take precedence.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.failedLogin.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can fail login before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a forgot password email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.forgotPassword.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a forgot password email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendEmailVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a verification email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a passwordless login email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendPasswordless.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a passwordless login email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a registration verification email within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendRegistrationVerification.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a registration verification email before being rate limited.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.limitIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS within the configured timePeriodInSeconds duration.

    tenant.rateLimitConfiguration.sendTwoFactor.timePeriodInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.0

    The duration for the number of times a user can request a two-factor code by email or SMS before being rate limited.

    tenant.registrationConfiguration.blockedDomainsArray<String>Available since 1.30.0

    A list of unique domains that are not allowed to register when self service is enabled.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.clientEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Clients for this tenant.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.36.0

    Whether or not this tenant has the SCIM endpoints enabled.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.schemasMapAvailable since 1.36.0

    JSON formatted as a SCIM Schemas endpoint response. Because the SCIM lambdas may modify the JSON response, ensure the Schema’s response matches that generated by the response lambdas. More about Schema definitions.

    tenant.scimServerConfiguration.serverEntityTypeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.36.0

    The Entity Type that will be used to represent SCIM Servers for this tenant.

    tenant.ssoConfiguration.deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSecondsIntegerAvailable since 1.30.2

    The number of seconds before a trusted device is reset. When reset, a user is forced to complete captcha during login and complete two factor authentication if applicable.

    tenant.ssoConfiguration.allowAccessTokenBootstrapBooleanAvailable since 1.56.0

    When enabled, an SSO session can be created after login by providing an access token as a bearer token in a request to the OAuth2 Authorize endpoint.

    tenant.stateStringAvailable since 1.22.0

    The current state of the tenant. The following are valid values:

    • Active - The tenant is active.
    • PendingDelete - A delete request has been requested and is being processed.
    tenant.themeIdUUIDAvailable since 1.8.0

    The unique Id of the theme to be used to style the login page and other end user templates.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.13.0

    Indicates that users without a verified email address will be permanently deleted after tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetain days.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.enabledInstantLongAvailable since 1.48.0

    The instant that this policy was enabled.

    Users created before this time will not be eligible to be deleted. This means that you can safely enable this feature and the policy will only be enforced for users created after this policy was enabled. If you would like to delete users created prior to this policy being enabled that have an unverified email address, you can use the User Search API or User Bulk Delete API to search on the insertInstant and verified fields to identify users that you would like to delete.

    For example, the following query string will return users that were created at least 7 days ago that have not verified their email address.

    insertInstant:<now-7d AND verified:false

    Please note that prior to version 1.48.0, when enabling this policy all user’s with an unverified email were eligible for deletion.

    tenant.userDeletePolicy.unverified.numberOfDaysToRetainIntegerAvailable since 1.13.0

    The number of days from creation users will be retained before being deleted for not completing email verification. Value must be greater than 0.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.27.0

    When true, FusionAuth will handle username collisions by generating a random suffix. Users with colliding usernames will be able to use the same one, but in the admin and API interfaces, a unique username will be displayed.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.numberOfDigitsIntegerAvailable since 1.27.0

    The maximum number of digits to use when building a unique suffix for a username. A number will be randomly selected and will be 1 or more digits up to this configured value in length. For example, if this value is 5, the suffix will be a number between 00001 and 99999, inclusive.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.separatorStringAvailable since 1.27.0

    A single character to use as a separator from the requested username and a unique suffix that is added when a duplicate username is detected. This value can be a single non alphanumeric ASCII character.

    tenant.usernameConfiguration.unique.strategyStringAvailable since 1.29.0

    This strategy instructions FusionAuth when to append a unique suffix to the username. The possible values are:

    • Always - Always append a unique suffix even when the requested username is not in use.
    • OnCollision - Only append a unique suffix when the requested username is in use.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn bootstrap workflow is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.bootstrapWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the bootstrap workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.debugBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether debug event log output is enabled for WebAuthn.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether WebAuthn configuration is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.authenticatorAttachmentPreferenceStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The authenticator attachment requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • any - An authenticator with any attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    • crossPlatform - Only authenticators with the cross-platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration. These are also referred to as “roaming” authenticators.
    • platform - Only authenticators with the platform attachment modality will be allowed during registration.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.enabledBooleanAvailable since 1.41.0

    Whether the WebAuthn reauthentication workflow is enabled.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.reauthenticationWorkflow.userVerificationRequirementStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The user verification requirement for WebAuthn passkey registration and authentication when using the reauthentication workflow. The possible values are:

    • discouraged - If possible, do not require user verification during registration and authentication.
    • preferred - Prefer authenticators that support user verification during registration and authentication but allow others.
    • required - Only authenticators that support user verification will be allowed.
    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyIdStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party Id the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. Passkeys can only be used to authenticate on sites using the same Relying Party Id they were registered with.

    The default value is null, which instructs the WebAuthn JavaScript API to use the browser origin.

    tenant.webAuthnConfiguration.relyingPartyNameStringAvailable since 1.41.0

    The Relying Party name the tenant will use in WebAuthn ceremonies. This value is used only for display and may be shown by browser or OS dialogs during WebAuthn ceremonies.

    If no value is configured, the tenant.issuer value will be used.

Example Response JSON

  "tenant": {
    "accessControlConfiguration": {
      "uiIPAccessControlListId": "11d49de7-69f6-46fc-8270-0b3aa626327a"
    "configured": true,
    "captchaConfiguration": {
      "captchaMethod": "GoogleRecaptchaV3",
      "enabled": true,
      "secretKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk70us00012r66r96tt7rp",
      "siteKey": "6LdYWpMbAAAAAKhcksgk75tz00022r66ombcfadr",
      "threshold": 0.5
    "connectorPolicies": [
        "connectorId": "e3306678-a53a-4964-9040-1c96f36dda72",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": false
        "connectorId": "27f22280-7e55-4d1c-b9f8-239bf9cc1a5e",
        "domains": [
        "migrate": true
    "data": {
      "description": "No more secrets, Marty."
    "emailConfiguration": {
      "additionalHeaders": [
          "name": "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET",
          "value": "example_configuration_set_name"
      "defaultFromEmail": "jared@piedpiper.com",
      "defaultFromName": "Jared Dunn",
      "emailUpdateEmailTemplateId": "ec3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "emailVerifiedEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId": "49aba1de-0225-45d7-a2b1-f9fe46b0242c",
      "host": "smtp.sendgrid.net",
      "implicitEmailVerificationAllowed": true,
      "loginIdInUseOnCreateEmailTemplateId": "1c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginIdInUseOnUpdateEmailTemplateId": "2c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginNewDeviceEmailTemplateId": "3c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "loginSuspiciousEmailTemplateId": "4c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "password": "password",
      "passwordlessEmailTemplateId": "a917e23a-da58-4cda-be01-90f542f8c343",
      "passwordResetSuccessEmailTemplateId": "5c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "passwordUpdateEmailTemplateId": "6c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "port": 587,
      "properties": {
        "key": "value"
      "security": "TLS",
      "setPasswordEmailTemplateId": "a9aba13e-0125-4fd7-a2b1-aaa146b02423",
      "twoFactorMethodAddEmailTemplateId": "7c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "twoFactorMethodRemoveEmailTemplateId": "8c3045c7-97d8-47f8-8725-61b93deacf5d",
      "unverified": {
        "allowEmailChangeWhenGated": false,
        "behavior": "Allow"
      "username": "username",
      "verificationEmailTemplateId": "8da42c09-461c-45f3-b931-6e9f63b87ab5",
      "verificationStrategy": "FormField",
      "verifyEmail": true,
      "verifyEmailWhenChanged": true
    "eventConfiguration": {
      "events": {
        "user.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.deactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.bulk.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.reactivate": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.refresh-token.revoke": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "jwt.public-key.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.success": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.login.failed": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.password.breach": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.create": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.update": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.delete": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.registration.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
        "user.email.verified": {
          "enabled": true,
          "transactionType": "None"
    "externalIdentifierConfiguration": {
      "authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 30,
      "changePasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
      "deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "deviceUserCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "emailVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "emailVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "loginIntentTimeToLiveInSeconds": 1800,
      "oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "passwordlessLoginGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "pendingAccountLinkTimeToLiveInSeconds": 3600,
      "registrationVerificationIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "registrationVerificationOneTimeCodeGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomAlphaNumeric"
      "rememberOAuthScopeConsentChoiceTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "samlv2AuthNRequestIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "setupPasswordIdGenerator": {
        "length": 32,
        "type": "randomBytes"
      "setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 86400,
      "trustTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 300,
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdGenerator": {
        "length": 6,
        "type": "randomDigits"
      "twoFactorOneTimeCodeIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 60,
      "twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds": 2592000,
      "webAuthnAuthenticationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180,
      "webAuthnRegistrationChallengeTimeToLiveInSeconds": 180
    "failedAuthenticationConfiguration": {
      "actionCancelPolicy": {
        "onPasswordReset": false
      "actionDuration": 3,
      "actionDurationUnit": "MINUTES",
      "emailUser": false,
      "resetCountInSeconds": 60,
      "tooManyAttempts": 5,
      "userActionId": "16cfc707-268c-4c5b-8989-f71f3ee156d4"
    "familyConfiguration": {
      "allowChildRegistrations": true,
      "confirmChildEmailTemplateId": "87654321-4321-8765-ba09-ba0987654321",
      "deleteOrphanedAccounts": false,
      "deleteOrphanedAccountsDays": 30,
      "enabled": true,
      "familyRequestEmailTemplateId": "57462514-a73b-cd76-0001-b8a65cd61230",
      "maximumChildAge": 12,
      "minimumOwnerAge": 21,
      "parentEmailRequired": false,
      "parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId": "12345678-1234-5678-90ab-1234567890ab"
    "formConfiguration": {
      "adminUserFormId": "e92751a5-25f4-4bca-ad91-66cdf67725d2"
    "httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval": 3600,
    "id": "32306536-3036-6431-3865-646430303332",
    "insertInstant": 1572469040579,
    "issuer": "https://example.com",
    "jwtConfiguration": {
      "accessTokenKeyId": "025233ca-d4f3-2aa4-eca9-7e4200e9b472",
      "enabled": true,
      "idTokenKeyId": "092dbedc-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
      "refreshTokenExpirationPolicy": "Fixed",
      "refreshTokenRevocationPolicy": {
        "onLoginPrevented": true,
        "onMultiFactorEnable": true,
        "onPasswordChanged": true
      "refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes": 43200,
      "refreshTokenUsagePolicy": "Reusable",
      "timeToLiveInSeconds": 3600
    "lambdaConfiguration": {
      "loginValidationId": "c0dd79db-38dd-424b-b77a-4dccaad71052",
      "scimEnterpriseUserRequestConverterId": "c2e70f8d-19bb-4df7-848a-33a9a1e26b84",
      "scimEnterpriseUserResponseConverterId": "44fc9553-8a2e-408f-8aa2-fa65b70b55e2",
      "scimGroupRequestConverterId": "66d65de0-1819-42f8-86ed-7daaa4e155dc",
      "scimGroupResponseConverterId": "79812ede-432f-4375-9b43-23c0fe996fef",
      "scimUserRequestConverterId": "8a51d7a1-5e3e-442a-b96a-0c31379bb3d4",
      "scimUserResponseConverterId": "c8720843-dc4f-4e6c-b6ca-500e9c44695f"
    "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
    "loginConfiguration": {
      "requireAuthentication": true
    "logoutURL": "http://example.com/logout",
    "maximumPasswordAge": {
      "days": 180,
      "enabled": false
    "minimumPasswordAge": {
      "enabled": false,
      "seconds": 30
    "multiFactorConfiguration": {
      "authenticator": {
        "algorithm": "HmacSHA1",
        "codeLength": 6,
        "enabled": true,
        "timeStep": 30
      "email": {
        "enabled": true,
        "templateId": "d312fb71-d7d8-4b75-a497-6096a07220b3"
      "loginPolicy": "Enabled",
      "sms": {
        "enabled": true,
        "messengerId": "0a4bae38-ffef-4c33-b74c-1d50c796f600",
        "templateId": "f35e04e6-72ec-4f52-b552-29cf950a4ed6"
    "name": "Playtronics Co.",
    "oauthConfiguration": {
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    "passwordEncryptionConfiguration": {
      "encryptionScheme": "salted-pbkdf2-hmac-sha256",
      "encryptionSchemeFactor": 24000,
      "modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin": false
    "passwordValidationRules": {
      "breachDetection": {
        "enabled": true,
        "notifyUserEmailTemplateId": "e6c74b53-d43d-471e-ae7e-906456d0f341",
        "matchMode": "High",
        "onLogin": "Off"
      "maxLength": 256,
      "minLength": 8,
      "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
        "count": 2,
        "enabled": true
      "requireMixedCase": true,
      "requireNonAlpha": true,
      "requireNumber": true,
      "validateOnLogin": false
    "rateLimitConfiguration": {
      "failedLogin": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "forgotPassword": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendEmailVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendRegistrationVerification": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendPasswordless": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
      "sendTwoFactor": {
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 5,
        "timePeriodInSeconds": 60
    "registrationConfiguration": {},
    "scimServerConfiguration": {
      "clientEntityTypeId": "d9ed49f7-1106-4b20-acdb-5cbda76ae77e",
      "enabled": true,
      "serverEntityTypeId": "919e0ac5-1cf0-4fcf-a8fc-29d77a0d1d8f",
      "schemas": {}
    "ssoConfiguration": {
      "allowAccessTokenBootstrap": false,
      "deviceTrustTimeToLiveInSeconds": 31536000
    "state": "Active",
    "themeId": "c6ad3fac-6f32-4db7-91a4-061ff035e871",
    "userDeletePolicy": {
      "unverified": {
        "enabled": true,
        "enabledInstant": 1698772159415,
        "numberOfDaysToRetain": 30
    "usernameConfiguration": {
      "unique": {
        "enabled": false,
        "numberOfDigits": 5,
        "separator": "#",
        "strategy": "OnCollision"
    "webAuthnConfiguration": {
      "enabled": true,
      "bootstrapWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "crossPlatform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "debug": false,
      "reauthenticationWorkflow": {
        "authenticatorAttachmentPreference": "platform",
        "enabled": true,
        "userVerificationRequirement": "required"
      "relyingPartyId": "piedpiper.com",
      "relyingPartyName": "Pied Piper"

Delete a Tenant

This API is used to permanently delete a Tenant. Deleting a Tenant will delete all Users, Applications and Groups that belong to this tenant. Proceed with caution.


API Key Authentication
Delete a Tenant by Id
DELETE /api/tenant/{tenantId}

Request Parameters


The unique Id of the Tenant to delete.

asyncBooleanDefaults to false

Set this value to true to perform this request asynchronously, this means the API will return a response indicating the request has been accepted and will not wait for the operation to complete.

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.


This API does not return a JSON response body.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful.
202 The request has been accepted but not completed. The response will be empty.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Retrieve the Password Validation Rules

This API has been available since 1.8.0

This API is used to retrieve the Password Validation Rules. This configuration is a subset of the Tenant configuration.


No Authentication Required
Retrieve the Password Validation Rules
GET /api/tenant/password-validation-rules/{tenantId}

Request Parameters


The Id of the tenant.

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.


The response for this API contains the Password Validation Rules.

Response Codes

200The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
500There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Response Body


The maximum number of characters that are allowed for user passwords.


The minimum number of characters that are required for user passwords.


The number of previous passwords that should be remembered so they are not re-used by the User.


Indicates that the remember previous password validation is enabled and being enforced.


Indicates that passwords require an uppercase and lowercase character to be valid.


Indicates that passwords require a non-alphanumeric character to be valid.


Indicates that passwords require at least one number to be valid.

Example Response JSON

  "passwordValidationRules": {
    "maxLength": 256,
    "minLength": 8,
    "rememberPreviousPasswords": {
      "count": 2,
      "enabled": true
    "requireMixedCase": true,
    "requireNonAlpha": true,
    "requireNumber": true