
FusionAuth Reactor logo

This feature is only available in paid plans. Please visit our pricing page to learn more.


This page contains the APIs for managing Entities as well as searching them. Entity core concepts may also be helpful.

This API has been available since 1.26.0

Create an Entity

This API is used to create an Entity. Specifying an Id on the URI will instruct FusionAuth to use that Id when creating the Entity. Otherwise, FusionAuth will generate an Id for the Entity.


API Key Authentication
Create an Entity without providing an Id. An Id will be automatically generated.
POST /api/entity

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

When only a single tenant is configured the tenant Id can be assumed and this additional header is optional. Once more than one tenant has been configured in FusionAuth the tenant Id is required for this request. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.

API Key Authentication
Create an Entity with the provided Id
POST /api/entity/{entityId}

Request Parameters

entityIdUUIDDefaults to secure random UUID

The Id to use for the new Entity. If not specified a secure random UUID will be generated.

Request Body


An object that can hold any information about the Entity that should be persisted. Please review the limits on data field types as you plan for and build your custom data schema.


The OAuth 2.0 client Id. If you leave this blank during a POST, the value of the Entity Id will be used.


The OAuth 2.0 client secret. If you leave this blank during a POST, a secure secret will be generated for you. If you leave this blank during PUT, the previous value will be maintained. For both POST and PUT you can provide a value and it will be stored.


A descriptive name for the Entity (i.e. “Raviga” or “Email Service”).


The Id of the Entity Type. Types are consulted for permission checks.

Example Request JSON

  "entity": {
    "clientId": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
    "clientSecret": "+fcXet9Iu2kQi61yWD9Tu4ReZ113P6yEAkr32v6WKOQ=",
    "data": {
      "companyType": "Legal"
    "type": {
      "id": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f57"
    "name": "Raviga"

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

When only a single tenant is configured the tenant Id can be assumed and this additional header is optional. Once more than one tenant has been configured in FusionAuth the tenant Id is required for this request. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.


The response for this API contains the information for the Entity that was created.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Response Body


An object that can hold any information about the Entity that should be persisted. Please review the limits on data field types as you plan for and build your custom data schema.


The OAuth 2.0 client Id.


The OAuth 2.0 client secret.


The unique Id of the Entity.


The instant that the Entity was added to the FusionAuth database.


The instant that the Entity was last updated in the FusionAuth database.


A descriptive name for the Entity (i.e. “Raviga” or “Email Service”).


The Id of the Tenant to which this Entity belongs.


The Entity Type of this Entity. Consult the Entity Type documentation for more details about the fields of this object.

Example Response JSON for an Entity

  "entity": {
    "clientId": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
    "clientSecret": "+fcXet9Iu2kQi61yWD9Tu4ReZ113P6yEAkr32v6WKOQ=",
    "data": {
      "companyType": "Legal"
    "id": "8174f72f-5ecd-4eae-8de8-7fef597b3473",
    "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
    "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
    "name": "Raviga",
    "tenantId": "30663132-6464-6665-3032-326466613934",
    "type": {
      "id": "4838d96a-4e7b-42c6-a4a1-ebc64952e1c8",
      "insertInstant": 1518962408732,
      "jwtConfiguration": {
        "enabled": false,
        "timeToLiveInSeconds": 60
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1518962408732,
      "name": "Customers"

Retrieve an Entity

This API is used to retrieve one Entity.


API Key Authentication
Retrieve a single Entity by Id
GET /api/entity/{entityId}

Request Parameters


The Id of the Entity to retrieve.

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.


The response for this API contains a single Entity.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Response Body


An object that can hold any information about the Entity that should be persisted. Please review the limits on data field types as you plan for and build your custom data schema.


The OAuth 2.0 client Id.


The OAuth 2.0 client secret.


The unique Id of the Entity.


The instant that the Entity was added to the FusionAuth database.


The instant that the Entity was last updated in the FusionAuth database.


A descriptive name for the Entity (i.e. “Raviga” or “Email Service”).


The Id of the Tenant to which this Entity belongs.


The Entity Type of this Entity. Consult the Entity Type documentation for more details about the fields of this object.

Example Response JSON for an Entity

  "entity": {
    "clientId": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
    "clientSecret": "+fcXet9Iu2kQi61yWD9Tu4ReZ113P6yEAkr32v6WKOQ=",
    "data": {
      "companyType": "Legal"
    "id": "8174f72f-5ecd-4eae-8de8-7fef597b3473",
    "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
    "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
    "name": "Raviga",
    "tenantId": "30663132-6464-6665-3032-326466613934",
    "type": {
      "id": "4838d96a-4e7b-42c6-a4a1-ebc64952e1c8",
      "insertInstant": 1518962408732,
      "jwtConfiguration": {
        "enabled": false,
        "timeToLiveInSeconds": 60
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1518962408732,
      "name": "Customers"

Update an Entity

This API is used to update an existing Entity.

You must specify all of the properties of the Entity when calling this API with the PUT HTTP method. When used with PUT, this API doesn’t merge the existing Entity and your new data. It replaces the existing Entity with your new data.

Utilize the PATCH HTTP method to send specific changes to merge into an existing Entity.


API Key Authentication
Update an Entity by Id
PUT /api/entity/{entityId}
PATCH /api/entity/{entityId}

When using the PATCH method, you can either use the same request body documentation that is provided for the PUT request for backward compatibility. Or you may use either JSON Patch/RFC 6902] or JSON Merge Patch/RFC 7396. See the PATCH documentation for more information.

When using the PATCH method with a Content-Type of application/json the provided request parameters will be merged into the existing object, this means all parameters are optional when using the PATCH method and you only provide the values you want changed. A null value can be used to remove a value. Patching an Array will result in all values from the new list being appended to the existing list, this is a known limitation to the current implementation of PATCH.

Request Parameters


The Id of the Entity to update.

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.

Request Body


An object that can hold any information about the Entity that should be persisted. Please review the limits on data field types as you plan for and build your custom data schema.


The OAuth 2.0 client Id. If you leave this blank during a POST, the value of the Entity Id will be used.


The OAuth 2.0 client secret. If you leave this blank during a POST, a secure secret will be generated for you. If you leave this blank during PUT, the previous value will be maintained. For both POST and PUT you can provide a value and it will be stored.


A descriptive name for the Entity (i.e. “Raviga” or “Email Service”).


The Id of the Entity Type. Types are consulted for permission checks.

Example Request JSON

  "entity": {
    "clientId": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
    "clientSecret": "+fcXet9Iu2kQi61yWD9Tu4ReZ113P6yEAkr32v6WKOQ=",
    "data": {
      "companyType": "Legal"
    "type": {
      "id": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f57"
    "name": "Raviga"


The response for this API contains the new information for the Entity that was updated.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you are trying to update doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Response Body


An object that can hold any information about the Entity that should be persisted. Please review the limits on data field types as you plan for and build your custom data schema.


The OAuth 2.0 client Id.


The OAuth 2.0 client secret.


The unique Id of the Entity.


The instant that the Entity was added to the FusionAuth database.


The instant that the Entity was last updated in the FusionAuth database.


A descriptive name for the Entity (i.e. “Raviga” or “Email Service”).


The Id of the Tenant to which this Entity belongs.


The Entity Type of this Entity. Consult the Entity Type documentation for more details about the fields of this object.

Example Response JSON for an Entity

  "entity": {
    "clientId": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
    "clientSecret": "+fcXet9Iu2kQi61yWD9Tu4ReZ113P6yEAkr32v6WKOQ=",
    "data": {
      "companyType": "Legal"
    "id": "8174f72f-5ecd-4eae-8de8-7fef597b3473",
    "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
    "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
    "name": "Raviga",
    "tenantId": "30663132-6464-6665-3032-326466613934",
    "type": {
      "id": "4838d96a-4e7b-42c6-a4a1-ebc64952e1c8",
      "insertInstant": 1518962408732,
      "jwtConfiguration": {
        "enabled": false,
        "timeToLiveInSeconds": 60
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1518962408732,
      "name": "Customers"

Delete an Entity

This API is used to delete an Entity. You must specify the Id of the Entity on the URI.


API Key Authentication
Delete an Entity By Id
DELETE /api/entity/{entityId}

Request Parameters


The Id of the Entity to delete.

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request. The tenant Id is not required on this request when only one tenant has been configured. If there is more than one tenant, the tenant Id is required.

Supply the tenant Id via this header or by using an API Key scoped to a tenant, which implicitly supplies the tenant Id.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.


This API does not return a JSON response body.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Search for Entities

This API is used to search for Entities. This API may be called using the GET or POST HTTP methods. Examples of each are provided below. The POST method is provided to allow for a richer request object without worrying about exceeding the maximum length of a URL. Calling this API with either the GET or POST HTTP method will provide the same search results given the same query parameters.


Which search query parameters are available and how they behave depends on the search engine type. Read more about the different types of search engines.

Database Search Engine

This is a good choice for smaller installs, embedded scenarios, or other places where the additional capability of Elasticsearch is not required.

API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by Id
GET /api/entity/search?ids={uuid}&ids={uuid}
API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by a query string
GET /api/entity/search?queryString={queryString}
API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by a query string and sort the response
GET /api/entity/search?queryString={queryString}&sortFields[0].name={name}&sortFields[0].order={order}

Request Parameters

accurateTotalBooleanDefaults to false

Set this value equal to true to receive an accurate hit count on the API response.

By default the search engine will limit the hit count to 10,000 entities. This means that even if your query may match more than 10,000 entities, the returned total count will be 10,000. This is adequate for many use cases such as pagination and general purpose queries. If you are looking for an accurate entity count that can exceed 10,000 matches, you will want to set this value equal to true.


An Entity Id to retrieve. By specifying this URL parameter multiple times you can lookup multiple Entities.

Using this parameter is mutually exclusive with the queryString field and is not paginated or sorted using the sortFields field.
numberOfResultsBooleanDefaults to 25

The number of search results to return. Used for pagination.


A query string that is used to search for Entities. Using this parameter is mutually exclusive with the ids field.

Database search limits effective queries to single search terms that may match the following fields on the Entities or their Entity Type:

  • clientId
  • name
  • entityType.name

The search matches against all of these fields and any entity with a matching field will be returned. The match is case-insensitive, and you may not search by prefix or suffix. Whitespace is not allowed in the search. Regular expressions may not be used. A value of * will match all records.

startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The start row within the search results to return. Used for pagination.


An array of sort fields used to sort the result. The order the sort fields are provided will be maintained in the sorted output.


The name of the field to sort.

Required if sortFields is provided.

The following field names are supported for the database search engine:

  • clientId
  • insertInstant
  • lastUpdateInstant
  • name
  • tenantId
  • typeId
sortFields[x].orderStringDefaults to asc

The order to sort the specified field. Possible values are:

  • asc
  • desc

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.

API Key Authentication
Search for Entities using a JSON request body. This allows for larger requests than are possible using request parameters.
POST /api/entity/search

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.

Request Body

search.accurateTotalBooleanDefaults to false

Set this value equal to true to receive an accurate hit count on the API response.

By default the search engine will limit the hit count to 10,000 entities. This means that even if your query may match more than 10,000 entities, the returned total count will be 10,000. This is adequate for many use cases such as pagination and general purpose queries. If you are looking for an accurate entity count that can exceed 10,000 matches, you will want to set this value equal to true.


An Entity Id to retrieve. By specifying this URL parameter multiple times you can lookup multiple Entities.

Using this parameter is mutually exclusive with the queryString field and is not paginated or sorted using the sortFields field.
search.numberOfResultsBooleanDefaults to 25

The number of search results to return. Used for pagination.


A query string that is used to search for Entities. Using this parameter is mutually exclusive with the ids field.

Database search limits effective queries to single search terms that may match the following fields on the Entities or their Entity Type:

  • clientId
  • name
  • entityType.name

The search matches against all of these fields and any entity with a matching field will be returned. The match is case-insensitive, and you may not search by prefix or suffix. Whitespace is not allowed in the search. Regular expressions may not be used. A value of * will match all records.

search.startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The start row within the search results to return. Used for pagination.


An array of sort fields used to sort the result. The order the sort fields are provided will be maintained in the sorted output.


The name of the field to sort.

Required if sortFields is provided.

The following field names are supported for the database search engine:

  • clientId
  • insertInstant
  • lastUpdateInstant
  • name
  • tenantId
  • typeId
search.sortFields[x].orderStringDefaults to asc

The order to sort the specified field. Possible values are:

  • asc
  • desc
Request Body Examples

Example Request JSON searching by ids

  "search": {
    "ids": [

Example Request JSON searching by queryString for entities with a matching name

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "queryString": "api",
    "sortFields": [
        "name": "name",
        "order": "asc"
    "startRow": 0

Example Request JSON searching by queryString for entities with a clientId, name or type name containing piper.

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "queryString": "piper",
    "sortFields": [
        "name": "name",
        "order": "asc"
    "startRow": 0

Example Request JSON to retrieve the first 50 entities, ordered by name, ascending.

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "queryString": "*",
    "sortFields": [
        "name": "name",
        "order": "asc"
    "startRow": 0

Elasticsearch Search Engine

The Elasticsearch engine has advanced querying capabilities and better performance.

API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by Id
GET /api/entity/search?ids={uuid}&ids={uuid}
API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by a query string
GET /api/entity/search?queryString={queryString}
API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by a query string and sort the response
GET /api/entity/search?queryString={queryString}&sortFields[0].name={name}&sortFields[0].order={order}
API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by a raw JSON query
GET /api/entity/search?query={query}
API Key Authentication
Search for Entities by a nextResults token
GET /api/entity/search?nextResults={nextResults}

Request Parameters

accurateTotalBooleanDefaults to false

Set this value equal to true to receive an accurate hit count on the API response.

By default the search engine will limit the hit count to 10,000 entities. This means that even if your query may match more than 10,000 entities, the returned total count will be 10,000. This is adequate for many use cases such as pagination and general purpose queries. If you are looking for an accurate entity count that can exceed 10,000 matches, you will want to set this value equal to true.


An Entity Id to retrieve. By specifying this URL parameter multiple times you can lookup multiple Entities.

Using this parameter is mutually exclusive with the query and queryString fields and is not paginated or sorted using sortFields field. Using this parameter will not hit the Elasticsearch index, instead it will cause entities to be retrieved by Id only.
nextResultsStringAvailable since 1.48.0

The encoded token returned in the nextResults of a previous search response. Providing this token will return a result set for the page following the last result from the previous search response.

This parameter can be used to successfully page past the max_result_window limitation.

This parameter cannot be used with the ids , query , queryString , or sortFields parameters. The startRow parameter must be 0 or omitted.

See Extended Pagination for more information.

numberOfResultsBooleanDefaults to 25

The number of search results to return. Used for pagination.


The raw JSON Elasticsearch query that is used to search for Entities. The ids , query , and queryString parameters are mutually exclusive, they are listed here in order of precedence.

It is necessary to use the query parameter when querying against grants in order to achieve expected results, as this field is defined as a nested datatype in the Elasticsearch mapping.


The Elasticsearch query string that is used to search for Entities. The ids , query , and queryString parameters are mutually exclusive, they are listed here in order of precedence.

The match is case-insensitive. Whitespace is allowed in the search, but must be URL escaped; for example, using %20 for a space character. Elasticsearch compatible regular expressions may be used, so you may search by prefix or suffix using the * wildcard.

You may search against specific fields like so: name:*API. This will match only entities with a name ending in a API. You may find the available fields for matching by retrieving the Elasticsearch mapping.

FusionAuth adds wildcards to unscoped queryStrings in order to match the broadest set of results. Depending on the specifics of the system, a leading wildcard on a search term can significantly reduce search performance. In order to improve search performance, limit the search to a single field by specifying it in the queryString followed by a : to prevent the pre-processing by FusionAuth.

startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The start row within the search results to return. Used for pagination.


An array of sort fields used to sort the result. The order the sort fields are provided will be maintained in the sorted output.

sortFields[x].missingStringDefaults to _last

The value to substitute if this field is not defined. Two special values may be used:

  • _first When the field is not defined sort this record first.
  • _last When the field is not defined sort this record last.

The name of the field to sort.

Required if sortFields is provided.

Due to how the search index is structured not all fields on the entity are sortable. The following field names are currently supported.

  • clientId
  • insertInstant
  • lastUpdateInstant
  • name
  • tenantId
  • typeId
sortFields[x].orderStringDefaults to asc

The order to sort the specified field. Possible values are:

  • asc
  • desc

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.

API Key Authentication
Search for Entities using a JSON request body. This allows for larger requests than are possible using request parameters.
POST /api/entity/search

Request Headers


The unique Id of the tenant used to scope this API request.

The tenant Id is not required on this request even when more than one tenant has been configured because the tenant can be identified based upon the request parameters or it is otherwise not required.

Specify a tenant Id on this request when you want to ensure the request is scoped to a specific tenant. The tenant Id may be provided through this header or by using a tenant locked API key to achieve the same result.

See Making an API request using a Tenant Id for additional information.

Request Body

search.accurateTotalBooleanDefaults to false

Set this value equal to true to receive an accurate hit count on the API response.

By default the search engine will limit the hit count to 10,000 entities. This means that even if your query may match more than 10,000 entities, the returned total count will be 10,000. This is adequate for many use cases such as pagination and general purpose queries. If you are looking for an accurate entity count that can exceed 10,000 matches, you will want to set this value equal to true.


An Entity Id to retrieve. By specifying this URL parameter multiple times you can lookup multiple Entities.

Using this parameter is mutually exclusive with the query and queryString fields and is not paginated or sorted using sortFields field. Using this parameter will not hit the Elasticsearch index, instead it will cause entities to be retrieved by Id only.
nextResultsStringAvailable since 1.48.0

The encoded token returned in the nextResults of a previous search response. Providing this token will return a result set for the page following the last result from the previous search response.

This parameter can be used to successfully page past the max_result_window limitation.

This parameter cannot be used with the ids , query , queryString , or sortFields parameters. The startRow parameter must be 0 or omitted.

See Extended Pagination for more information.

search.numberOfResultsBooleanDefaults to 25

The number of search results to return. Used for pagination.


The raw JSON Elasticsearch query that is used to search for Entities. The ids , query , and queryString parameters are mutually exclusive, they are listed here in order of precedence.

It is necessary to use the search.query parameter when querying against grants in order to achieve expected results, as this field is defined as a nested datatype in the Elasticsearch mapping.


The Elasticsearch query string that is used to search for Entities. The ids , query , and queryString parameters are mutually exclusive, they are listed here in order of precedence.

The match is case-insensitive. Whitespace is allowed in the search, but must be URL escaped; for example, using %20 for a space character. Elasticsearch compatible regular expressions may be used, so you may search by prefix or suffix using the * wildcard.

You may search against specific fields like so: name:*API. This will match only entities with a name ending in a API. You may find the available fields for matching by retrieving the Elasticsearch mapping.

FusionAuth adds wildcards to unscoped queryStrings in order to match the broadest set of results. Depending on the specifics of the system, a leading wildcard on a search term can significantly reduce search performance. In order to improve search performance, limit the search to a single field by specifying it in the queryString followed by a : to prevent the pre-processing by FusionAuth.

search.startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The start row within the search results to return. Used for pagination.


An array of sort fields used to sort the result. The order the sort fields are provided will be maintained in the sorted output.

search.sortFields[x].missingStringDefaults to _last

The value to substitute if this field is not defined. Two special values may be used:

  • _first When the field is not defined sort this record first.
  • _last When the field is not defined sort this record last.

The name of the field to sort.

Required if sortFields is provided.

Due to how the search index is structured not all fields on the entity are sortable. The following field names are currently supported.

  • clientId
  • insertInstant
  • lastUpdateInstant
  • name
  • tenantId
  • typeId
search.sortFields[x].orderStringDefaults to asc

The order to sort the specified field. Possible values are:

  • asc
  • desc
Request Body Examples

Example Request JSON searching by ids

  "search": {
    "ids": [

Example JSON searching by query for entities with a given name

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "query": "{\"match\":{\"name\":{\"query\":\"email_api\"}}}",
    "sortFields": [
        "missing": "_first",
        "name": "name",
        "order": "asc"
    "startRow": 0

Example JSON searching by query for entity with custom entity data of audited equal to true

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "query": "{\"match\":{\"data.audited\":{\"query\":\"true\"}}}",
    "sortFields": [
        "missing": "_first",
        "name": "name",
        "order": "asc"
    "startRow": 0

Example Request JSON searching by queryString for entities with a name matching a pattern

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "queryString": "name:*api*",
    "sortFields": [
        "missing": "_first",
        "name": "name",
        "order": "asc"
    "startRow": 0

Example Request JSON searching by queryString for entities in a specific tenant. A global API key must be used, and you may not use the X-FusionAuth-TenantId header when the search parameters include tenantId

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "queryString": "tenantId:39666465-6535-3731-3139-666363356438",
    "sortFields": [
        "missing": "_first",
        "name": "name",
        "order": "asc"
    "startRow": 0

Example Request JSON searching by nextResults for entities using a token returned in a previous search response

  "search": {
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "nextResults": "eyJscyI6WyIxLjAxNzM5MTciLCJlbnRpdHktMSIsImE3OTA0NTZmLTFmZTUtNGE2ZS04MWNkLWZmOTA3MmJmMzRmYiJdLCJxcyI6IioiLCJzZiI6W119"


The response contains the Entity objects that were found as part of the lookup or search. Both the database and Elasticsearch search engines return the response in the same format.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
404 The object you requested doesn't exist. The response will be empty.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.

Response Body


The number of entities that matched the search criteria. The number of results in the response will be equal to the numberOfResults provided on the request, if not provided the default number of results will be returned.

This value may cap out at 10,000 even if more entities are found based upon the provided search query. Use the accurateTotal request parameter if you require this value to represent the actual number of matching entities in the search index when your query may match more than 10,000 entities.

nextResultsStringAvailable since 1.48.0

A token that can be used in subsequent search requests to page forward after the last result of the current response.

This value will not be returned when FusionAuth is configured to use the database search engine.

See Extended Pagination for more information.


The list of Entity objects.


An object that can hold any information about the Entity that should be persisted. Please review the limits on data field types as you plan for and build your custom data schema.


The OAuth 2.0 client Id.


The OAuth 2.0 client secret.


The unique Id of the Entity.


The instant that the Entity was added to the FusionAuth database.


The instant that the Entity was last updated in the FusionAuth database.


A descriptive name for the Entity (i.e. “Raviga” or “Email Service”).


The Id of the Tenant to which this Entity belongs.


The Entity Type of this Entity. Consult the Entity Type documentation for more details about the fields of this object.

Example Response JSON for multiple Entities

  "entities": [
      "clientId": "092dbded-30af-4149-9c61-b578f2c72f59",
      "clientSecret": "+fcXet9Iu2kQi61yWD9Tu4ReZ113P6yEAkr32v6WKOQ=",
      "data": {
        "companyType": "Legal"
      "id": "8174f72f-5ecd-4eae-8de8-7fef597b3473",
      "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "name": "Raviga",
      "tenantId": "30663132-6464-6665-3032-326466613934",
      "type": {
        "id": "4838d96a-4e7b-42c6-a4a1-ebc64952e1c8",
        "insertInstant": 1518962408732,
        "jwtConfiguration": {
          "enabled": false,
          "timeToLiveInSeconds": 60
        "lastUpdateInstant": 1518962408732,
        "name": "Customers"
  "nextResults": "eyJscyI6WyIxLjAxNzM5MTciLCJlbnRpdHktMSIsImE3OTA0NTZmLTFmZTUtNGE2ZS04MWNkLWZmOTA3MmJmMzRmYiJdLCJxcyI6IioiLCJzZiI6W119",
  "total": 1

Flush the Search Engine

This API is used to issue a flush request to the FusionAuth Search. This will cause any cached data to be written to disk. In practice it is unlikely you’ll find a need for this API in production unless you are performing search requests immediately following an operation that modifies the index and expecting to see the results immediately.


API Key Authentication
Flushes the Search Engine
PUT /api/entity/search


The response does not contain a body. It only contains one of the status codes below.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.
503 The search index is not available or encountered an exception so the request cannot be completed. The response will contain a JSON body.