Identity Providers

An Identity Provider is a named object that provides configuration to describe an external and/or social identity provider. This configuration will be used to perform an alternative login to the standard FusionAuth local login. FusionAuth currently supports a number of different identity provider types:

The type of the identity provider will determine the object’s properties as well as the validation that is performed. You can click into any of the identity provider API docs to get a list of that identity provider’s properties.

To learn how to configure these Identity Providers using the FusionAuth UI, go here Identity Providers.

The way a link is established between an identity provider and FusionAuth is determined by the linkingStrategy for each identity provider. An API is provided to manually link and unlink a user to a 3rd party identity provider. To learn more about managing links between FusionAuth and a 3rd party identity provider, see the Link APIs.

Global Operations

Retrieve all Identity Providers


API Key Authentication
Retrieve all of the Identity Providers
GET /api/identity-provider


Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Response Body

The response JSON might include different types of identity providers. Therefore, you should refer to the documentation for each type of identity provider to determine the response JSON format for that particular type. Each type has a Retrieve section in its documentation. This format will be the same format used by this API.


The list of Identity Provider objects.

Example Response JSON

  "identityProviders": [
      "claimMap": {
        "first_name": "firstName",
        "last_name": "lastName",
        "dept": "RegistrationData"
      "domains": [
      "headerKeyParameter": "kid",
      "id": "a4e78daa-33a6-4844-b081-7779af1f09a4",
      "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "name": "Acme Corp. ADFS",
      "oauth2": {
        "authorization_endpoint": "",
        "token_endpoint": ""
      "type": "ExternalJWT",
      "uniqueIdentityClaim": "email"
      "appId": "385572258114379",
      "applicationConfiguration": {
        "1c212e59-0d0e-6b1a-ad48-f4f92793be32": {
          "createRegistration": true,
          "enabled": true
      "buttonText": "Login with Facebook",
      "client_secret": "72417eb5aa454ef2373b361d721cb074",
      "enabled": true,
      "fields": "email",
      "id": "56abdcc7-8bd9-4321-9621-4e9bbebae494",
      "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "name": "Facebook",
      "permissions": "email,profile_image",
      "type": "Facebook"
      "applicationConfiguration": {
        "1c212e59-0d0e-6b1a-ad48-f4f92793be32": {
          "createRegistration": true,
          "enabled": true
      "buttonText": "Login with Google",
      "client_id": "",
      "client_secret": "BRr7x7xz_-cXxIFznBDIdxF1",
      "enabled": true,
      "id": "82339786-3dff-42a6-aac6-1f1ceecb6c46",
      "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "name": "Google",
      "scope": "profile",
      "type": "Google"
      "applicationConfiguration": {
        "1c212e59-0d0e-6b1a-ad48-f4f92793be32": {
          "createRegistration": true,
          "enabled": true
      "buttonText": "Login with Twitter",
      "consumerKey": "24iuleLRKIZUNhxuuUK6yDZwb",
      "consumerSecret": "e2ZpAaAfxv2j9eeh6JTeNcXMWdVLjRNriXm4wSZt1f1Ss3Syp4",
      "enabled": true,
      "id": "45bb233c-0901-4236-b5ca-ac46e2e0a5a5",
      "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "name": "Twitter",
      "type": "Twitter"

Search for Identity Providers

This API has been available since 1.45.0

This API is used to search for Identity Providers and may be called using the GET or POST HTTP methods. Examples of each are provided below. The POST method is provided to allow for a richer request object without worrying about exceeding the maximum length of a URL. Calling this API with either the GET or POST HTTP method will provide the same search results given the same query parameters.


API Key Authentication
Search for Identity Providers
GET /api/identity-provider/search?name={name}

Request Parameters


Restricts the results to Identity Providers enabled for the given Application.


The case-insensitive string to search for in the Identity Provider name. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.

numberOfResultsIntegerDefaults to 25

The number of results to return from the search.

orderByStringDefaults to name ASC

The field to order the search results as well as an order direction.

The possible values are:

  • enabled - whether the identity provider is enabled globally
  • id - the unique Id of the Identity Provider
  • insertInstant - the instant when the Identity Provider was created
  • name - the Identity Provider name
  • type - the type of the Identity Provider

The order direction is optional. Possible values of the order direction are ASC or DESC. If omitted, the default sort order is ASC.

For example, to order the results by the insert instant in a descending order, use insertInstant DESC.

startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The offset into the total results. In order to paginate the results, increment this value by the numberOfResults for subsequent requests.

For example, if the total search results are greater than the page size designated by numberOfResults , set this value to 25 to retrieve results 26-50, assuming the default page size.


The type of Identity Provider to return.

The possible values are:

  • Apple
  • EpicGames
  • ExternalJWT
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • HYPR
  • LinkedIn
  • Nintendo
  • OpenIDConnect
  • SAMLv2
  • SAMLv2IdPInitiated
  • SonyPSN
  • Steam
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Xbox
API Key Authentication
Search for Identity Providers
POST /api/identity-provider/search

When calling the API using a POST request you will send the search criteria in a JSON request body.

Request Body


Restricts the results to Identity Providers enabled for the given Application.


The case-insensitive string to search for in the Identity Provider name. This can contain wildcards using the asterisk character (*). If no wildcards are present, this parameter value will be interpreted as *value*.

search.numberOfResultsIntegerDefaults to 25

The number of results to return from the search.

search.orderByStringDefaults to name ASC

The field to order the search results as well as an order direction.

The possible values are:

  • enabled - whether the identity provider is enabled globally
  • id - the unique Id of the Identity Provider
  • insertInstant - the instant when the Identity Provider was created
  • name - the Identity Provider name
  • type - the type of the Identity Provider

The order direction is optional. Possible values of the order direction are ASC or DESC. If omitted, the default sort order is ASC.

For example, to order the results by the insert instant in a descending order, use insertInstant DESC.

search.startRowIntegerDefaults to 0

The offset into the total results. In order to paginate the results, increment this value by the numberOfResults for subsequent requests.

For example, if the total search results are greater than the page size designated by numberOfResults , set this value to 25 to retrieve results 26-50, assuming the default page size.


The type of Identity Provider to return.

The possible values are:

  • Apple
  • EpicGames
  • ExternalJWT
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • HYPR
  • LinkedIn
  • Nintendo
  • OpenIDConnect
  • SAMLv2
  • SAMLv2IdPInitiated
  • SonyPSN
  • Steam
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Xbox

Example Request JSON

  "search": {
    "applicationId": "1c212e59-0d0e-6b1a-ad48-f4f92793be32",
    "name": "twit",
    "numberOfResults": 25,
    "orderBy": "insertInstant",
    "startRow": 0


The response for this API contains the Identity Providers matching the search criteria in paginated format and the total number of results matching the search criteria.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
401 You did not supply a valid Authorization header. The header was omitted or your API key was not valid. The response will be empty. See Authentication.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Response Body

The response JSON might include different types of identity providers. Therefore, you should refer to the documentation for each type of identity provider to determine the response JSON format for that particular type. Each type has a Retrieve section in its documentation. This format will be the same format used by this API.


The list of Identity Provider objects.


The total number of Identity Providers matching the search criteria. Use this value along with the numberOfResults and startRow in the search request to perform pagination.

Example Response JSON

  "identityProviders": [
      "applicationConfiguration": {
        "1c212e59-0d0e-6b1a-ad48-f4f92793be32": {
          "createRegistration": true,
          "enabled": true
      "buttonText": "Login with Twitter",
      "consumerKey": "24iuleLRKIZUNhxuuUK6yDZwb",
      "consumerSecret": "e2ZpAaAfxv2j9eeh6JTeNcXMWdVLjRNriXm4wSZt1f1Ss3Syp4",
      "enabled": true,
      "id": "45bb233c-0901-4236-b5ca-ac46e2e0a5a5",
      "insertInstant": 1595361142909,
      "lastUpdateInstant": 1595361143101,
      "name": "Twitter",
      "type": "Twitter"
  "total": 1

Lookup an Identity Provider

The Lookup API is intended to be used during an external login workflow.

For example, you might build your own login page. This page might collect the user’s email as the first step. That email address can be sent to this API to determine which identity provider was designated as the provider for this email address. If the identity provider is an OpenID Connect provider, then you might redirect the user over to that provider.


No Authentication Required
Lookup an Identity Provider by domain/email
GET /api/identity-provider/lookup?domain={domain}

Request Parameters


The email domain or the full email address of the user.

For example, and are functionally equivalent.


The Lookup response is a subset of the Identity Provider configuration that would be returned by the normal identity provider retrieve operation. A 200 response code indicates the domain is managed and the response will contain a JSON body, a 404 response code indicates it is not managed by a configured Identity Provider.

Response Codes
Code Description
200 The request was successful. The response will contain a JSON body.
400 The request was invalid and/or malformed. The response will contain an Errors JSON Object with the specific errors. This status will also be returned if a paid FusionAuth license is required and is not present.
404 The requested domain is not being managed by a configured Identity Provider.
500 There was an internal error. A stack trace is provided and logged in the FusionAuth log files. The response will be empty.

Example Response JSON

identityProvider.applicationIdsArray<UUID>Available since 1.16.0

The list of Application Ids that are enabled for this Identity Provider.


The unique Id of the Identity Provider.

identityProvider.idpEndpointStringAvailable since 1.16.0

The configured SAML v2 endpoint. This value will only be returned for a SAML v2 Identity Provider. This may be used to aid in building the SAML request so that it does not need to be hard coded in your application.


The instant that the provider was added to the FusionAuth database.


The instant that the provider was updated in the FusionAuth database.


The name of the Identity Provider.


The OAuth2 Authorize endpoint. This may be used to as the redirect location to begin the authorize workflow so that it does not need to be hard coded in your application.


The OAuth2 Token endpoint. This may be used during your integration so that this URI does not need to be hard coded in your application.

Example Response JSON for an ExternalJWT or OpenID Connect IdP

  "identityProvider": {
    "applicationIds": [
    "id": "a4e78daa-33a6-4844-b081-7779af1f09a4",
    "name": "Acme Corp. ADFS OpenID Connect",
    "oauth2": {
      "authorization_endpoint": "",
      "token_endpoint": ""

Example Response JSON for a SAML v2 IdP

  "identityProvider": {
    "applicationIds": [
    "id": "d94f81eb-287b-466a-ac6a-fb29c83f598c",
    "idpEndpoint": "",
    "name": "Acme Corp. SAML v2 ADFS"