Java Example Apps

We’ve created a number of example applications. These are all licensed under Apache2 and are made available with no warranty. We happily accept pull requests to improve these applications.

You also may be interested in our quickstarts, which offer a quick way to get started adding login and other FusionAuth functionality to your application.

These typically use the java client libraries.

  • Java Android quickstart - Java Android quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Java Android mobile application and AppAuth
  • Java JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with the fusionauth-jwt library
  • Java Spring Boot API quickstart - Java Spring Boot API quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Java Spring Boot API
  • Java Spring Boot quickstart - Java Spring Boot quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Java Spring Boot application
  • Kotlin Android quickstart - Kotlin Android quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Kotlin Android mobile application
  • SCIM Client - An example SCIM client using FusionAuth as the SCIM server
  • User and application management - Using the FusionAuth Java client library to add and remove users and applications
  • Webhook Lambda Function - Stores FusionAuth webhook events to S3 using the CDK to manage infra