FusionAuth React SDK

This SDK manages authentication state for your React app and provides functionality to login, register, and logout users. It can be easily configured to automatically manage your refresh token and fetch user info.

Your users will be sent to FusionAuth’s themeable hosted login pages and then log in. After that, they are sent back to your React application.

Once authentication succeeds, the following secure, HTTP-only cookies will be set:

  • app.at - an OAuth Access Token

  • app.rt - a Refresh Token used to obtain a new app.at. This cookie will only be set if refresh tokens are enabled on your FusionAuth instance.

The access token can be presented to APIs to authorize the request and the refresh token can be used to get a new access token.

There are 2 ways to interact with this SDK:

  1. By hosting your own server that performs the OAuth token exchange and meets the server code requirements for FusionAuth Web SDKs.
  2. By using the server hosted on your FusionAuth instance, i.e., not writing your own server code.

If you are hosting your own server, see server code requirements.

You can use this library against any version of FusionAuth or any OIDC compliant identity server.

Getting Started



npm install @fusionauth/react-sdk


yarn add @fusionauth/react-sdk


Wrap your app with FusionAuthProvider.

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { FusionAuthProviderConfig, FusionAuthProvider } from '@fusionauth/react-sdk';

const config: FusionAuthProviderConfig = {
  clientId: "", // Your app's FusionAuth client id
  redirectUri: "", // The URI that the user is directed to after the login/register/logout action
  serverUrl: "", // The url of the server that performs the token exchange
  shouldAutoFetchUserInfo: true, // Automatically fetch userInfo when logged in. Defaults to false.
  shouldAutoRefresh: true, // Enables automatic token refresh. Defaults to false.
  onRedirect: (state?: string) => { }, // Optional callback invoked upon redirect back from login or register.

  <FusionAuthProvider {...config}>
    <App />

Configuration with NextJS

To configure the SDK with Next, install next-client-cookies and pass useCookies into the config object as nextCookieAdapter.

'use client'

import { useCookies } from 'next-client-cookies';

export default function Providers({ children }) {
  return (
    <FusionAuthProvider {...config} nextCookieAdapter={useCookies}>

Remember to wrap your layout in the <CookiesProvider/> from next-client-cookies/server.

Vercel has published a guide for rendering third party context providers in server components.



Once your app is wrapped in FusionAuthProvider, you can use useFusionAuth.

import { useFusionAuth } from '@fusionauth/react-sdk';

function MyComponent() {
  const {
  } = useFusionAuth()

  if (isFetchingUserInfo) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>

  if (!isLoggedIn) {
    return (
        <button onClick={startLogin}>Login</button>
        <button onClick={startRegister}>Register</button>

  if (userInfo?.given_name) {
    return <p>Welcome {userInfo.given_name}!</p>

Alternatively, you may interact with the SDK using the withFusionAuth higher-order component.

State Parameter

The startLogin and startRegister functions accept an optional string parameter: state. The value passed in will be passed to the onRedirect callback on your FusionAuthProviderConfig. Though you may pass any value you would like for the state parameter, it is often used to indicate which page the user was on before redirecting to login or registration, so that the user can be returned to that location after a successful authentication.

Protecting Content

The RequireAuth component can be used to protect information from unauthorized users. It takes an optional prop withRole that can be used to ensure the user has a specific role. If an array of roles is passed, the user must have at least one of the roles to be authorized. The Unauthenticated component provides the inverse functionality.

import { RequireAuth, useFusionAuth } from '@fusionauth/react-sdk';

const UserNameDisplay = () => {
  const { userInfo } = useFusionAuth();

  return (
        <p>User: {userInfo.given_name}</p> // Only displays if user is authenticated
        <p>Please log in to view this page</p>

const AdminPanel = () => (
  <RequireAuth withRole="admin">
    <button>Delete User</button> // Only displays if user is authenticated and has 'admin' role

UI Components

This SDK offers 3 pre-built UI components.

import {
} from '@fusionauth/react-sdk';

export const LoginPage = () => (
    <h1>Welcome, please log in or register</h1>
    <FusionAuthLoginButton />
    <FusionAuthRegisterButton />

export const AccountPage = () => (
    <h1>Hello, user!</h1>
    <FusionAuthLogoutButton />

Known Issues



See the FusionAuth React Quickstart for a full tutorial on using FusionAuth and React.


Full library documentation

These docs are generated with typedoc and configured with typedoc-plugin-markdown.

Usage With FusionAuth Cloud

When developing against a FusionAuth Cloud instance with a hostname ending in fusionauth.io, unless your application shares the same domain of fusionauth.io attempts to use these endpoints will fail with a 403 status code.

These endpoints do not work correctly for cross origin requests. Cross origin requests occur when the application making the request to FusionAuth is using a separate domain. For example, if your application URL is app.acme.com and the FusionAuth URL is acme.fusionauth.io requests from your application to FusionAuth will be considered cross origin.

If possible, have FusionAuth and your application served by the same domain, using a proxy if needed. For example, serve your app from app.acme.com and FusionAuth from auth.acme.com.

If this configuration is not possible, use one of these alternative methods:

Modifying FusionAuth CORS configuration options does not fix this issue because the cookies that FusionAuth writes will not be accessible cross domain.

Source Code

The source code is available here: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-javascript-sdk/tree/main/packages/sdk-react/

Upgrade Policy

Besides the releases made to keep track of the FusionAuth API as mentioned above, SDKs and Client Libraries may periodically receive updates with bug fixes, security patches, tests, code samples, or documentation changes.

These releases may also update dependencies, language engines, and operating systems, as we’ll follow the deprecation and sunsetting policies of the underlying technologies that the libraries use.

This means that after a language, framework, or operating system is deprecated by their own maintainer, our SDKs and Client Libraries that depend on it will also be deprecated by us, and will eventually be updated to use a newer version.