Python Example Apps

We’ve created a number of example applications. These are all licensed under Apache2 and are made available with no warranty. We happily accept pull requests to improve these applications.

You also may be interested in our quickstarts, which offer a quick way to get started adding login and other FusionAuth functionality to your application.

These typically use the python client libraries.

  • Anonymous user example - Create a shadow or anonymous user account before full registration
  • Flask profile portal - A user profile portal built with Flask
  • Python Django and Google sign-in - a Django web application with user registration and authentication via FusionAuth and Google
  • Python Django quickstart - Python Django quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Python Django application
  • Python Flask quickstart - Python Flask quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Python Flask application
  • python JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with the python python-jwt library
  • QR Code Example - An example Python/Flask application that uses an OAuth Device Code Grant workflow to log a user in and get them access and refresh tokens across devices.
  • Why Mocking Sucks - Firebase - Example repo for the Why mocking sucks post illustrating testing Firebase services with mocking vs with the Firebase emulator.
  • Why Mocking Sucks - FusionAuth - Example repo for the Why mocking sucks post illustrating testing FusionAuth with mocking vs with the development server.
  • Wifi Hotspot - Controlling a hotspot via FusionAuth