FusionAuth CLI

The FusionAuth command line interface (CLI) tool allows you to manipulate FusionAuth from the command line. The focus of the CLI is on allowing easy management of commonly modified customization code and markup, such as emails, themes or lambdas. It is not a full featured replacement for any of the client libraries, which wrap all of the API.


The CLI tool requires node. It’s tested with version 19 but should work with modern versions of node.


You can install this tool using npm.

npm i -g @fusionauth/cli


This tool allows you to easily retrieve and publish FusionAuth configurations from the command line.

This includes:

  • emails
  • lambdas
  • themes

The CLI is designed to work with complex version controlled configuration and includes support for localized content.


Currently, the CLI supports the following commands:

  • Emails
    • fusionauth email:download - Download a specific template or all email templates from a FusionAuth server.
    • fusionauth email:duplicate - Duplicate an email template locally.
    • fusionauth email:html-to-text - Convert HTML email templates to text, where the text template is missing.
    • fusionauth email:upload - Upload a specific template or all email templates to a FusionAuth server.
    • fusionauth email:watch - Watch the email template directory and upload changes to a FusionAuth server.
    • fusionauth email:create - Create a new email template locally.
  • Lambdas
    • fusionauth lambda:create - Upload a lambda to a FusionAuth server.
    • fusionauth lambda:delete - Delete a lambda from a FusionAuth server.
    • fusionauth lambda:retrieve - Download a lambda from a FusionAuth server.
  • Themes
    • fusionauth theme:download - Download a theme from a FusionAuth server.
    • fusionauth theme:upload - Upload a theme to a FusionAuth server.
    • fusionauth theme:watch - Watch a theme directory and upload changes to a FusionAuth server.


fusionauth theme:download -k <APIKEY> <themeid>

# modify your theme

fusionauth theme:upload -k <APIKEY> <themeid>

To learn more about the commands, use the --help switch.

fusionauth --help


To update to the most recent version, use npm update.

npm update -g @fusionauth/cli

Source Code

The FusionAuth CLI is open source and we welcome pull requests.

You can view the source code and the npm package.