Example Application Repos
We’ve created a number of example applications. These are all licensed under Apache2 and are made available with no warranty. We happily accept pull requests to improve these applications.
You also may be interested in our quickstarts, which offer a quick way to get started adding login and other FusionAuth functionality to your application.
- JavaScript Angular quickstart - JavaScript Angular quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a JavaScript Angular application
- Docker build scripts - Docker build scripts
- Docker Compose - Docker Compose examples, different ways to configure and run FusionAuth
- External application configuration - Community supported application configuration (for proxies, etc)
- Kickstart - Examples of Kickstart, a way to configure FusionAuth at startup
- Start Here Tutorial App - Use Terraform to deploy FusionAuth and its database.
- Terraform - Illustrates how to manage FusionAuth using Terraform
- Dart Flutter quickstart - Dart Flutter quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Dart Flutter mobile application
- Game with a cross-platform login experience - Example game which runs on both Windows and Android.
- Golang API quickstart - Golang API quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Golang API application
- Golang device grant - A golang client using the device grant
- Golang JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with the jwt-go library
- Golang JWT API Gateway - Protecting a microservice with a JWT middleware
- Golang quickstart - Golang quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Golang application
- Client libraries - Various examples using client libraries in different languages
- Salesforce - Sample code Registration Handler code for integrating FusionAuth with Salesforce
- Supabase - Fetching data from Supabase in a Next.js application
- Testing lambdas - Testing FusionAuth lambdas
- Java Android quickstart - Java Android quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Java Android mobile application and AppAuth
- Java JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with the fusionauth-jwt library
- Java Spring Boot API quickstart - Java Spring Boot API quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Java Spring Boot API
- Java Spring Boot quickstart - Java Spring Boot quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Java Spring Boot application
- Kotlin Android quickstart - Kotlin Android quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Kotlin Android mobile application
- SCIM Client - An example SCIM client using FusionAuth as the SCIM server
- User and application management - Using the FusionAuth Java client library to add and remove users and applications
- Webhook Lambda Function - Stores FusionAuth webhook events to S3 using the CDK to manage infra
- 5 minute guide - Code examples from the 5 minute guide
- AWS CloudFront redirect to URL - This example documents how to use a AWS CloudFront Function to redirect to country-specific URLs, such as a FusionAuth instance.
- Consents - Example using advanced registration forms and consents
- Deeplinking - Example returning users to the same page they logged in on
- Device grant - An example of the Device Authorization grant
- Family API - Demonstrates how to use the family API to grant access to restricted sections of a web app
- Family management - Family management and consent creation
- FusionAuth Centralized Sessions - Example of centralized sessions between two different custom applications
- FusionAuth SSO - Example of SSO between two different custom applications
- Gaming and device grant - Example using the Device Authorization grant to provide authentication to a game.
- Gatsby OAuth - An example of using Gatsby with the Authorization Code grant and PKCE
- Github Actions - This sample application demonstrates how to use a GitHub Action to run Playwright tests against a simple Node.js Express.js application that logs in with FusionAuth.
- JavaScript Express API quickstart - JavaScript Express quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a JavaScript Express API
- JavaScript Express quickstart - JavaScript Express quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a JavaScript Express application
- Javascript JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with javascript
- JavaScript NextJS quickstart - JavaScript NextJS quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a JavaScript NextJS application
- JavaScript Remix quickstart - JavaScript Remix quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a JavaScript Remix application
- JWT Auth and a Microservices gateway - API gateway and microservices secured using JWT auth
- Magic links login - Next.js app which uses magic links for authentication
- Microservices gateway - API gateway and microservices
- Modeling Organizations - Node.js Express sample application for the Modeling Organizations guide.
- Modern guide to OAuth - Code examples from the Modern Guide To OAuth
- Multi-Application Dashboard - Node.js Express sample applications for the Multi-Application Dashboard guide.
- Multi-tenant application - Two nodejs applications in different tenants, living in different domains.
- React Native quickstart - React Native quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a React Native mobile application
- Restrict Simultaneous Logins (Simple) - Demonstrates how to limit the number of devices a user can simultaneously log in from, asking them to sign out from an existing session in order to continue
- Restrict Simultaneous Logins (User-friendly) - Demonstrates how to limit the number of devices a user can simultaneously log in from, allowing them to sign out via interface from other sessions
- Start Here Tutorial App - An express/JavaScript application used for a walkthrough of a FusionAuth setup
- Twitter login - Node/express app which uses Twitter for authentication
- User actions example - Corresponds to the user actions guide tutorial
- WebAuthn - Helper code for WebAuthn ceremonies
- Webhooks - Example webhook listeners
- Azure bulk migration - Code for bulk migrating users from Azure AD B2C
- Azure slow migration - Code for slow migrating users from Azure AD B2C
- Cognito migration - Code for migrating users from Amazon Cognito using a connector
- Import scripts - Example import scripts to ease migration.
- Password encryptors - Example of custom password encryptors to help with user migration
- .NET API quickstart - .NET API quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a .NET API
- .NET quickstart - .NET quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a .NET application
- ASP.NET Core webapp - An ASP.NET Core 3.1 web application using FusionAuth as the identity server
- Example Windows Forms Application Using FusionAuth APIs - This application uses C# to call the FusionAuth APIs to create a user, delete a user, and add a user to a group in a Windows Form application.
- User management - Using the FusionAuth .NET client library to add and remove users and applications
- PHP Drupal quickstart - PHP Drupal quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a PHP Drupal application
- PHP JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with the PHP firebase-jwt library
- PHP Laravel API quickstart - PHP Laravel API quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a PHP Laravel API
- PHP Laravel quickstart - PHP Laravel quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a PHP Laravel application
- PHP multi-tenant - A Pied Piper multi-tenant video chat application
- PHP quickstart - PHP quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a PHP web application
- Symfony 5 webapp - An Symfony 5 webapp using FusionAuth as the identity server
- Updating a legacy PHP app using a connector - Updating a legacy PHP app to OAuth and migrating users
- Webhooks - Handling a breached password detection webhook with PHP
- Wordpress quickstart - Wordpress quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Wordpress application
- Anonymous user example - Create a shadow or anonymous user account before full registration
- Flask profile portal - A user profile portal built with Flask
- Python Django and Google sign-in - a Django web application with user registration and authentication via FusionAuth and Google
- Python Django quickstart - Python Django quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Python Django application
- Python Flask quickstart - Python Flask quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Python Flask application
- python JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with the python python-jwt library
- QR Code Example - An example Python/Flask application that uses an OAuth Device Code Grant workflow to log a user in and get them access and refresh tokens across devices.
- Why Mocking Sucks - Firebase - Example repo for the Why mocking sucks post illustrating testing Firebase services with mocking vs with the Firebase emulator.
- Why Mocking Sucks - FusionAuth - Example repo for the Why mocking sucks post illustrating testing FusionAuth with mocking vs with the development server.
- Wifi Hotspot - Controlling a hotspot via FusionAuth
- FusionDesk (React SDK) - React/express app illustrating the use of the React SDK and Hosted OAuth Service Provider Endpoints
- JavaScript React quickstart - JavaScript React quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a JavaScript React application
- Ebook application - Example Rails app which lets you download ebooks
- Lob integration - Example Rails app which lets send a letter to someone's address to verify they live there
- Ruby JWT - JWT creation and decoding examples with the Ruby jwt gem
- Ruby on Rails API quickstart - Ruby on Rails API quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Ruby on Rails API
- Ruby on Rails quickstart - Ruby on Rails quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Ruby on Rails application
- Ruby on Rails with Custom Scopes - This example application shows how to implement Custom Scopes with FusionAuth.
- Ruby tenant creation - Creating new tenants in Ruby
- Rust Actix quickstart - Rust quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Rust application using Actix Web
- Elasticsearch user search - Walking through how to use FusionAuth's Elasticsearch search capabilities to find users
- Example scripts - Useful scripts to interact with FusionAuth
- Swift iOS AppAuth quickstart - Swift iOS quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Swift iOS mobile application with AppAuth
- Swift iOS quickstart - Swift iOS quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a Swift iOS mobile application
- Tailwind Theme - Tailwind + DaisyUI Theming
- Theme CSS - Changebank theme CSS stylesheet
- Theme Helper - Theme management helper scripts
- Theme Kickstart - Theming example using Kickstart
- JavaScript Vue quickstart - JavaScript Vue quickstart tutorial showing how to integrate FusionAuth with a JavaScript Vue application