
Biometric Authentication

Enhance user experience and security with device-native biometric authentication powered by WebAuthn.

fusionauth biometric authentication

WebAuthn Made Easy

WebAuthn is the W3C and Fido Alliance standard that allows desktop and mobile browsers to authenticate users with built-in device biometrics.

fusionauth biometric authentication made easy


WebAuthn biometrics offer a stronger, more user-friendly authentication solution. By leveraging device-native features like fingerprint or facial recognition, WebAuthn eliminates the need for complex passwords and provides robust protection against malicious threats like phishing and account takeover.

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fusionauth biometric security
fusionauth other login options touch ID, usb security, other devices

User Experience

Password reset processes often frustrate users with complex verification steps. WebAuthn biometrics offer a streamlined, secure alternative by enabling authentication through facial or fingerprint recognition.

Device Native Authentication

FusionAuth prompts the user to log in with the same device-native authentication that they use to unlock their devices. And if device biometrics aren't available, you can fall back to other passwordless options like magic links.

fusionauth device native authentication