FusionAuth Reactor logo

This feature is only available in paid plans. Please visit our pricing page to learn more.

Available since 1.28.0.


This section will cover how to add a Login with Sony PlayStation Network button to FusionAuth. Below is an example login page with the Sony PlayStation Network Identity Provider enabled.

Once you have completed this configuration you will be able to enable the Sony PlayStation Network login button for one or more FusionAuth Applications. Below is an example login page with the Sony PlayStation Network Identity Provider enabled.

Sony PlayStation Network Login

Here's a diagram of the login flow between:

  • the user
  • your application
  • FusionAuth and
  • a remote identity provider such as Sony PlayStation Network
User/BrowserAppFusionAuthSony PlayStationNetworkUser Is Logged In And App Can ProceedDelivering Data And FunctionalityView Initial PageClick LoginRedirect To FusionAuth Authorization URLRequest Login PageReturn Login PageClicks On 'Login With Sony PlayStation Network'Redirect To Identity Provider Authorization URLEnter CredentialsValidate CredentialsRedirect To FusionAuth With Sony PlayStation Network Authorization CodeRequests Page, Has Sony PlayStation Network Authorization CodeExchange Authorization Code ForSony PlayStation Network TokenReturns Sony PlayStationNetwork TokenStores SonyPlayStation NetworkToken, Calls Lambda,Creates User AndRegistrations (IfNeeded), GeneratesFusionAuth TokensRedirect To Redirect URI With FusionAuth Authorization CodeRequest Redirect URI, Has FusionAuthAuthorization CodeRequest FusionAuth TokensReturn FusionAuth TokensCreate Session OrOtherwise Log User InUser/BrowserAppFusionAuthSony PlayStationNetwork

Logging In Using Sony PlayStation Network

Although this looks complex, the user only sees a few screens, such as the FusionAuth login screen, the Sony PlayStation Network login screen, and your application.

Create a Sony PlayStation Network Account

Follow instructions for obtaining a Client id and Client secret from the Sony PlayStation Network documentation.

Create a Sony PlayStation Network Identity Provider

To enable this identity provider for an application, find your application name in the Applications configuration section at the bottom of this panel. You will always see the FusionAuth application, this application represents the FusionAuth administrative user interface. If you wish to be able to log into FusionAuth with this provider, you may enable this application.

In the following screenshot you will see that we have enabled this login provider for the Pied Piper application and enabled Create registration. Enabling create registration means that a user does not need to be manually registered for the application prior to using this login provider.

For example, when a new user attempts to log into Pied Piper using Sony PlayStation Network, if their user does not exist in FusionAuth it will be created dynamically, and if the Create registration toggle has been enabled, the user will also be registered for Pied Piper and assigned any default roles assigned by the application.

If you do not wish to automatically provision a user for this application when logging in with Sony PlayStation Network, leave Create registration off. You will need to manually register a user for this application before they may Sign in with Sony PlayStation Network.

That's it, now the Sign in with Sony PlayStation Network button will show up on the login page for the Pied Piper application.

Sony PlayStation Network Home

Form Fields

Client Idrequired
The unique client identifier obtained from Sony PlayStation Network. See Sony PlayStation Network - Getting Started.
Client secretrequired
The client secret obtained from Sony PlayStation Network and used to authenticate the request. See Sony PlayStation Network - Getting Started.
Button text
The text to be displayed in the button on the login form. This value is defaulted to Login with Sony PlayStation Network but it may be modified to your preference.
Linking strategyDefaults to Create a pending link
The linking strategy for the Sony PlayStation Network provider. See Linking Strategies for more.
Reconcile lambda
A lambda maps custom claims returned from Sony PlayStation Network to the FusionAuth User or Registration. To create or configure a lambda, navigate to Customizations -> Lambdas. See the lambda documentation for more.
Debug enabledDefaults to false
Enable debug to create event log entries during the user login process. This will assist you in debugging integration issues.

Building Your Own Integration

If you are building your own login experience, you'll want to start the identity provider flow yourself and then complete the login.

You might do this if you are using the Login API rather than using the hosted FusionAuth login pages. Here's a diagram illustrating this login flow.

User/BrowserAppFusionAuthSony PlayStationNetworkUser Is Logged In And App Can ProceedDelivering Data And FunctionalityView Initial PageClick LoginDisplays Login PageIncluding Link To 'Login With Sony PlayStation Network'Clicks On 'Login With Sony PlayStation Network'Redirect To Sony PlayStation Network Authorization URLEnters CredentialsValidate CredentialsRedirect to App With Authorization CodeRequests Page, Has Authorization CodeCalls Complete LoginWith Code And Redirect URIExchanges Code AndRedirect URI For Sony PlayStation Network TokenReturns Sony PlayStation Network TokenStores SonyPlayStation NetworkToken, Calls Lambda,Creates User AndRegistrations (IfNeeded), GeneratesFusionAuth TokensReturn FusionAuth TokensCreate Session OrOtherwise Log User InUser/BrowserAppFusionAuthSony PlayStationNetwork

An Integration With The Sony PlayStation Network Identity Provider Using The API

Completing the login is documented further in the API.

If you require a refresh token after completing the login, ensure Enable JWT Refresh is true in the application configuration. This is found in the administrative user interface by navigating to Applications -> Your Application -> Security -> Login API settings.