This feature is only available in paid plans. Please visit our pricing page to learn more.
Available since 1.26.0
Not able to get your account management page up and running? Below are common issues and how to fix them.
Not Registered
Please note, if you are not registered for an application, you will not be able to manage your account information from these self service account management.
From the admin UI click on Users -> Manage -> Registrations Tab -> Add registration -> Add User. Another option is to be programmatically added to the application through an API call.

Registered But Configuration Needed
If you see this, you have to select a form to use.

To set a self service form, click under Applications-> Edit Application -> Registration

Select the form you would like to use. A default form is shipped with FusionAuth.
Trapped In The Login Screen
If the user unchecks the Remember me checkbox, or if the checkbox is hidden and defaults to false
, the user will not be able to view account management pages. Instead, the user will be continuously asked to log in, and no longer how many times they do so, they will never arrive at the self-service account management pages.
This is because these pages use the SSO session managed by FusionAuth. If the user opts out of the SSO session by unchecking Remember me , the SSO session is disabled, and these pages are no longer available.
There is a discussion in GitHub Issue 1546 on modifying the implementation of the self-service account management pages to remove dependency on the SSO session, which would remove the requirement for users to check Remember me on the login screen.